Local health departments (LHDs) are on the frontlines of the COVID-19 pandemic. LHD HIV, STI, and viral hepatitis (HSH) programs are being called upon to contribute their clinical, epidemiological, disease investigation, and outreach and education expertise to COVID-19 response efforts. To protect their clients and communities, LHD HSH programs are adapting to this new reality, finding ways to enhance COVID-19 control efforts and continue offering HSH services, all while implementing social distancing and other best practices.
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Share Your Story
To maintain situational awareness of the impact of COVID-19 on LHD HIV, STI, and viral hepatitis programs, NACCHO is collecting information on an ongoing basis. Please contact Kat Kelley ([email protected]) to share how the pandemic has impacted your health department’s HIV, STI, hepatitis, or harm reduction programs. NACCHO is also seeking feedback on whether and how LHDs are implementing at-home testing for HIV and other STIs. NACCHO may consider additional data and information gathering activities as the pandemic progresses.
NACCHO is also developing resources for HSH programs and compiling relevant tools from federal, state, and local public health agencies. This blog will be updated as new resources become available:
- LHD HIV, STI, and Hepatitis Programs Respond and Adapt to COVID-19: Blog highlighting the impact of COVID-19 on LHD HSH programs and strategies for maintaining HSH services during the pandemic.
- Federal Guidance: Maintaining HIV, STI, Hepatitis, and Harm Reduction Services During COVID-19: Compilation of guidance and related resources from federal agencies for HIV, STI, and hepatitis programs and providers.
- Prioritizing STI, HIV, and Viral Hepatitis Services During COVID-19 Response: Compilation of tools developed by federal, state, and local public health agencies to support the prioritization of HSH services during COVID-19.
- Changes in Access to HIV, STI, & Hepatitis Services During the COVID-19 Pandemic: Blog highlighting new and emerging research on the impact of COVID-19 on access to HSH services—within and beyond LHDs.
For more information, check out NACCHO’s HIV, STI, and Viral Hepatitis Program and NACCHO’s COVID-19 response efforts.