UPCOMING WEBINAR: 2024 National Strategy for Suicide Prevention: Overview and Applications at the Local Level
Date/Time: Monday, July 8, 2024; 2-3PM ET
Register here: https://naccho.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZwvc-yupzsiH92cdwZIR7jm20ubyAHG_iIs
Description: Join the National Association of County and City Health Officials (NACCHO) as it takes a closer look at the newly released 2024 National Strategy for Suicide Prevention and its applications at the local level.
The 2024 National Strategy is a bold new 10-year, whole-of-society approach that provides concrete recommendations for addressing gaps in the suicide prevention field. It promotes a coordinated and comprehensive approach to suicide prevention in communities across the country and at the national, state, tribal, local, and territorial levels.
About the speakers:
Dr. Deb Stone, ScD, MSW, MPH, is Lead Behavioral Scientist and Senior Advisor for Suicide Prevention at CDC. During the past year, she served as CDC co-Lead with SAMHSA on the development of the new National Strategy for Suicide Prevention and Federal Action Plan. Dr. Stone will describe the National Strategy’s development, provide an overview of the strategy areas, and detail updates from the 2012 National Strategy.
Amie Myrick, MS, LCPC, and Camille Adams, MSW, LICSW, are a Lead and Senior Program Analyst at NACCHO. They are both licensed mental health clinicians and provide training and technical assistance to local health departments, specifically in the areas of injury and violence prevention, including suicide prevention. Amie and Camille will discuss how health departments can apply specific strategies at the local level and consider practical next steps for diving into that work.
Learning Objectives:
- Describe the updated elements of the 2024 National Strategy for Suicide Prevention.
- Discuss strategies for use across primary, secondary, and tertiary levels of prevention.
- Apply elements of new strategy document to local health department context.