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Medical Countermeasures Workgroup February Report
The Medical Countermeasures (MCM) Workgroup held their monthly meeting on Feb. 10. Brooke Courtney from the Food and Drug...
Mar 03, 2014 | Lisa Brown
Health Impact Assessment: Role of Local Health Departments in Advancing Healthy...
Tina Yuen, MPH, MCP, CPH, Program Analyst, NACCHO With a growing emphasis for public health practitioners to address the root causes...
Jan 08, 2014 | NacchoVoice
NACCHO Responds to “Outbreaks: Protecting Americans from Infectious Disease”
Dec 20, 2013 | Guest Author
Radiation Legal Preparedness Project Update and Webinar
On September 18, 2013, Andrew Roszak presented a webinar for the National Alliance on Radiation Readiness (NARR) to provide an...
Nov 27, 2013 | Andy Roszak
New Legal Precedent for Inclusive Planning, Preparedness, and Response
Late last week, the United States District Court, Southern District of New York handed down a ruling on the Brooklyn Center for...
Nov 12, 2013 | Andy Roszak
Risks of Cyber Attacks on the Healthcare Sector Leave Public Health of Communities...
In December 2011, a hospital in Georgia was forced to divert all non-emergency admissions to other medical centers, after a malware...
Oct 24, 2013 | Justin Snair
Investing in Public Health Preparedness: Moving Beyond Our Reactionary Funding Cycle
Twelve years ago today, the United States experienced the worst terrorist attack on our soil, which since has shaped the ebb and flow...
Sep 11, 2013 | Jack Herrmann
Medical Countermeasures Workgroup February ReportThe Medical Countermeasures (MCM) Workgroup held their monthly meeting on Feb. 10. Brooke Courtney from the Food and Drug Administration fielded questions from the workgroup members about the Pandemic and All-Hazards Preparedness Reauthorization Act (PAHPRA) MCM Frequently Asked Questions document. Steve Adams from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) provided an overview on the... Mar 03, 2014 | Lisa Brown |
Health Impact Assessment: Role of Local Health Departments in Advancing Healthy Public PoliciesTina Yuen, MPH, MCP, CPH, Program Analyst, NACCHO With a growing emphasis for public health practitioners to address the root causes of health impacts and inequities, local health departments (LHDs) have been challenged with working “upstream” to tackle the determinants of health. Health impact assessment (HIA) has emerged as a promising approach to help LHDs […] Jan 08, 2014 | NacchoVoice |
NACCHO Responds to “Outbreaks: Protecting Americans from Infectious Disease”Dec 20, 2013 | Guest Author |
Radiation Legal Preparedness Project Update and WebinarOn September 18, 2013, Andrew Roszak presented a webinar for the National Alliance on Radiation Readiness (NARR) to provide an overview of the Radiation Legal Preparedness (RLP) project, the relevant findings from the project to date, and the important legal considerations that underpin a radiological response. Watch the archived webinar on YouTube. In 2012, the […] Nov 27, 2013 | Andy Roszak |
New Legal Precedent for Inclusive Planning, Preparedness, and ResponseLate last week, the United States District Court, Southern District of New York handed down a ruling on the Brooklyn Center for Independence of the Disabled v. The City of New York, a class action lawsuit brought on behalf of all persons with disabilities. The suit charged that the New York City Emergency Preparedness Program failed […] Nov 12, 2013 | Andy Roszak |
Risks of Cyber Attacks on the Healthcare Sector Leave Public Health of Communities VulnerableIn December 2011, a hospital in Georgia was forced to divert all non-emergency admissions to other medical centers, after a malware infection downed the institution’s IT network and required staff to use paper records. The attack affected computer connectivity, as hospital computers could not communicate with each other. The hospital was forced to use a runner system, where papers were shuttled... Oct 24, 2013 | Justin Snair |
Investing in Public Health Preparedness: Moving Beyond Our Reactionary Funding CycleTwelve years ago today, the United States experienced the worst terrorist attack on our soil, which since has shaped the ebb and flow of public health preparedness policy and funding. Catastrophic events such as 9/11, Hurricane Katrina, and the H1N1 influenza outbreak led to an infusion of federal funding to state and local governments that soon dried up after each response ended. Sep 11, 2013 | Jack Herrmann |

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