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Medical Countermeasures Workgroup August Report
NACCHO’s Medical Countermeasures (MCM) Workgroup met on August 8, 2016 for it’s second meeting of the project year. The meeting...
Sep 12, 2016 | Raymond Puerini
Partnering with Meals on Wheels for Emergency Response
Meals on Wheels as a Response Partner During public health emergencies there are many individuals with access and functional needs who...
Aug 08, 2016 | Raymond Puerini
Medical Countermeasures Workgroup July Report
Earlier this month, NACCHO’s Medical Countermeasures (MCM) Workgroup held its first monthly call of the project year. The...
Jul 26, 2016 | Raymond Puerini
New NACCHO Radiation Resources for Local Health Departments
Radiation preparedness is no longer just a necessity for jurisdictions neighboring nuclear facilities. In fact, there is concern from...
Jul 19, 2016 | Anastasia Sonneman
Inside a Secret Government Warehouse Prepped for Health Catastrophes
NPR’s Morning Edition recently reported about a secret government warehouse, critical for responding and restoring public health in...
Jul 13, 2016 | Anastasia Sonneman
FDA Extends Expiration Dates of Certain Lots of State and Local Held Doxycycline
The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has recently released a memo indicating that six lots of Doxycycline Hyclate 100-mg tablets...
Jun 03, 2016 | Raymond Puerini
Draft Emergency Use Authorization Guidance Available for Public Health Stakeholder...
The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) recently published updated draft guidance entitled ‘‘Emergency Use Authorization of Medical...
May 04, 2016 | Raymond Puerini
Capturing Patient and Vaccine Information at Mass Vaccination Clinics – A Catalog of...
By Tom Fitzgerald, MPH; Pandemic Influenza Vaccine Response Fellow, CDC/NCIRD/ISD For many health departments, data collection during...
Feb 18, 2016 | Mary Hodges
Gaps Remain for Pediatric Medical Countermeasures
During public health emergencies, children are a particularly vulnerable population as they have unique physical, physiological, and...
Jan 26, 2016 | Raymond Puerini
Medical Countermeasures Workgroup August ReportNACCHO’s Medical Countermeasures (MCM) Workgroup met on August 8, 2016 for it’s second meeting of the project year. The meeting started with representatives from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) announcing a series of trainings on the using RealOpt software for Point of Dispensing planning. Next, the MCM Workgroup Chair, Sarah Keally of Fairfax County (VA) […] Sep 12, 2016 | Raymond Puerini |
Partnering with Meals on Wheels for Emergency ResponseMeals on Wheels as a Response Partner During public health emergencies there are many individuals with access and functional needs who may have difficulty retrieving life-saving medical countermeasures (MCMs) at response sites such as public points of dispensing (PODs). Some local health departments (LHDs) have successfully partnered with home service provider agencies, such as Meals on Wheels,... Aug 08, 2016 | Raymond Puerini |
Medical Countermeasures Workgroup July ReportEarlier this month, NACCHO’s Medical Countermeasures (MCM) Workgroup held its first monthly call of the project year. The meeting started with representatives from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) promoting the content of their latest Second Wednesday Webinar series (July 13, 2016) call, which highlighted information on ASPR TRACIE and the NACCHO Toolbox. Next, the... Jul 26, 2016 | Raymond Puerini |
New NACCHO Radiation Resources for Local Health DepartmentsRadiation preparedness is no longer just a necessity for jurisdictions neighboring nuclear facilities. In fact, there is concern from experts that the threat of a radiological emergency is growing across the nation. Moreover, there are readily available and often poorly protected radioactive materials in use throughout military, academic, research and industrial agencies1. While the probability... Jul 19, 2016 | Anastasia Sonneman |
Inside a Secret Government Warehouse Prepped for Health CatastrophesNPR’s Morning Edition recently reported about a secret government warehouse, critical for responding and restoring public health in the face of serious medical emergencies. Known as the CDC’s Strategic National Stockpile (SNS), this warehouse contains large amounts of medicine, medical supplies, and shipping containers, all for the purpose of mass distribution to areas affected by […] Jul 13, 2016 | Anastasia Sonneman |
FDA Extends Expiration Dates of Certain Lots of State and Local Held DoxycyclineThe Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has recently released a memo indicating that six lots of Doxycycline Hyclate 100-mg tablets manufactured by West-Ward Pharmaceuticals may be used beyond their labeled expiration dates assuming they were stored under the manufacturer’s labeled storage conditions. FDA is not requiring that these products be relabeled but stakeholders who dispense these... Jun 03, 2016 | Raymond Puerini |
Draft Emergency Use Authorization Guidance Available for Public Health Stakeholder CommentThe Food and Drug Administration (FDA) recently published updated draft guidance entitled ‘‘Emergency Use Authorization of Medical Products and Related Authorities’’ for public health stakeholder and industry comment. This is an update to the July 2007 Emergency Use Authorization (EUA) guidance to reflect Pandemic and All-Hazards Preparedness Re-authorization Act (PAHPRA) amendments to the EUA... May 04, 2016 | Raymond Puerini |
Capturing Patient and Vaccine Information at Mass Vaccination Clinics – A Catalog of Electronic TechnologiesBy Tom Fitzgerald, MPH; Pandemic Influenza Vaccine Response Fellow, CDC/NCIRD/ISD For many health departments, data collection during mass vaccination clinics conducted in response to a pandemic or outbreak is often done manually. This can be time-consuming and labor intensive, but it is an extremely important component of pandemic vaccine response, particularly if there are multiple […] Feb 18, 2016 | Mary Hodges |
Gaps Remain for Pediatric Medical CountermeasuresDuring public health emergencies, children are a particularly vulnerable population as they have unique physical, physiological, and psychological characteristics that vary from adults. Additionally, the medical products and formulations children need often differ from adults and some medical products may not have the same usage approvals for children as they do for adults. Earlier this month... Jan 26, 2016 | Raymond Puerini |
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