Environmental health disparities are the result of current and historic systemic exclusion, disenfranchisement and disinvestment of specific communities and individuals in the U.S. If environmental and public health organizations and leaders want to provide effective environmental health services, they must take action towards health equity, using a comprehensive social justice paradigm, both internally and externally.
Ahead of National Public Health Week, a new brief from APHA’s Environmental Health and Equity Collaborative, Achieving Environmental Health Equity: The Need and Opportunities for Public Health Action, provides background, examples, data and actionable steps environmental public health leaders and their organizations can take to move towards health equity. Actions are organized by the CDC’s 10 Essential Public Health Services and include a poster and summary version for easy reference. Learn more at https://apha.org/ehec and read and share the information using the following links:
- Read the full brief
- Read the summary of opportunities for action
- View a poster version