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Being Prepared to Respond
By Sarah Summers, MPH, NACCHO Senior Program Analyst In commemoration of National Preparedness Month, the Centers for Disease Control...
Sep 08, 2016 | Anastasia Sonneman
The Preparedness Planning, Outcomes, and Measures (PPOM) Workgroup – February 2016...
The Preparedness Planning, Outcomes, and Measures (PPOM) workgroup held its monthly call on February 23. This month’s meeting focused...
Apr 06, 2016 | Sarah Summers
The Preparedness Planning, Outcomes, and Measures (PPOM) Workgroup – January 2016...
The Preparedness Planning, Outcomes, and Measures (PPOM) workgroup held its monthly call on January 26. This month’s meeting focused...
Jan 29, 2016 | Nicole Dunifon
23 Agencies Achieve Project Public Health Ready (PPHR) Recognition
NACCHO’s Project Public Health Ready (PPHR) recognized 30 local and regional health agencies for their ability to plan for, respond...
Jan 28, 2016 | Madison Ferraro
Submit Tools to Project Public Health Ready’s Online Toolkit
NACCHO needs your help! In an effort to provide the best technical assistance and resources to local health departments NACCHO’s...
Jan 26, 2016 | Mary Hodges
The Preparedness Planning, Outcomes, and Measures (PPOM) Workgroup – December 2015...
The Preparedness Planning, Outcomes, and Measures (PPOM) workgroup held its monthly call on December 15. The meeting kicked off with a...
Dec 30, 2015 | Nicole Dunifon
Project Public Health Ready (PPHR) October Report
During the month of October, NACCHO staff held the Annual PPHR Review Meeting in Denver, Colorado from October 14-15. At the meeting...
Nov 04, 2015 | Madison Ferraro
The Preparedness Planning, Outcomes, and Measures (PPOM) Workgroup – October 2015...
The Preparedness Planning, Outcomes, and Measures (PPOM) workgroup held its monthly call on October 27. The meeting kicked off with an...
Nov 03, 2015 | Nicole Dunifon
The Preparedness Planning, Outcomes, and Measures (PPOM) Workgroup – September 2015...
The Preparedness Planning, Outcomes, and Measures (PPOM) workgroup held its monthly call on September 22. The meeting kicked off with...
Sep 30, 2015 | Nicole Dunifon
Being Prepared to RespondBy Sarah Summers, MPH, NACCHO Senior Program Analyst In commemoration of National Preparedness Month, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) is highlighting five themes for each week of September, emphasizing the various aspects of effective preparedness. Each week, the NACCHO Preparedness team is authoring a blog to promote the theme and provide local health […] Sep 08, 2016 | Anastasia Sonneman |
The Preparedness Planning, Outcomes, and Measures (PPOM) Workgroup – February 2016 ReportThe Preparedness Planning, Outcomes, and Measures (PPOM) workgroup held its monthly call on February 23. This month’s meeting focused on the Project Public Health Ready (PPHR) toolkit. PPOM members will be undertaking an evaluation and review of all tools in the PPHR toolkit. Based on evaluations and discussion PPOM members will recommend tools for removal […] Apr 06, 2016 | Sarah Summers |
The Preparedness Planning, Outcomes, and Measures (PPOM) Workgroup – January 2016 ReportThe Preparedness Planning, Outcomes, and Measures (PPOM) workgroup held its monthly call on January 26. This month’s meeting focused on CDC’s Public Health Emergency Preparedness (PHEP) Capabilities. During the call the workgroup provided comments and feedback on PHEP Capability 5: Fatality Management and PHEP Capability 11: Non-Pharmaceutical Interventions. The feedback collected will be used to... Jan 29, 2016 | Nicole Dunifon |
23 Agencies Achieve Project Public Health Ready (PPHR) RecognitionNACCHO’s Project Public Health Ready (PPHR) recognized 30 local and regional health agencies for their ability to plan for, respond to, and recover from public health emergencies. Seven agencies from Florida, Louisiana, Michigan, Tennessee, and Texas earned PPHR recognition for the first time, and 23 agencies from Virginia, Florida, Arizona, Minnesota, and Idaho achieved PPHR […] Jan 28, 2016 | Madison Ferraro |
Submit Tools to Project Public Health Ready’s Online ToolkitNACCHO needs your help! In an effort to provide the best technical assistance and resources to local health departments NACCHO’s Preparedness Planning, Outcomes and Measurement (PPOM) Workgroup is seeking to expand and update the Project Public Health Ready online toolkit. This toolkit serves as a repository of best practices, templates, and samples for a variety […] Jan 26, 2016 | Mary Hodges |
The Preparedness Planning, Outcomes, and Measures (PPOM) Workgroup – December 2015 ReportThe Preparedness Planning, Outcomes, and Measures (PPOM) workgroup held its monthly call on December 15. The meeting kicked off with a discussion on CDC’s Public Health Emergency Preparedness (PHEP) Capability 2: Community Recovery. Feedback on the capability was collected from workgroup members and will be used to inform NACCHO’s research, as well as help identify […] Dec 30, 2015 | Nicole Dunifon |
Project Public Health Ready (PPHR) October ReportDuring the month of October, NACCHO staff held the Annual PPHR Review Meeting in Denver, Colorado from October 14-15. At the meeting 45 PPHR reviewers came together to finalize their evaluations and requests for additional evidence for the 36 PPHR applications that are currently under review. During the meeting, reviewers also provided NACCHO with feedback […] Nov 04, 2015 | Madison Ferraro |
The Preparedness Planning, Outcomes, and Measures (PPOM) Workgroup – October 2015 ReportThe Preparedness Planning, Outcomes, and Measures (PPOM) workgroup held its monthly call on October 27. The meeting kicked off with an informational update on syndromic surveillance and preparedness. Sarah Chughtai, Program Analyst at NACCHO, presented on the 2015 Biosurveillance Needs Assessment Survey by highlighting key findings and recommendations. Following the presentation, workgroup... Nov 03, 2015 | Nicole Dunifon |
The Preparedness Planning, Outcomes, and Measures (PPOM) Workgroup – September 2015 ReportThe Preparedness Planning, Outcomes, and Measures (PPOM) workgroup held its monthly call on September 22. The meeting kicked off with an informational update from NACCHO in regards to an upcoming publication on the intersection of data and preparedness. Members of NACCHO’s preparedness and informatics teams will be looking at the use of any surveillance or […] Sep 30, 2015 | Nicole Dunifon |

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