Policy Statements and Letters
NACCHO's policy statements and communications to Congress and the administration on a multitude of issues are found below. The organization's Board of Directors determines positions on public health issues. Learn how local health departments have used NACCHO's policy statements to influence local, state and federal policy.
NACCHO members participate actively in the organization's policy development process through workgroups. Individual members are also invited to submit policy statements to be considered by the relevant workgroup and the Board of Directors.
Summaries of COVID funding can be found here.
Letters to Congress and the Administration
- Letter to House Oversight Select Subcommittee on the Coronavirus Pandemic Before the Hearing with Dr. Fauci on June 3 (5/31/24)
- Letter to Senator Sanders on Long COVID Legislative Proposal (4/23/24)
- Joint Letter to HHS Secretary Becerra Requesting Funding for HRSA COVID-19 Uninsured Relief Fund (7/19/22)
- Joint Letter to Congress Urging Replenishment of HRSA COVID-19 Uninsured Relief Fund (4/27/22)
- Letter to the House Committee on Science, Space, and Technology Subcommittee on Investigations and Oversight in Response to the Hearing, "The New Normal: Preparing for and Adapting to the Next Phase of COVID-19" (3/30/22)
- Letter to the Select Subcommittee on the Coronavirus Crisis in Response to the Hearing, "Moving Beyond the Coronavirus Crisis: The Biden Administration's Progress in Combatting the Pandemic and Plan for the Next Phase" (3/29/22)
- Letter to the Department of Justice Requesting Attorney General Merrick Garland's Federal Directive to Protect Public Health Workers (10/18/21)
- Letter to Congress Regarding the Hearing "Upgrading Public Health Infrastructure: The Need to Protect, Rebuild, and Strengthen, State and Local Health Departments (9/28/21)
- Joint Letter to HHS and CDC Requesting a Significant Portion of Funding from the American Rescue Plan Reach Vulnerable Populations to Ensure Health Equity (3/24/21)
- NACCHO-BCHC Recommendations for Public Health Workforce Needs (3/17/2021)
- Joint Letter to Congress Requesting the Continuation of Paid Sick Leave During Pandemic (2/22/2021)
- Letter to Congress Lauding The Public Health Provisions in Latest Coronavirus Relief Package (2/11/21)
- Joint Statement Urging COVID-19 Vaccine be Available to Pregnant Individuals (2/3/21)
- Letter to Senate Homeland Security and Government Affairs Committee Regarding the Hearing “Early Outpatient Treatment: An Essential Part of a COVID-19 Solution, Part II (12/8/20)
- Letter to Congress Requesting Increased Resources and Funding for Local Health Departments to Stem COVID-19 (12/8/20)
- Joint Letter to Congress Requesting an Extension of the Families First Coronavirus Act (FFCA) Paid Sick Leave Provision (12/4/20)
- Joint Letter to CDC with Recommendations to Ensure Equitable Access to COVID-19 Vaccines (10/22/20)
- Joint Letter to CDC Outlining Concerns and Recommendations For a Successful COVID-19 Vaccine Rollout (10/15/20)
- Letter to the House Subcommittee on the Coronavirus Crisis Requesting Investments in Local Health Departments and Infrastructure (10/1/20)
- Letter to Congress Requesting Set-Aside Dollars for Local Health Departments and Public Health Infrastructure in the Next Coronavirus Relief Package (10/1/20)
- Comments on Preliminary Framework for Equitable Allocation of COVID-19 Vaccine (9/4/20)
- Joint Letter to COVID-19 Task Force Regarding Change in Testing Guidance (9/3/20)
- NACCHO-BCHC Letter Regarding CDC Guidance for COVID-19 Testing (8/27/20)
- Joint Letter to Congress Urging Support for the "Pandemic Child Hunger Prevention Act" (H.R. 7887) (8/24/20)
- Joint Letter to HHS Thanking Secretary Azar for the Renewal of the Public Health Emergency Declaration (7/30/20)
- Letter to Congress Urging Congress to Pass NACCHO Priorities in the Next COVID-19 Relief Package (7/23/20)
- Joint Letter to HHS Requesting Extension of Public Health Emergency Declaration for COVID-19 (7/10/20)
- Letter to Sen. Lamar Alexander (R-TN) Providing Comment on the White Paper Preparing for the Next Pandemic (6/26/20)
- Joint Letter to HHS Urging Extension of the Current Public Health Emergency Declaration (6/23/20)
