Are staff in your local health department experiencing high rates of burnout? Is their mental health declining in the prolonged stressful environment of working through the COVID pandemic and beyond? Join NACCHO for a webinar series to learn about how to address these growing concerns and apply practical strategies to increase joy in the workplace. In these two webinars, NACCHO will present the Joy in Work Toolkit, an adapted version of the Institute for Healthcare Improvement (IHI) Framework for Improving Joy in Work, modified to meet the needs of local governmental public health workforce organizations.
Increasing Joy In Work in Local Public Health: In the first webinar on January 26, 2023, 2:00 – 3:30 pm EST, NACCHO will help you to better understand barriers to joy in work that lead to high rates of staff turnover and burnout and co-create strategies to address them through the Joy In Work Toolkit. REGISTER HERE:
Having Conversations That Matter in Local Public Health: In the second webinar on February 28. 2023, 2:00 – 3:30 pm EST, NACCHO will help you to explore a conversation framework that opens dialogue to identify barriers and subsequently promote joy in work. Conversations That Matter have the power to change the way that we work with each other and provide real strategies for increasing staff wellbeing. REGISTER HERE: