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COVID-19 Resources for Local Health Departments (June 8-12)
This blog highlights COVID-19 guidance/news, tools and resources, and training opportunities that NACCHO compiled during the week of...
Jun 12, 2020 | Kim Rodgers
COVID-19, Infectious Disease
COVID-19 Healthcare Planning Checklist
Planning for a potential emerging infectious disease pandemic, like COVID-19, is critical to protecting the health and welfare of our...
Mar 31, 2020 | Kim Rodgers
Tools & Resources, Influenza
Ending Pandemics: US Foreign Policy to Mitigate Today’s Major Killers, Tomorrow’s...
New pieces make the case that whomever is in the White House needs a proactive strategic initiative, based in global solidarity, to...
Oct 24, 2019 | Kim Rodgers
Global Health, Research & Reports
A World at Risk: Annual Report on Global Preparedness for Health Emergencies
For its first report, the Global Preparedness Monitoring Board (GPMB) reviewed recommendations from previous high-level panels and...
Sep 30, 2019 | Kim Rodgers
COVID-19, Emergency Response, Epidemiology, Infectious DiseaseCOVID-19 Resources for Local Health Departments (June 8-12)This blog highlights COVID-19 guidance/news, tools and resources, and training opportunities that NACCHO compiled during the week of June 8-12, 2020. Jun 12, 2020 | Kim Rodgers |
COVID-19, Infectious DiseaseCOVID-19 Healthcare Planning ChecklistPlanning for a potential emerging infectious disease pandemic, like COVID-19, is critical to protecting the health and welfare of our nation. To assist state, local, tribal, and territorial partners in their planning efforts, the Office of the Assistant Secretary for Preparedness and Response has developed the COVID-19 Healthcare Planning Checklist. It identifies specific activities your […] Mar 31, 2020 | Kim Rodgers |
Tools & Resources, InfluenzaEnding Pandemics: US Foreign Policy to Mitigate Today’s Major Killers, Tomorrow’s Outbreaks, and the Health Impacts of Climate ChangeNew pieces make the case that whomever is in the White House needs a proactive strategic initiative, based in global solidarity, to address today’s pandemics, tomorrow’s outbreaks, and the health impacts of climate change. Oct 24, 2019 | Kim Rodgers |
Global Health, Research & ReportsA World at Risk: Annual Report on Global Preparedness for Health EmergenciesFor its first report, the Global Preparedness Monitoring Board (GPMB) reviewed recommendations from previous high-level panels and commissions following the 2009 H1N1 influenza pandemic and the 2014–2016 Ebola outbreak, along with its own commissioned reports and other data. Sep 30, 2019 | Kim Rodgers |

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