The first webinar in NACCHO’s 2020 Monthly Health in All Policies (HiAP) Webinar Series was held on Tuesday, Jan. 28 and featured two speakers who have conducted analyses of HiAP at the state and federal level.
The first speaker, Max Gakh, Assistant Professor from the School of Public Health at the University of Nevada Las Vegas, presented on his recently published research titled “Made to Order: Using Gubernatorial Executive Orders to Promote Health in All Policies.” This research focuses on the utility of state-level HiAP executive orders and the impact they have on HiAP efforts.
The second speaker, Tyler Barton, a research analyst from the Bipartisan Policy Center, presented on the findings from a recently published study titled “Health in All Polices: Exploring the Role of Three Federal Departments in Influencing Health.” The report examines the role of the policy of the Departments of Education, Treasury, and Labor in influencing health outcomes.
Sign up for future webinars here.