NACCHO, with support from CDC’s Division of Reproductive Health (DRH), is pleased to offer a new opportunity designed to cross-train maternal and child health (MCH) and emergency preparedness and response (EPR) professionals at LHDs on integrating MCH considerations into emergency planning. NACCHO will establish a Virtual Learning Collaborative (VLC) comprised of MCH and EPR staff that aims to increase the capacity of LHDs to prioritize MCH populations in emergency preparedness, response, recovery, and mitigation efforts at the local level through interactive training modules.
This project will involve identifying and planning for improvements in MCH/EPR collaboration and incorporation of MCH considerations in emergency planning at LHDs, thereby improving public health response. NACCHO will work with the VLC to help address the gaps identified and exacerbated by all-hazards events through training, technical assistance, and resources to increase knowledge of MCH priorities among EPR personnel and train MCH personnel to engage in preparedness activities.
The VLC will comprise staff representing both MCH and EPR departments at LHDs. We are requesting one MCH and one EPR staff member from each LHD to participate in and complete the full training series together to ensure successful collaboration and equitable cross-training efforts. Please complete one application per LHD. Each application should include information for both the MCH staff member and the EPR staff member. We encourage applications from LHDs that focus on health equity and serve historically underrepresented populations.
Time Commitment
Participation in this learning collaborative will include:
- Completion of a pre-assessment to identify current capacity and areas for growth.
- Individual and group technical assistance sessions with the goal of reviewing current efforts and identifying concrete action items.
- Participation in approximately three virtual training modules and three accompanying interactive case study exercises based on federal MCH/EPR guidance and toolkits. Please note: this VLC functions based on peer-to-peer conversation and interactive activities. Participants should come to the trainings prepared to share with one another and have interactive discussions in real time.
- We anticipate up to two sessions of approximately 2-hours each per month, plus a few hours of technical assistance and office hours based on LHD need over the course of the project period.
- Mandatory travel and attendance at a full-day tabletop exercise (TTX). The TTX is expected to be held in-person at the 2025 NACCHO360 Conference, July 14-18, 2025 in Anaheim, California. Travel expenses will be covered by NACCHO.
- NACCHO will over the cost of conference registration, lodging, and flights for each participant upfront. Participants will be expected to initially pay for their own per diem, ground transportation, parking, car mileage, and baggage costs at the time of travel, and will be reimbursed by NACCHO for these expenses upon returning from NACCHO360. Each traveler will submit a travel expense form to NACCHO for personal reimbursement of these costs.
- Evaluation efforts as requested.
The Virtual Learning Collaborative will begin in January 2025 and go through July 2025. Selected applicants will be notified of acceptance via email in early January 2025 and will be asked to confirm participation. The kick-off call will take place in late January or early February 2025, and the virtual trainings and technical assistance sessions will be spread out over the course of a 6-month period, from February 2025 to early July 2025.
We are planning to offer VLC members the opportunity to receive Continuing Education (CE) for the completion of the training modules and case study exercises. Continuing education for this activity is pending. Prospective applicants are encouraged to apply if they are able to meet the above outlined expectations and requirements of participation in the VLC.
Apply Today!
If you are interested in joining the Virtual Learning Collaborative, please complete this recruitment form by Monday, December 16, 2024 at 11:59 PM PST to apply. To preview the application questions, click here.
Please note: This form does not commit you, nor does it guarantee your participation. Applicants that are selected to join this year’s cohort will receive an email of selection confirming intent to participate. Having previously applied to the VLC does not disqualify your LHD - those that have applied to former cohorts of the VLC are encouraged to apply again.
For any questions, please email Elana Filipos at [email protected].