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Medical Reserve Corps Units Help Their Communities Get Ready during National...
Today is Get Ready Day, which reminds Americans to prepare themselves, their families, and their communities for all disasters and...
Sep 17, 2013 | Admin
Investing in Public Health Preparedness: Moving Beyond Our Reactionary Funding Cycle
Twelve years ago today, the United States experienced the worst terrorist attack on our soil, which since has shaped the ebb and flow...
Sep 11, 2013 | Jack Herrmann
NACCHO Risk Communication and Information Sharing Workgroup August Report
Chair: Meredith Li-Vollmer; Staff: Frances Bevington and Sara Rubin The Risk Communication and Information Sharing Workgroup held its...
Sep 05, 2013 | Frances Bevington
Recent Public Health Incidents Emphasize the Importance of Emergency Preparedness...
By Jack Herrmann, MSEd., NCC, LMHC, Senior Advisor, Public Health Preparedness, NACCHO Across the nation, the importance and amount of...
Sep 04, 2013 | NacchoVoice
ABC News Chief Health and Medical Editor Dr. Richard Besser Shares Insight on...
Interview by Ian Goldstein, Web Specialist, NACCHO Dr. Richard Besser is Chief Health and Medical Editor for ABC News providing...
May 10, 2013 | NacchoVoice
Four Tips for Building Partnerships before Disaster Strikes
By Sara Rubin, MPH, MA, Program Analyst, NACCHO Hurricane Sandy left more than 100 dead and millions without power across much of the...
Apr 23, 2013 | NacchoVoice
Medical Reserve Corps Units Help Their Communities Get Ready during National Preparedness MonthToday is Get Ready Day, which reminds Americans to prepare themselves, their families, and their communities for all disasters and hazards, including pandemic flu, infectious disease, natural disasters, and other emergencies. While it is important to take the time today to prepare for a disaster or emergency, Americans should be prepared all year for any unforeseen event. Sep 17, 2013 | Admin |
Investing in Public Health Preparedness: Moving Beyond Our Reactionary Funding CycleTwelve years ago today, the United States experienced the worst terrorist attack on our soil, which since has shaped the ebb and flow of public health preparedness policy and funding. Catastrophic events such as 9/11, Hurricane Katrina, and the H1N1 influenza outbreak led to an infusion of federal funding to state and local governments that soon dried up after each response ended. Sep 11, 2013 | Jack Herrmann |
NACCHO Risk Communication and Information Sharing Workgroup August ReportChair: Meredith Li-Vollmer; Staff: Frances Bevington and Sara Rubin The Risk Communication and Information Sharing Workgroup held its inaugural meeting on Aug. 1. Members of the group introduced themselves on the call and explained the types of communications activities they each lead within their health departments. The group brainstormed about how they can be most […] Sep 05, 2013 | Frances Bevington |
Recent Public Health Incidents Emphasize the Importance of Emergency Preparedness FundingBy Jack Herrmann, MSEd., NCC, LMHC, Senior Advisor, Public Health Preparedness, NACCHO Across the nation, the importance and amount of public health preparedness funding is under scrutiny at federal, state, and local levels. At the national level, the Pandemic and All-Hazards Preparedness Reauthorization Act (PAHPRA) was signed into law by President Obama in March 2013. […] Sep 04, 2013 | NacchoVoice |
ABC News Chief Health and Medical Editor Dr. Richard Besser Shares Insight on Amplifying Public Health MessagesInterview by Ian Goldstein, Web Specialist, NACCHO Dr. Richard Besser is Chief Health and Medical Editor for ABC News providing medical analysis and commentary for all ABC News broadcasts and platforms, including World News with Diane Sawyer, Good Morning America, and Nightline. Dr. Besser joined ABC in 2009 after serving as the Director of the […] May 10, 2013 | NacchoVoice |
Four Tips for Building Partnerships before Disaster StrikesBy Sara Rubin, MPH, MA, Program Analyst, NACCHO Hurricane Sandy left more than 100 dead and millions without power across much of the Northeast, and as far west as Michigan, last October. While many examples have come before it, Hurricane Sandy is the latest catastrophe to prove that disasters know no borders and present new […] Apr 23, 2013 | NacchoVoice |

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