Seasonal Influenza Vaccinations for Pregnant Women, Children with Special Healthcare...

By Charlene Kemmerer, PMP, Program Analyst, NACCHO, and Lindsay Tiffany, Communications Specialist, NACCHO While flu season might seem...

Aug 06, 2014 | NacchoVoice

  • NPHIC Toolkit Available for National Immunization Awareness Month in August

    The National Public Health Information Coalition (NPHIC) has assembled a communications toolkit with resources from CDC and other...

    Jul 28, 2014 | Frances Bevington

  • Dengue: Will there be another mosquito-borne virus establishing itself in the...

    Dengue (pronounced “den-gee” – with a hard “g”) virus was first identified in the 1950’s in Africa and Asia. It is now being seen in...

    Jun 25, 2014 | Guest Author

  • Let’s Prevent Infectious Diseases: National Infant Immunization Week

    By Rebecca Gehring, MPH, Program Analyst, and Alyssa Kitlas, Lead Associate, Immunization and Infectious Disease, NACCHO Vaccines are...

    Apr 28, 2014 | NacchoVoice

  • NACCHO Responds to “Outbreaks: Protecting Americans from Infectious Disease”

    Dec 20, 2013 | Guest Author

  • Flu-Associated Pediatric Deaths: Findings from a Recent Study

    A recent Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) study published in Pediatrics, “Influenza-Associated Pediatrics Deaths in...

    Nov 11, 2013 | Sara Rubin

  • Seasonal Influenza Vaccinations for Pregnant Women, Children with Special Healthcare Needs, and Adults with Disabilities: LHD Capacity and Recommendations for the Future

    By Charlene Kemmerer, PMP, Program Analyst, NACCHO, and Lindsay Tiffany, Communications Specialist, NACCHO While flu season might seem a long way off, NACCHO recently released a research brief summarizing individual key informant interviews it conducted earlier this year about the capacity of local health departments (LHDs) to promote and administer seasonal flu vaccine and track […]

    Aug 06, 2014 | NacchoVoice

    NPHIC Toolkit Available for National Immunization Awareness Month in August

    The National Public Health Information Coalition (NPHIC) has assembled a communications toolkit with resources from CDC and other organizations for National Immunization Awareness Month in August. The toolkit includes key messages, multimedia, social media messages, infographics, press releases and more. With outbreaks of measles and other vaccine preventable diseases on the rise, increasing...

    Jul 28, 2014 | Frances Bevington

    Dengue: Will there be another mosquito-borne virus establishing itself in the continental United States?

    Dengue (pronounced “den-gee” – with a hard “g”) virus was first identified in the 1950’s in Africa and Asia. It is now being seen in almost all regions of the world. The virus causes a disease that is characterized by a high fever accompanied by two or more of the following: a severe headache; severe eye pain; join pain; muscle and/or bone pain; rash; and/or mild bleeding. The person with this...

    Jun 25, 2014 | Guest Author

    Let’s Prevent Infectious Diseases: National Infant Immunization Week

    By Rebecca Gehring, MPH, Program Analyst, and Alyssa Kitlas, Lead Associate, Immunization and Infectious Disease, NACCHO Vaccines are among the most successful and cost-effective public health tools available for preventing disease and death. They help protect vaccinated individuals and keep entire communities safe by preventing and reducing the spread of infectious diseases. While there have...

    Apr 28, 2014 | NacchoVoice

    NACCHO Responds to “Outbreaks: Protecting Americans from Infectious Disease”

    Dec 20, 2013 | Guest Author

    Flu-Associated Pediatric Deaths: Findings from a Recent Study

    A recent Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) study published in Pediatrics, “Influenza-Associated Pediatrics Deaths in the United States, 2004-2012” affirms the critical and life-saving role flu vaccine can play in protecting all children during flu season. This study broadens the body of knowledge around influenza-associated pediatric deaths (for children with and without high-risk...

    Nov 11, 2013 | Sara Rubin

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