Local health departments (LHDs) are on the frontlines of the COVID-19 pandemic. NACCHO is working to support the ever-increasing role of local public health in the COVID-19 response, in part by sharing information between federal, national, state, and local partners.
To support local health department HIV, STI, and viral hepatitis programs, NACCHO is updating this page with the latest news, resources, and opportunities regarding the intersection of COVID-19 and HIV, STIs, and viral hepatitis. Stay up-to-date by signing up for NACCHO’s HIV, STI and Hepatitis Digest e-newsletter, including weekly editions of the COVID-19 Digest for HIV, STI, & Hepatitis Programs.
Digest Resources
Additional Resource Libraries
- NASTAD – COVID-19 Updates and Resources
- NCSD – COVID-19 Command Center for STD Programs.