No one anticipated that 2020 would include a global pandemic that would severely strain the healthcare system and affect public health programs across the United States. However, the COVID-19 pandemic has paved the way for innovative thinking on how to better utilize technology to continuously promote, protect and support chest/breastfeeding in the community.
With support from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), NACCHO’s Building REACH Community Continuity of Care project grantees embraced the challenge and implemented creative approaches to their existing lactation support programs. Through the pandemic, they shifted their work plans to continue building internal continuity of care within their organization while ensuring easy access to chest/breastfeeding care for families who needed it the most, so they would not go without support.
Join us on Wednesday, December 16, at 2:00 PM EST for a webinar to learn more about how two federally qualified health centers and a community-based organization successfully adjusted their plans during the pandemic to continue serving families and were able to sustain new activities. You will also hear from their partner, CDC REACH recipients, who they worked with to leverage efforts and start building continuity of care in their communities. No cost 1.5 continuing education credits for lactation support providers (CERPs) are pending approval.
Register here:
Learning Objectives:
- Describe key organizational Policies, Systems and Environment (PSE) changes to promote, protect, and support chest/breastfeeding sustainably.
- Learn about three success stories of leveraging community partnerships with CDC REACH recipients to create chest/breastfeeding continuity of care.
- Identify at least two strategies adopted to continuously support chest/breastfeeding family during COVID-19.
Andrea Serano, CLC, IBCLC Reaching Our Sisters Everywhere (ROSE), Atlanta, GA
Toni Nettles, MPH – Dekalb County Board of Health (REACH), Atlanta, GA
Shelby Abramson, FNP, IBCLC – El Rio Community Health Center, Tucson, AZ
Lee Itule-Klasen – Pima County Department of Health (REACH), Tucson, AZ
Amaal Haimout, MPH – Wayne County Healthy Communities, Hamtramck, MIOlivia Ford, PhD, MPH, RD – Eastern Michigan University (REACH), Hamtramck, MI