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Preparedness in a Pandemic Exercise Starter Kit
FEMA has released a Preparedness in a Pandemic Exercise Starter Kit to help federal, state, local, tribal, and territorial officials,...
Jun 23, 2020 | Beth Hess
Tools & Resources, COVID-19, Emergency Response, Health & Disability
Report Highlights Lessons Learned and Promising Practices for Meeting Needs of...
As communities prepare for the start of hurricane season coupled with ongoing response to COVID-19, a newly re-released report by...
Jun 16, 2020 | Beth Hess
Tools & Resources, Emergency Response
National Hurricane Preparedness Week 2020
Hurricane Preparedness Week, May 3-9, provides an opportunity for people across the country to prepare now for hurricane season, which...
May 07, 2020 | Beth Hess
Behavioral Health, Emergency Response, Opportunity
SAMHSA Announces Disaster Response Grant Programs
SAMHSA is accepting applications for two separate Disaster Response Grant Programs – School-Based Services and Services for Adults....
Jan 15, 2020 | Kim Rodgers
Health Ethics & Law
Webinar Series: Legal Preparedness for Public Health Emergencies
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, National Governors Association, and American Bar Association announced the launch of a...
Sep 19, 2019 | Kim Rodgers
![]() Webinar, COVID-19, Emergency ResponseHurricane and Flooding Key Messages Virtual WorkshopThe Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), Division of State and Local Readiness, will host a Hurricane and Flooding Key Messages Virtual Workshop from 1:00 to 2:30 pm EDT on Friday, July 24. Jul 14, 2020 | Beth Hess |
Tools & Resources, COVID-19, Emergency ResponsePreparedness in a Pandemic Exercise Starter KitFEMA has released a Preparedness in a Pandemic Exercise Starter Kit to help federal, state, local, tribal, and territorial officials, private sector and non-governmental organizations to conduct their own workshops on preparedness during a pandemic. Jun 23, 2020 | Beth Hess |
Tools & Resources, COVID-19, Emergency Response, Health & DisabilityReport Highlights Lessons Learned and Promising Practices for Meeting Needs of At-Risk Populations During Disaster ResponseAs communities prepare for the start of hurricane season coupled with ongoing response to COVID-19, a newly re-released report by NACCHO in collaboration with Office of the Assistant Secretary for Preparedness and Response (ASPR) offers lessons learned and promising practices to meet the needs of at-risk populations before, during, and after disaster response. Jun 16, 2020 | Beth Hess |
Tools & Resources, Emergency ResponseNational Hurricane Preparedness Week 2020Hurricane Preparedness Week, May 3-9, provides an opportunity for people across the country to prepare now for hurricane season, which runs from May through November. May 07, 2020 | Beth Hess |
Behavioral Health, Emergency Response, OpportunitySAMHSA Announces Disaster Response Grant ProgramsSAMHSA is accepting applications for two separate Disaster Response Grant Programs – School-Based Services and Services for Adults. The purpose of each grant program is to provide mental and substance use disorder treatment, crisis counseling, and other related supports to children in school-based settings and adults impacted by Hurricanes Florence and Michael; Typhoon Mangkhut; Super […] Jan 15, 2020 | Kim Rodgers |
Health Ethics & LawWebinar Series: Legal Preparedness for Public Health EmergenciesThe Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, National Governors Association, and American Bar Association announced the launch of a four-part webinar series, “Preparedness and Response for Public Health Emergencies: Exploring the Role of Law,” which will explore legal preparedness for public health emergencies. Sep 19, 2019 | Kim Rodgers |

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