The Essential Elements of Local Public Health provides updates and information from NACCHO’s Environmental Health and Infectious Disease portfolios.
The Rural Utilities Service (RUS), an agency of the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA), is soliciting applications that...
Feb 26, 2019 | Kim Rodgers
The opioid overdose epidemic in America continues to evolve and become more complex. States, territories, and localities need access...
Feb 11, 2019 | Kim Rodgers
The PHS Commissioned Officers Foundation (COF) for the Advancement of Public Health seeks to support community-based public health...
Feb 06, 2019 | Michelle Shapiro
The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) announced the availability of $1.5 million for Environmental Justice Small Grants...
Nov 19, 2018 | Michelle Shapiro
The HIV/AIDS Bureau (HAB) released an update to Policy Clarification Notice (PCN) #16-02 Ryan White HIV/AIDS Program Services:...
Nov 07, 2018 | Kim Rodgers
Through the Southern HIV Impact Fund, AIDS United will award urgent action grants of up to $25,000 to organizations that challenge and...
Aug 23, 2018 | Kim Rodgers
For the fourth consecutive year, the National Coalition of STD Directors (NCSD) and NACCHO are sponsoring six full scholarships for...
Aug 06, 2018 | Kim Rodgers
In response to the destruction from Hurricanes Harvey, Irma, and Maria occurring across Southern states and U.S. territories in 2017,...
Jul 17, 2018 | Kim Rodgers
The Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA) has announced that it awarded approximately $2.8 million in Ryan White...
May 21, 2018 | Kim Rodgers
The Rural Utilities Service (RUS), an agency of the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA), is soliciting applications that support treatment for, and prevention of, opioid use disorder in rural areas. USDA may award up to 30 special consideration points for Distance Learning and Telemedicine (DLT) program applications for projects that provide opioid treatment services in 220 […]
The opioid overdose epidemic in America continues to evolve and become more complex. States, territories, and localities need access to complete and timely data on nonfatal and fatal drug overdoses to understand the scope and direction of the evolving overdose epidemic. Given the need for an interdisciplinary, comprehensive, and cohesive public health approach, the Centers […]
The PHS Commissioned Officers Foundation (COF) for the Advancement of Public Health seeks to support community-based public health programs. The Barclay-Giel Seed Grants program is named after the late Martha Barclay-Giel, a retired Captain of the Commissioned Corps of the U.S. Public Health Service. Captain Barclay-Giel dedicated her life’s worth to advancing the health of […]
The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) announced the availability of $1.5 million for Environmental Justice Small Grants (EJSG). These funds will be distributed to approximately 50 community-based organizations nationwide that will work to address environmental justice issues in local communities. Each recipient will receive up to $30,000 for one-year, community-driven projects that...
The HIV/AIDS Bureau (HAB) released an update to Policy Clarification Notice (PCN) #16-02 Ryan White HIV/AIDS Program Services: Eligible Individuals and Allowable Uses of Funds. The updated PCN provides additional clarifications in the PCN as well as to a limited number of service categories and further reduces administrative burden by replacing PCN #12-01 The use […]
Through the Southern HIV Impact Fund, AIDS United will award urgent action grants of up to $25,000 to organizations that challenge and strengthen the socio-political landscape of the U.S. South. The Southern HIV Impact Fund focuses on the needs of individuals and communities affected by HIV in three primary areas: prevention; care and support; and […]
For the fourth consecutive year, the National Coalition of STD Directors (NCSD) and NACCHO are sponsoring six full scholarships for interested disease intervention specialists (DIS) to attend NCSD’s Annual Meeting, STD Engage. This year, the meeting will be held in Orlando, Florida on November 13-16. STD Engage provides an important opportunity for DIS to build expertise […]
In response to the destruction from Hurricanes Harvey, Irma, and Maria occurring across Southern states and U.S. territories in 2017, AIDS United was moved to act and help address the growing needs of agencies serving the HIV community. AIDS United has made funds available through this request for applications (RFA) to assist in meeting the […]
The Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA) has announced that it awarded approximately $2.8 million in Ryan White HIV/AIDS Program Part C Early Intervention Services (EIS) grants to 10 new geographic service areas to increase access to care and treatment for people living with HIV. Six of the grantees are located in the southern United […]
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Anaheim, California | July 14-18, 2025
NACCHO, with support from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), released a funding opportunity for The Improving...
Feb 12, 2024 | Tori Decea
The EPA's Small Communities, Big Challenges Competition encourages local governments to demonstrate their innovative strategies, from...
Nov 16, 2023 | Anu Varma
Celebrate with us!
Oct 12, 2023 | Anu Varma
Sep 11, 2023 | Irene Halferty, Kristen Ross
Sep 08, 2023 | Irene Halferty, Kristen Ross
The Building Local Operational Capacity for COVID-19, Healthcare-Associated Infections, and Antimicrobial Resistance (BLOC COVID-19+)...
Aug 14, 2023 | Irene Halferty, Kristen Ross
This blog embodies NACCHO's mission to empower local health departments and drive positive change.
The Preparedness Brief provides updates and information from NACCHO’s public health preparedness portfolio.
Stories from the Field provides a means for local health departments to share their experiences and demonstrate the value of public health.
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