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Prioritizing STI, HIV, and Viral Hepatitis Services During COVID-19 Response

May 19, 2020 | Rebekah Horowitz

As health departments pivot to work on COVID-19 response, there is a need to consider how to prioritize the work that is traditionally done within the more limited time that can be devoted to it. This document is intended to consolidate multiple guidance documents into one place which health departments can further modify for their individual setting and staffing during this time.

At this time, CDC has provided guidance (as of May 19) for handling non-COVID-19 public health activities that require face-to-face interaction based on the level of COVID-19 transmission in the jurisdiction. CDC has also published guidance for how to provide STI testing and treatment during the response. For updates on this guidance, be sure to check the previous links.

Many state and local health departments have also created resources that lay out this prioritization for their jurisdictions.

  1. Denver: Interim STD Treatment Recommendations for Symptomatic Patients
  2. New York City: Expedited Partner Therapy Guidance
  3. Seattle-King County: Guidance for Sexual Health Clinics on Decreasing In-Person Visits
  4. San Francisco City Clinic (San Francisco Department of Health: Protocol for Telemedicine Screening During COVID-19 Pandemic and Sexual Health Tips for COVID-19
  5. Texas: Guidance and Priorities for DIS During COVID-19 and Interim Guidance for HIV/STD Public Health Follow-Up Staff (PHFU) Operating Under COVID-19 Outbreak Conditions
  6. Washington State: Balancing Agency Priorities During Emergency Response
  7. Kansas: Prioritizing STI/HIV Investigative Activities During COVID-19 Outbreak Response
  8. Pennsylvania: Guidance on Protocols for TB, STD, and HIV Testing and Treatment Services
  9. Florida: Interim Program Guidance for Area STD Programs During COVID-19 Response
  10. California: Interim STD Treatment Recommendations During
    COVID-19 for Symptomatic Patients
  11. District of Columbia: COVID-19 and Telemedicine Protocol
  12. NYC Health: Safer Sex and COVID-19 Guidance
  13. Texas Department of State Health Services (TB/HIV/STD Section): Interim guidance on home self-collection and testing kits
  14. Chicago STD Program: DIS Matrix

For your ease of reference, NACCHO has created an easily modifiable document, Guidance for Fieldwork to Address Local Health Department Priorities During Emergency Response, which consolidates the guidance created by state and local jurisdictions and can be used as the basis for your own local guidance.

We will continue updating this webpage with additional guidance and resources as they become available, so consider bookmarking this page for future reference.

About Rebekah Horowitz

More posts by Rebekah Horowitz

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