NACCHO recently hosted a webinar about the experiences of two local health departments – Florida Department of Health in Pinellas County and Metro Public Health Department of Nashville/Davidson County – in engaging with school districts and other key community stakeholders through a year-long action planning process to implement school-based HIV and STD prevention programs.
Through a cooperative agreement with the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s (CDC’s) Division of Adolescent and School Health, NACCHO funded four local health departments to increase their capacity to work in partnership with local education agencies to implement school-based approaches for HIV and STD prevention: health education, health services, and safe and supportive environments. The webinar shared results from two jurisdictions and recommendations for public health agencies to partner with schools to implement adolescent sexual health initiatives. Presentation topics included youth-engagement, increasing school-based health clinic STI testing, and messaging to improve stakeholder engagement.
View the webinar recording and download the presentation slides to learn more.