Input Requested: Modeling Tool for Adolescent Sexual Health

Dec 17, 2020 | Julia Zigman

Researchers with the Coalition for Applied Modeling and Prevention (CAMP) have developed a tool with direct public health impact and are seeking feedback from public health department researchers and staff.

The teen-SPARC Excel tool and website was designed to help predict the impact of behavior change among adolescents in the US on sexually transmitted infections. In support of this tool, CAMP has a recorded webinar (found here) to help users navigate the downloadable files (found here). CAMP is looking for additional feedback in order to make this tool as accessible, implementable, and user-friendly as possible.

To support this tool development, public health department researchers and staff are invited to download and navigate the tool, with the assistance of the webinar (optional), and then complete the 5-minute survey (found here) designed to collect user feedback–successful applications, barriers to use, and additional features of interest.

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About Julia Zigman

Pronouns: she/her

Julia Zigman is a Program Analyst on the NACCHO HIV, STI, & Viral Hepatitis team. Julia focuses primarily on NACCHO’s Ending the HIV Epidemic portfolio and is a lead staff member for the HIV, STI, and Viral Hepatitis Workgroup. Learn more about these programs here.

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