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Available Now: New Vector Control Toolkit
Winter is now in full swing in many parts of the country. Although vector control and surveillance may often be considered a task for...
Dec 04, 2017 | Kim Rodgers
World Food Day 2017: How Will Climate Change Influence Food Security and Migration?
The local and global food system is an underlying and essential public health foundation that plays a role in nutrition, obesity,...
Oct 16, 2017 | Grace McClain
Virtual Training: Vector Control for Environmental Health Professionals
CDC and partners recently announced a new virtual training, Vector Control for Environmental Health Professionals (VCEHP), which...
Jan 09, 2017 | Kim Rodgers
Vector Control Tools and Resources for Environmental Health Professionals
Environmental health professionals are on the frontline of helping individuals, institutions, and communities reduce threats from...
Jun 29, 2016 | Kim Rodgers
New Lyme Disease-Causing Bacteria Species Discovered
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, in collaboration with the Mayo Clinic and health officials from Minnesota, Wisconsin,...
Feb 16, 2016 | Katie Regan
2015 Likely to be Named Warmest Year in History
Global temperatures ran hot lost year—even hotter than in 2014, which, when the calendar ran out at the end of December, cemented its...
Jan 04, 2016 | Chris Mills
Rodent Control and Public Health: Examining Local Rodent Control Programs
From the 1900 San Francisco bubonic plague epidemic to the 2012 Yosemite National Park hantavirus infection outbreak, rodents have...
Nov 11, 2015 | Lisa Brown
Available Now: New Vector Control ToolkitWinter is now in full swing in many parts of the country. Although vector control and surveillance may often be considered a task for summer pests like mosquitoes and ticks, local health authorities must be aware of vector-borne illnesses year-round. In southern states, pests that are active in warm weather may only lie dormant for […] Dec 04, 2017 | Kim Rodgers |
World Food Day 2017: How Will Climate Change Influence Food Security and Migration?The local and global food system is an underlying and essential public health foundation that plays a role in nutrition, obesity, environmental and occupational health, and more. Regardless of how well-established agriculture is within the United States, climate change poses a serious threat to food systems and the people who rely on them. Unusual rain […] Oct 16, 2017 | Grace McClain |
Virtual Training: Vector Control for Environmental Health ProfessionalsCDC and partners recently announced a new virtual training, Vector Control for Environmental Health Professionals (VCEHP), which focuses on using integrated pest management (IPM) to control vectors that spread pathogens, including Zika virus. Nine in ten pilot testers said they would recommend this training to a colleague. Register today! The training is: Free and Flexible: Take the courses you... Jan 09, 2017 | Kim Rodgers |
Vector Control Tools and Resources for Environmental Health ProfessionalsEnvironmental health professionals are on the frontline of helping individuals, institutions, and communities reduce threats from mosquitoes, ticks, and other vectors. In this column, CDC’s Kelli Foster discusses training and other resources designed to advance environmental health professionals’ awareness of public health threats posed by vectors and pests. The article was published in the... Jun 29, 2016 | Kim Rodgers |
New Lyme Disease-Causing Bacteria Species DiscoveredThe Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, in collaboration with the Mayo Clinic and health officials from Minnesota, Wisconsin, and North Dakota, have reported a new species of bacteria that causes Lyme disease in humans. The new species, Borrelia mayonii, has been identified in blacklegged ticks in at least two counties in northwestern Wisconsin, though […] Feb 16, 2016 | Katie Regan |
2015 Likely to be Named Warmest Year in HistoryGlobal temperatures ran hot lost year—even hotter than in 2014, which, when the calendar ran out at the end of December, cemented its status as the warmest year on record. But then came 2015, which shattered previous records by an enormous margin and may soon take up the mantle of hottest year in recorded history (Jan. 11 update: […] Jan 04, 2016 | Chris Mills |
Rodent Control and Public Health: Examining Local Rodent Control ProgramsFrom the 1900 San Francisco bubonic plague epidemic to the 2012 Yosemite National Park hantavirus infection outbreak, rodents have always been a lurking environmental threat, capable of compromising the public’s health. In addition to potentially carrying parasites and pathogens, rodents have been destroying infrastructure, infesting houses and businesses, and damaging property for centuries. To... Nov 11, 2015 | Lisa Brown |
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