The Praxis Project has launched the ‘Centering Community in Public Health’ initiative. Over the past three years, Praxis held Learning Circles with over 100 community-based organizations to collectively tackle the challenges of advancing health justice and racial equity and to identify critical elements of authentic engagement. Basebuilding community organizers employ best practices for engaging the most affected communities to address policies, practices, systems and environments that affirm their right to health justice. Their collective insights have informed the learnings in Centering Community in Public Health (CCPH) training/technical assistance.
The 2020 Learning Circle brief series will summarize the vast knowledge and wisdom of over 100 community organizers in Praxis’ network. Each of the nine briefs will dive deep into a key issue that connects grassroots community organizers and public health, philanthropy, and allied professions. Collaboration and shared knowledge are assets to advancing health justice and racial equity; we believe these reports will contribute to our mutual understanding of health equity. The first brief in the series will highlight Praxis’ core set of principles for how to operate authentically and in partnership with community. The brief will be released on Wednesday, March 25th during a webinar, The Praxis Project’s Working Principles for Health Justice & Racial Equity. Register to participate.
Praxis’ Centering Community in Public Health trainings are designed to equip professionals in public health, philanthropy, and allied fields with knowledge, skills, and tools from grassroots community organizing to achieve health justice and racial equity. Each training offered by the Praxis Project is developed from rich practical experience partnering with a network of 150 base building organizations across the country working across the social determinants of health equity, in addition to Praxis’ organizational knowledge and expertise in social change and public health. Health and social service organizations are increasingly recognizing the need to address structural factors that impact health, and the need to do so with the direction of community. Join trainings for concrete guidance and tools to change the status quo, and reimagine how we achieve health equity. For more information on Praxis’ Centering Community in Public Health training content, see the Training Center.