NACCHO News and Announcements
New: Medicare Part B Now Covers PrEP
Centers for Medicare and Medicaid (CMS) announced this week that Medicare will begin covering all forms of HIV pre-exposure prophylaxis (PrEP) approved by the Federal Drug Administration (FDA) without cost-sharing. While this announcement is an important step forward in expanding PrEP access, clients previously covered under Medicare Part D may need support in accessing their medications as not all pharmacists currently bill under Medicare Part B. Learn about the coverage determination and how health departments can support their clients, provider networks, and pharmacy partners on NACCHO’s blog.
See also: Key Messages for PrEP Users, Prescribers, and Pharmacists: Medicare PrEP Coverage Transition
Introducing the SNAP ETAP Initiative
The Status Neutral Approach to Improve HIV Prevention and Health Outcomes for Racial and Ethnic Minorities initiative team presented at both the NACCHO360 Conference and the National Ryan White Conference.The Initiative, funded by the Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA) HIV/AIDS Bureau (HAB) through the Secretary’s Minority HIV/AIDS Fund (MHAF), aims to advance the development, implementation, evaluation, and dissemination of whole-person approaches to reduce disparities, prevent new HIV diagnoses, and improve health outcomes for communities disproportionately affected by HIV and related syndemics. Whole-person approaches to HIV prevention and care emphasize comprehensive and high-quality care to engage and retain people in services.
To learn more, check out the introductory blog here and the follow up blog here.
Webinar Recording: Evaluating the Distribution of Smoking Supplies as a Harm Reduction Strategy
In case you missed NACCHO’s “Evaluating the Distribution of Smoking Supplies as a Harm Reduction Strategy” webinar, you can find the recording and slides here.
From Advertisements to Advancements: A Webinar on Syphilis Media Campaigns
Want to increase syphilis awareness in your community? Don’t know how to get people’s attention? This webinar is for you! NACCHO will be hosting a webinar on Wednesday, October 16th from 2-3 pm EST to highlight 3 syphilis media campaigns that were run by local health departments in their communities. Presenters from New Orleans, Black Hawk County, and Lubbock will be sharing their best tips and tricks for using media platforms and community engagement to connect people with syphilis resources.
Register here:
HIV Is Not a Crime: A Discussion on Legal, Policy, Health & Equity Considerations Related to HIV Criminalization
Oct 30, 2024 12:00 PM EST
After more than 40 years of HIV research and significant biomedical advancements to treat and prevent HIV, most HIV criminalization laws do not reflect current scientific and medical evidence. These laws are unjust, increase stigma, exacerbate disparities, lead to inequities, and may discourage HIV testing. Under existing laws in most states, the behavior of people with HIV can be criminalized for potentially exposing others to HIV. Actual transmission or intent to transmit HIV is not usually required.
Current scientific and medical evidence should inform state laws and practices that criminalize actions by people with HIV. States should consider updating or repealing outdated laws and practices. Moreover, HIV data, including surveillance data, should be strongly protected against non-public health uses. When laws that are meant to protect the public are not working as intended, are unjust, or may be hurting efforts to keep communities healthy, common solutions must be found to better meet public health and public safety goals.
Join NACCHO, CDC/DHP, and the Center for HIV Law and Policy (CHLP) for a conversation about the legal, policy, and equity repercussions of HIV criminalization and the role of health departments in addressing and protecting communities from harms enacted by these statutes.
Register here.
DIS Recognition Day is October 4th!
It’s almost DIS Recognition Day and we cannot wait to celebrate the amazing work that DIS do every single day. Be on the lookout for a special newsletter on the 4th with fun resources, a video from a few DIS, and a social media challenge!
HIV, STI, Hepatitis & Harm Reduction Resources and News
Doxy PEP Information from the CDC
The CDC has released a new webpage with information on utilizing doxy PEP for prevention of bacterial STIs. The webpage includes dosing information, tips for managing side effects, outstanding questions, further resources, and more. Check It Out.
2023 Youth Risk Behavior Survey Results and Tools Released
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention announces the release of the 2023 Youth Risk Behavior Survey (YRBS) results! The data and documentation from the national survey are available plus updated web applications—YRBS Explorer and the YRBS Analysis Tool. Did you know there are important “firsts” in the 2023 national YRBS data? The 2023 YRBS included a question asking students whether they identify as transgender, questioning, or cisgender. Additionally, the survey includes new measures related to frequent social media use, unfair discipline at school, and experiences of racism in school. This is also the first time a supplemental sample of American Indian/Alaska Native students have been included. Explore the latest data using YRBS Explorer and the YRBS Analysis Tool!
About YRBS
The Youth Risk Behavior Survey is a vital tool for monitoring U.S. high school students’ health and risk behaviors. The surveys are administered every other year and track behaviors and experiences that can contribute to significant health issues, including:
- Sexual behaviors
- Obesity
- Substance use
- Experiences of violence
- Mental health
- Social media use
Visit the YRBS website and the results toolkit for more information about the 2023 survey.
NEW STI/HIV Training Modules for Providers Outside the Clinic
Per the STI National Strategic Plan (2021-2025), healthcare providers outside of traditional STI care settings are integral in supporting ongoing scale-up of screening and linkage to care. This includes pharmacists and providers in settings such as College Health, Retail Health/Urgent Care, and Tribal Health settings. To support these providers, NACCHO has worked with the National Network of STD Clinical Prevention Training Centers (NNPTC) to develop a series of six 30-minute educational modules. The series covers high-yield topics tailored for each provider audience including approaching sexual health discussions with patients; creating an environment of equitable care; basics of STI/HIV diagnosis, treatment, and prevention; and collaboration with public health around STI/HIV care. CE (CME, AAPA CME, CNE, CECH, CPE, CEU) is available. Access the modules through the NNPTC site here:
CDC Health Alert Network (HAN) Health Update
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) recently issued a Health Alert Network (HAN) Health Update to provide additional information about the ongoing outbreak of clade I monkeypox virus (MPXV), the virus that causes mpox, in Central and Eastern Africa. To learn about recommendations for clinicians and public health practitioners, recommendations for travelers, and more, please visit here.
One Year of Action: HHS’s Efforts to Flatten the Curve of the Syphilis Surge
In the year since the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) established the National Syphilis and Congenital Syphilis Syndemic Federal Task Force in September 2023, the cross-agency effort is working to reduce the cases of syphilis and congenital syphilis through a variety of efforts. The Task Force includes participants from HHS agencies and offices, including the Indian Health Service (IHS), Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA), National Institutes of Health (NIH), and Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA), as well as the Department of Agriculture, Department of Justice, Department of Veterans Affairs, and the White House’s Office of National Drug Control Policy and Office of National AIDS Policy.
Continue reading here.
News to Note
Role of HIV self-testing in strengthening HIV prevention services – Science Direct
LDH launches congenital syphilis prevention pilot to increase screening opportunities during pregnancy – Louisiana Department of Health
New self-swab HPV test is an alternative to Pap smears. Here’s how it works. – Live Science