- Joint Letter to the Department of Defense Requesting Clarification and Recommendations on Operation Warp Speed (6/23/20)
- Joint Letter to Congress Requesting the Federal Government Coordinate with Stakeholders to Prepare for COVID-19 Vaccine (6/1/20)
- Comments on the COVID-19 Impact on HIV Programs in Local Health Departments (6/1/20)
- Letter Requesting Hazard Pay for LHD Employees (5/1/20)
- Joint Request for Funding for Contact Tracing Workforce (4/30/20)
- Joint Statement to Federal, State and Local Governments to Prioritize Safety in COVID-19 Policies (4/30/20)
- Joint Letter to Congress Requesting Action to Offer Equitable Access to Testing and Treatment for COVID-19 (4/23/20)
- Letter to Congress from NACCHO Past Presidents Requesting Additional Local Resources to Combat COVID-19 (4/22/20)
- Letter to Congress Urging an Expansion of Workforce for Contact Tracing (4/16/20)
- Letter to Congress Requesting an Increase in Workforce and CDC Funding in Phase 4 of Emergency Supplemental Packages (4/6/20)
- Joint Letter to Congress Requesting a High-Level Review of COVID-19 Response (3/30/20)
- Joint Letter to the Administration and Congress with Recommendations on How to Treat the Aging Population Amid COVID-19 Crisis (3/27/20)
- Joint Letter to USDA Requesting Waivers to Ensure Access to Meals During COVID-19 (3/25/20)
- Letter to Congress and the Administration Requesting Passage of Paid Sick Leave for Those Affected by COVID-19 (3/13/20)
- Letter to Congress Urging Rapid Support to Strengthen the Public Health Response to COVID-19 (3/4/20)
- Letter to Congress Requesting Emergency COVID-19 Funding (2/28/20)
- Joint Letter to Congress Leadership and Appropriators Requesting Emergency COVID-19 Funding (2/24/20)
- Joint Letter to the Administration Requesting Emergency COVID-19 Funding (2/24/20) | Supplementary Information for Request
Policy Statements
- Children's Health Insurance Program
- Clinical Services
- Coverage of Preventive Services
- Integration of Services and Supports for Community Health
- Medicaid
- Oral Health
- United States Health System for 21st Century
Letters to Congress and the Administration
- Joint Letter to Surgeon General Vivek Murthy Urging the Release of 2020 Surgeon General's Report on Oral Health (5/5/21)
- Joint Statement of Endorsement of Title X Strategy for Biden-Harris Administration (1/12/21)
- Letter to the Administration Expressing Concern About Changes to CDC's Overview of Testing for COVID-19 (8/28/20)
- Joint Letter to Congress Requesting Action to Offer Equitable Access to Testing and Treatment for COVID-19 (4/23/20)
2019 Archived Access to Health Services Letters to Congress and the Administration
2018 Archived Access to Health Services Letters to Congress and the Administration
2017 Archived Access to Health Services Letters to Congress
2016 Archived Access to Health Services Letters to Congress and the Administration
Policy Statements
- Health in All Policies
- Healthy Food Access
- Nutrition and Chronic Disease Prevention
- Physical Activity
- Transportation and Health
Letters to Congress and the Administration
- Letter to the House Ways & Means Committee In Response to the Hearing, "Investing in a Healthier America: Chronic Disease Prevention and Treatment" (10/1/24)
- Joint Letter to Senate Appropriators Requesting $11.581 billion for CDC and Urging Support for the CDC's National Center for Chronic Disease Prevention and Health Promotion in FY25 (5/2/24)
- Joint Statement for COVID-19 Recovery Priorities to Meet Children's Nutritional Needs (2/8/21)
- Joint Letter to Congress Supporting Inserting The Improving Social Determinants of Health Act of 2020 (H.R. 6561) in Future COVID-19 Legislation (5/18/20)
- Joint Letter to USDA Opposing Proposed Rule “Simplifying Meal Service and Monitoring Requirements in the National School Lunch and School Breakfast Programs” (4/21/20)
- Joint Letter to Congress Requesting an Increase to SNAP Benefit Levels in the Next COVID-19 Relief Package (4/8/20)
2019 Archived Chronic Disease Prevention Letters to Congress and the Administration
2018 Archived Chronic Disease Prevention Letters to Congress and the Administration
2017 Archived Chronic Disease Prevention Letters to Congress
2016 Archived Chronic Disease Prevention Letters to Congress and the Administration
Policy Statements
