NACCHO Resources to Address the Recommendations in the “Outbreaks: Protecting...

On December 17, the Trust for America’s Health and the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation released their annual report on the state of...

Dec 17, 2015 | Sara Chang

  • Apply Now to Attend an Immunization Champions, Advocates, and Mentors Academy in 2016

    The Gerontological Society of America (GSA) is pleased to announce the opportunity to prepare healthcare professionals to become...

    Dec 02, 2015 | Kate Drezner

  • Court Ordered TB Treatment in Seattle & King County

    On October 23, King County Superior Court in Washington issued an order for home detention and treatment of a potentially contagious...

    Nov 02, 2015 | Christina Baum

  • CDC Launches New Advanced Query and Data in the NCHHSTP Atlas

    The NCHHSTP Atlas is the one-stop shop for CDC’s most recent surveillance data on HIV, viral hepatitis, STDs, and TB. The Atlas...

    Oct 05, 2015 | Gretchen Weiss

  • CDC Expert Commentary on HIV/HCV Outbreak in Indiana

    The recent outbreak of HIV and hepatitis C virus in a small community in rural Indiana serves as a cautionary tale to other regions of...

    Sep 17, 2015 | Firdaus Arastu

  • NACCHO Recognizes Local Health Departments for Infectious Disease Model and...

    NACCHO’s Model Practice and Promising Practice awards recognize local health departments’ innovative programs, resources,...

    Sep 10, 2015 | Alyson Jordan

  • NPIN Campaigns Database Promotes Health Awareness

    Would you like to increase visibility of your health prevention or awareness campaign? CDC’s National Prevention Information...

    Jul 14, 2015 | Alyson Jordan

  • NACCHO Resources to Address the Recommendations in the “Outbreaks: Protecting Americans from Infectious Diseases” Report

    On December 17, the Trust for America’s Health and the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation released their annual report on the state of prevention and control of infectious disease outbreaks in the United States. Outbreaks: Protecting Americans from Infectious Diseases analyzes the country’s policies related to ongoing and emerging infectious disease threats and provides recommendations to […]

    Dec 17, 2015 | Sara Chang

    Apply Now to Attend an Immunization Champions, Advocates, and Mentors Academy in 2016

    The Gerontological Society of America (GSA) is pleased to announce the opportunity to prepare healthcare professionals to become immunization champions in their organizations. The ICAMP Academy—a multidisciplinary leadership component of GSA’s Immunization Champions, Advocates, and Mentors Program (ICAMP)—is set for four offerings in 2016, which include the following: February 15-16 in Los...

    Dec 02, 2015 | Kate Drezner

    Court Ordered TB Treatment in Seattle & King County

    On October 23, King County Superior Court in Washington issued an order for home detention and treatment of a potentially contagious individual infected with tuberculosis (TB). TB is treatable with antibiotics, although the treatment generally lasts for months and may start with an isolation period to prevent the spread of the disease, which can be threatening […]

    Nov 02, 2015 | Christina Baum

    CDC Launches New Advanced Query and Data in the NCHHSTP Atlas

    The NCHHSTP Atlas is the one-stop shop for CDC’s most recent surveillance data on HIV, viral hepatitis, STDs, and TB. The Atlas provides access to more than 10 years of the most essential CDC data for these diseases at the national, state, and county levels, and by populations. You can use the Atlas to see disease trends […]

    Oct 05, 2015 | Gretchen Weiss

    CDC Expert Commentary on HIV/HCV Outbreak in Indiana

    The recent outbreak of HIV and hepatitis C virus in a small community in rural Indiana serves as a cautionary tale to other regions of the United States. Jonathan Mermin, Director of CDC’s National Center for HIV/AIDS, Viral Hepatitis, STD, and TB Prevention, discusses in this video what doctors and public health professionals can do to prevent […]

    Sep 17, 2015 | Firdaus Arastu

    NACCHO Recognizes Local Health Departments for Infectious Disease Model and Promising Practices

    NACCHO’s Model Practice and Promising Practice awards recognize local health departments’ innovative programs, resources, administrative practices, or tools that demonstrate exemplary and replicable qualities in response to a local public health need. A model practice meets the following criteria: local health department role, collaboration, innovation, responsiveness, and evaluation of both the...

    Sep 10, 2015 | Alyson Jordan

    NPIN Campaigns Database Promotes Health Awareness

    Would you like to increase visibility of your health prevention or awareness campaign? CDC’s National Prevention Information Network’s (NPIN’s) searchable Campaigns Database features almost 70 English and Spanish prevention campaigns from national, state, and local agencies. Add your campaign to the database to augment your HIV, STI, viral hepatitis, and TB mobilization efforts. You...

    Jul 14, 2015 | Alyson Jordan

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