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Sepsis Alliance: "Take the TIME to save lives" this Sepsis Awareness Month

Sep 13, 2021 | Kimberly Nalley

The Sepsis Alliance was founded in 2007, by Dr. Carl Flatley, whose daughter Erin died unnecessarily of sepsis when she was 23 years old. Sepsis Alliance was created to raise sepsis awareness among both the general public and healthcare professionals. Sepsis awareness can and does save lives, yet only 71% of American adults have ever heard the word. Sepsis Alliance gives a voice to the millions of people who have been touched by sepsis – to the survivors, and the friends and family members of those who have survived or who have died. Survivors and those left behind often feel as if they are alone.

In 2011, the Sepsis Alliance designated September as Sepsis Awareness Month. Every September since, the Sepsis Alliance has invited individuals, healthcare professionals in every area of medicine, and organizations big and small to help save lives by raising awareness of the leading cause of deaths in U.S. hospitals – SEPSIS. Sepsis is the body’s life-threatening response to infection that affects 1.7 million people and takes 270,000 lives in the U.S. every year.

This Sepsis Awareness Month, take the TIME to help save lives. Learn more and find resources to share with your community below:

Healthcare Provider & Community Leader Toolkit

Click below to download the Sepsis Awareness Month toolkit with all the tools healthcare providers and community leaders need to raise sepsis awareness in their community!

Sepsis Awareness Month 2021 Healthcare Provider & Community Leader Toolkit

50 for Sepsis Awareness

This September, you can help get Sepsis Awareness Month proclaimed in all 50 states by contacting your governor. Download the toolkit above for more information.

Make #SAM2021 Go Viral

Help spread Sepsis Awareness Month across social media by sharing the below images and text on your social media! Remember to tag @SepsisAlliance and use the hashtags #SepsisAwarenessMonth and #SAM2021.

Use the below social media compatible images and suggested captions to share critical information.

SAM Social

September is #SepsisAwarenessMonth. Sadly, in the 20 seconds it takes you to read this post, another person in the United States will be diagnosed with sepsis. For those 1.7 million people each year, rapid recognition and treatment are crucial to their survival. @SepsisAlliance is asking everyone to take the TIME to save a life. Learn more at www.SepsisAwarenessMonth.org. #SAM2021

Know the signs seniors 1

Older adults, especially those who are over 65 years old, are particularly susceptible to sepsis. This #SepsisAwarenessMonth, help @SepsisAlliance save lives and raise awareness of the leading cause of death in U.S. hospitals. Take the TIME to learn the signs. You could save a life. Learn more at www.SepsisAwarenessMonth.org. #SAM2021

Know the signs pediatric

Sepsis doesn’t only affect adults – it can have devastating consequences for children too. Each year, approximately 75,000 children develop sepsis in the United States alone. That’s more than 200 children per day. This #SepsisAwarenessMonth, will you take the TIME to learn the signs of sepsis? You could save a child. Learn more at www.SepsisAwarenessMonth.org. #SAM2021

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Sepsis is a medical emergency and its symptoms must be treated rapidly to reduce the risk of death. In honor of #SepsisAwarenessMonth, @SepsisAlliance is encouraging everyone to learn the signs of sepsis. As many as 80% of sepsis deaths could be prevented with early detection and treatment. Take the time to learn the signs. You could save a life. Learn more at www.SepsisAwarenessMonth.org. #SAM2021

About Kimberly Nalley

More posts by Kimberly Nalley

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