Policy Statements
- Comprehensive Sexuality Education
- Congenital Syphilis
- Expedited Partner Therapy
- Harm Reduction
- HIV Prevention, Care and Treatment
- Local Epidemiology and Surveillance
- Sexually Transmitted Infections
- Tuberculosis Prevention and Control
- Viral Hepatitis
Letters to Congress and the Administration
- Joint Letter Urging Congressional Appropriations Leaders to Support FY25 HIV Funding Levels Proposed by the Senate (12/1/24)
- Joint Letter Urging Congressional Appropriations Leaders to Reject the House's Proposed Cuts to Domestic HIV Programs and Support the Levels Proposed by the Senate to Maintain These Programs (10/24/24)
- Joint Letter Urging House Appropriations Leaders to Reject Proposed Cuts to HIV Funding and Expand HOPWA Funding in FY25 (7/9/24)
- Joint Letter to Appropriations Leaders Requesting Funding in FY25 for a National PrEP Program at CDC (5/17/24)
- Joint Letter Urging Congress to Protect Funding for Domestic HIV and Related Programs in the Final FY24 Appropriations Package (1/9/24)
- Joint Letter Providing Comments to CDC's Division of STD Prevention on Draft Guidelines on use of DoxyPEP for Bacterial STI (11/16/23)
- Letter to Division of STD Prevention at Centers for Disease Control and Prevention on Guidelines for the Use of Doxycycline Post-Exposure Prophylaxis for Bacterial STI Prevention (11/16/23)
- Letter to the White House Drug Shortage Task Force Urging them to Address the Bicillin L-A Shortage (10/16/23)
- Joint Letter to Congressional Appropriators Requesting Funding for Domestic HIV Programs in FY24 (3/27/23)
- Joint Letter Urging CDC to Ensure HIV Funds are Available in Tennessee Communities (2/10/23)
- Joint Letter to Congressional Appropriators Requesting Funding for Domestic HIV Programs in FY23 (11/1/22)
- Joint Letter to Congress Requesting Funding for Domestic HIV/AIDS Programs in FY2023 (4/26/22)
- Letter to the Office of the Assistant Secretary for Health Commenting on the Vaccines Federal Implementation Plan 2021-2025 (Vaccine Implementation Plan) (3/29/22)
- Letter to OMB Providing Comment on the Assessments to Inform Program Refinement for HIV, other STI, and Pregnancy Prevention Among Middle and High-School Aged Youth (10/1/21)
- Joint Letter to Congress Requesting Highest Possible Funding Levels for Domestic HIV, Hepatitis, STI, TB, and Related Programs in FY2022 (9/27/21)
- Letter to CDC Requesting Local Health Department Eligibility for STD Funding Opportunities (8/27/21)
- Joint Letter to CDC Allowing HIV Grantees to Pay for PrEP Ancillary Services (7/22/21)
- Letter to HHS Commenting on the Sexually Transmitted Infections National Strategic Plan for the United States (2021 - 2025) (10/1/20)
- Comments on the COVID-19 Impact on HIV Programs in Local Health Departments (6/1/20)
2019 Archived HIV/STI/Hepatitis/Tuberculosis Letters to Congress and the Administration
2018 Archived HIV/STI/Hepatitis/Tuberculosis Letters to Congress and the Administration
2017 Archived HIV/STI/Hepatitis/Tuberculosis Letters to Congress
2017 Archived HIV/STI/Hepatitis/Tuberculosis Letters to the Administration
2016 Archived HIV/STI/Hepatitis/Tuberculosis Letters to Congress and the Administration
Policy Statements
- Access to School-Based Data
- Comprehensive Adolescent Health
- Comprehensive Immunization Programs - Addressing Immunizations Across the Lifespan
- Immunization Information Systems
- Influenza Vaccination for Health Care Personnel
- School and Childcare Immunization Requirements
- Third Party Billing for Immunization
- Vaccine Safety
- Vaccine Supply and Distribution
Letters to Congress and the Administration
- Comment Letter on the Development of Public Health Vaccine and Prevention Educational Campaigns Involving Community Health Workers (7/11/24)
- Joint Letter to Appropriation Leaders Supporting Increased Funding for Immunization-related Activities in FY25 (3/13/24)
- Joint Letter to the House Select Subcommittee on the Coronavirus Pandemic on Vaccine Safety Systems (2/15/24)
- Joint Letter to CDC Urging for Stricter Timelines for the Advisory Committee on Immunization Practice Recommendations and Timelier MMWR Publication of Recommendations (6/20/23)
- Joint Letter to Appropriation Leaders Requesting $860 million for 317 Immunization Programs in FY23 (12/9/22)
