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Orange County, NY, administers 800 COVID-19 Vaccines in 24-Hour Period
Orange County, NY received 800 doss of the Moderna COVID-19 vaccine the morning of Tuesday, January 5. By the end of day Wednesday,...
Jan 07, 2021 | Beth Hess
Cross-Collaboration between Preparedness and Case Management Programs
The challenge in many communities, including in the city of Lawrence and Douglas County, is to create a culture of preparedness that...
Feb 28, 2017 | Taylarr Lopez
Disaster Preparedness in Boston Through a Train-the-Trainer Model
Feb 06, 2017 | Taylarr Lopez
NYC MRC Supports Papal Visit to NYC
In response to a request from the NYC Fire Department, on September 25th NYC Medical Reserve Corps mobilized to provide first aid in...
Nov 18, 2015 | Alyson Jordan
Providing Medical Care at Large Public Events
Volunteers from the Lewis County MRC and Providence Health & Services provided services to 503 riders, including 135 who required...
Sep 21, 2015 | Alyson Jordan
COVID-19, ImmunizationOrange County, NY, administers 800 COVID-19 Vaccines in 24-Hour PeriodOrange County, NY received 800 doss of the Moderna COVID-19 vaccine the morning of Tuesday, January 5. By the end of day Wednesday, January 6, they had administered all 800 doses to frontline healthcare and EMS works. Jan 07, 2021 | Beth Hess |
Cross-Collaboration between Preparedness and Case Management ProgramsThe challenge in many communities, including in the city of Lawrence and Douglas County, is to create a culture of preparedness that influences all citizens, regardless of things like socioeconomic status or language barriers. Feb 28, 2017 | Taylarr Lopez |
Disaster Preparedness in Boston Through a Train-the-Trainer ModelFeb 06, 2017 | Taylarr Lopez |
NYC MRC Supports Papal Visit to NYCIn response to a request from the NYC Fire Department, on September 25th NYC Medical Reserve Corps mobilized to provide first aid in Central Park, a venue where Pope Francis and more than 80,000 spectators visited. NYC MRC staff, NYC MRC volunteers and the Region 2 MRC coordinator responded to this need, treating 45 members of the public, and arranging for transport for 2 people to local... Nov 18, 2015 | Alyson Jordan |
Providing Medical Care at Large Public EventsVolunteers from the Lewis County MRC and Providence Health & Services provided services to 503 riders, including 135 who required hands-on patient care, at the mid-route medical aid station in Centralia, Washington for 10,000 bicyclists riding in the 2015 Seattle-to-Portland Bicycle Classic. This experience was excellent medical surge training for closely allied community partners. Sep 21, 2015 | Alyson Jordan |
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Community health workers meet people where they are to build trust, elevate voices,...
The COVID-19 pandemic highlighted what we already know to be true: higher-risk populations are especially vulnerable to public health...
Aug 10, 2023 | Dominique Baradaran, MSM, Interim Chief of Community Health, Oklahoma City- County Health Department