One Year Later COVID Pr EP Impact

One Year Later: COVID-19’s Impact on PrEP/PEP and Sexual Health Services

Apr 29, 2021 | Julia Zigman

A new report from NCSD, in collaboration with NASTAD, examines the impact COVID-19 has had on PrEP/PEP and sexual health services, particularly in the South.

Read the executive summary from NCSD below and access the full report here.

Executive Summary

The United States has been in a state of emergency concerning the COVID-19 global pandemic since March 2020. With the country responding to the pandemic for over a year, the National Coalition of STD Directors (NCSD), in collaboration with NASTAD, examines the impact COVID-19 has had on PrEP/PEP and sexual health services, particularly in the South.

Throughout the nation’s response to the pandemic, sexual health programs were uniquely impacted.

  • Much of the sexual health workforce was pulled into COVID-19 detail, causing significant service disruptions.
  • Sexual health programs implemented harm reduction practices to mitigate COVID-19 risks when serving clients.
  • PrEP and PEP programs were impacted across the care continuum, from awareness to adherence. Jurisdictions are tasked with ending an epidemic during a pandemic. Ending the HIV Epidemic: A Plan for America (EHE) goals may be affected due to the challenges COVID-19 has had on the health care system.

As jurisdictions continue addressing both the HIV epidemic and the COVID-19 pandemic, the following recommendations can improve PrEP/ PEP access during this time.

  • TelePrEP programs can significantly increase PrEP access during COVID-19 and beyond. Many jurisdictions are working to implement telePrEP programs to assist with client’s PrEP maintenance, and initiation to PrEP.
  • HIV/ STD self-testing programs can help individuals complete their routine PrEP screenings, reducing
    barriers for clients.

Read the full report: One Year Later: COVID-19’s Impact on PrEP/PEP and Sexual Health Services

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About Julia Zigman

Pronouns: she/her

Julia Zigman is a Program Analyst on the NACCHO HIV, STI, & Viral Hepatitis team. Julia focuses primarily on NACCHO’s Ending the HIV Epidemic portfolio and is a lead staff member for the HIV, STI, and Viral Hepatitis Workgroup. Learn more about these programs here.

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