This blog embodies NACCHO’s mission to empower local health departments and drive positive change.
Climate Interactive interviewed the leaders of ten initiatives that are innovating in ways the improve health and protect the climate,...
Mar 12, 2018 | Michelle Shapiro
A recording is now available from a National Environmental Health Association webinar on “Using Tracking Data to Inform Health...
The Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ) released an online statistical resource that for the first time provides...
Mar 07, 2018 | Kim Rodgers
The U.S. Food and Drug Administration issued the 2017 edition of the Voluntary National Retail Food Regulatory Program Standards...
Mar 07, 2018 | Michelle Shapiro
AIDSVu has released the first-ever interactive state-level maps visualizing a 73 percent increase year over year in persons using...
The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) released several guidance documents related to the Nutrition Facts label final rule,...
Mar 05, 2018 | Michelle Shapiro
The February/March 2018 edition of the Food Safety Magazine is now available online. This issue includes articles and columns on...
ASTHO released a new report on The State of Health in All Policies. Between July and October 2016, ASTHO’s Health in All Policies...
Feb 28, 2018 | Michelle Shapiro
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) recently released the CRC eTool, a new tool for epidemiologists and other public...
Feb 23, 2018 | Raymond Puerini
Climate Interactive interviewed the leaders of ten initiatives that are innovating in ways the improve health and protect the climate, often while saving money. Their findings on what is possible and how it can be accomplished are presented in the report: Multisolving at the Intersection of Health and Climate: Lessons From Success Stories. With a […]
A recording is now available from a National Environmental Health Association webinar on “Using Tracking Data to Inform Health Impact Assessments.” The webinar showcases three Health Impact Assessments (HIAs) that used data from the Environmental Public Health Tracking portals to inform the process. Speakers also discussed the HIA Tracking toolkit that enables environmental health...
The Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ) released an online statistical resource that for the first time provides county-level comparisons of hospitalization rates for substance use, including opioids, alcohol, stimulants and other drugs. The resource draws from the agency’s Healthcare Cost and Utilization Project (HCUP) – the nation’s most comprehensive source of hospital data,...
The U.S. Food and Drug Administration issued the 2017 edition of the Voluntary National Retail Food Regulatory Program Standards (Retail Program Standards), which define the key elements of an effective retail food regulatory program for state, local, tribal, and territorial food regulatory agencies. The Retail Program Standards provide recommendations for designing and managing these retail...
AIDSVu has released the first-ever interactive state-level maps visualizing a 73 percent increase year over year in persons using pre-exposure prophylaxis (PrEP) across the U.S. from 2012 to 2016, with 77,120 PrEP users in 2016. PrEP, or pre-exposure prophylaxis, is when people at high risk for HIV take HIV medicine daily to lower their chances of getting […]
The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) released several guidance documents related to the Nutrition Facts label final rule, including a final guidance explaining how the FDA evaluates the scientific evidence supporting citizen petitions to add certain isolated or synthetic non-digestible carbohydrates to the regulatory definition of dietary fiber. This final science review guidance will...
The February/March 2018 edition of the Food Safety Magazine is now available online. This issue includes articles and columns on social responsibility, sprout safety, supply chain, allergen control, and more. Read the issue here.
ASTHO released a new report on The State of Health in All Policies. Between July and October 2016, ASTHO’s Health in All Policies (HiAP) team interviewed representatives from nine states (California, Connecticut, Massachusetts, Minnesota, North Carolina, Oklahoma, Oregon, Tennessee, and Vermont) to discuss their HiAP initiatives. For each case study, background information, drivers behind...
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) recently released the CRC eTool, a new tool for epidemiologists and other public health professionals to use following a radiation emergency. A radiation incident affecting a large population will require local response authorities to establish one or more population monitoring and decontamination facilities to assess people for radiation...
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Join the first and longest-running national conference on public health preparedness, April 29-2, 2025, in San Antonio, TX.
Anaheim, California | July 14-18, 2025
The VLC will cross-train health department professionals on integrating MCH considerations into emergency planning.
Feb 11, 2025 | Elana Filipos, Xander Hazel-Groux
Registration is now open for two in-person Mobilizing for Action through Planning and Partnerships 2.0 trainings.
Feb 01, 2025 | Andrea Grenadier
The Van Buren/Cass District Health Department partnered with the district library to improve community health education.
Nov 18, 2024 | Clarissa Montes
New opportunity designed to cross-train maternal and child health and emergency preparedness and response professionals.
Nov 14, 2024 | Elana Filipos
Registration is now open for NACCHO’s (MAPP) 2.0 training series.
May 09, 2024 | Andrea Grenadier
Join your fellow public health professionals for a Town Hall-style Focus Group at the 2024 Preparedness Summit to explore what can be...
Mar 08, 2024
Check out all the NACCHO blogs.
The Essential Elements of Local Public Health provides updates and information from NACCHO’s Environmental Health and Infectious Disease portfolios.
The Preparedness Brief provides updates and information from NACCHO’s public health preparedness portfolio.
Stories from the Field provides a means for local health departments to share their experiences and demonstrate the value of public health.
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