NACCHO is seeking consultants to develop and facilitate one or more workshop sessions of a Leadership & Coaching Series for mentor local health departments participating in NACCHO’s Reducing Overdose through Community Approaches (ROCA) Mentorship Program.
As part of the program, mentor LHDs will participate in monthly Leadership & Coaching workshops with their fellow mentors to work on strengthening their mentoring, facilitation, and leadership skills. The ROCA Mentorship Program: Leadership & Coaching consultant(s) will develop and facilitate up to five (5) of these workshop sessions between May 2023 and January 2024.
Please see application requirements and full details of the project in the Requests for Proposals.
Proposals should be submitted electronically, in pdf format, via e-mail to:
Caroline Snyder , Director, Injury & Violence Prevention , at[email protected]
The deadline for submission is Friday, January 6, 2023, at 11:59pm EST. Please feel free to share the RFP with your colleagues and networks who may be interested in the opportunities.