- Joint Letter to Congressional Appropriators Supporting Full Funding for Immunization-related Activities in FY23 (9/20/22)
- Letter to the Office of the Assistant Secretary for Health Commenting on the Vaccines Federal Implementation Plan 2021-2025 (Vaccine Implementation Plan) (3/29/22)
- Joint Letter to Congress Supporting Vaccine Provisions in Build Back Better Act (12/13/21)
- Joint Comment Letter to the Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices for the Recommendation of Adult Hepatitis B Universal Vaccination (11/2/21)
- Letter to Congress Lauding The Public Health Provisions in Latest Coronavirus Relief Package (2/11/21)
- Joint Letter to Congress Requesting Increase in Immunization Funding for State and Local Health Departments (12/4/20)
- Letter to HHS Commenting on the Office of Infectious Disease and HIV/AIDS Policy Request for Information on the Vaccines National Strategic Plan Draft (12/3/20)
- Joint Letter to CMS Commenting on Part II of the Advance Notice of Methodological Changes for Calendar Year 2022 for Medicare Advantage Capitation Rates and Part C and Part D Payment Policies (11/30/20)
- Joint Letter to CDC with Recommendations to Ensure Equitable Access to COVID-19 Vaccines (10/22/20)
- Joint Letter to CDC Outlining Concerns and Recommendations For a Successful COVID-19 Vaccine Rollout (10/15/20)
- Comments on Preliminary Framework for Equitable Allocation of COVID-19 Vaccine (9/4/20)
- Joint Letter to the Department of Defense Requesting Clarification and Recommendations on Operation Warp Speed (6/23/20)
- Joint Letter to Congress Requesting the Federal Government Coordinate with Stakeholders to Prepare for COVID-19 Vaccine (6/1/20)
- Joint Letter to Congress Supporting the Protecting Seniors Through Immunization Act (H.R. 5076/S. 1872) (4/1/20)
- Joint Letter to the Department of Homeland Security Requesting Implementation of an Influenza Vaccination Program for Asylum Seekers and Migrants (1/28/20)
2019 Archived Immunization Letters to Congress and the Administration
2018 Archived Immunization Letters to Congress and the Administration
2017 Archived Immunization Letters to Congress
2017 Archived Immunization Letters to the Administration
2016 Archived Immunization Letters to Congress and the Administration
Policy Statements
- Access to School-Based Data
- Antimicrobials in Animals
- Antimicrobial Stewardship and Resistance
- Applied Epidemiology Competencies
- Arbovirus Surveillance, Prevention, and Control
- Improving Collaboration Between CDC and Local Health Departments in Infectious Disease Prevention and Control
- Enteric Disease Testing
- Healthcare-Associated Infections
- Infectious Diseases in Correctional Facilities
- Influenza Vaccination for Health Care Personnel
- Local Epidemiology and Surveillance
- Multi-Drug Resistant Organisms
- National Healthcare Safety Network
- Notifiable Disease Reporting
- Opioid Epidemic
- Paid Sick Leave
- Pandemic and Severe Seasonal Respiratory Virus Therapeutics
- Vector Borne Disease
Letters to Congress and the Administration
- Comment Letter on CMS Inpatient PPS Policy Changes (6/10/24)
- Joint Letter to Appropriation Leaders Requesting $70 million to Fund the Coronavirus and Other Respiratory Viruses Division (CORVD) within CDC's National Center for Immunization and Respiratory Diseases (NCIRD) in FY25 (5/17/24)
- Comment Letter to the Environmental Protection Agency on the Proposed Concept for a Framework to Assess the Risk of Human and Animal Drugs Posed by Certain Antibacterial or Antifungal Pesticides (12/13/23)
- Joint Letter to CDC Highlighting Recissions of Disease Intervention Specialists Funds and Request for FY23 Unspent End-of-Year Funds be Used to Restore Recissions (7/11/23)
- Joint Letter Urging Congress to Adopt Legislation to Eliminate Hepatitis C (4/21/23)
- Comment on HHS Request for Information on the National Public Health Strategy for the Prevention and Control of Vector-Borne Diseases in Humans (1/4/23)
- Joint Letter to Congressional Appropriators Requesting $900 Million for Mpox Response in FY23 Omnibus (12/5/22)
- Joint Letter to Congressional Appropriators Supporting Emergency Funding Request for Monkeypox (9/12/22)
- Joint Letter to Congress Requesting at Least $100 Million in FY23 for Monkeypox Response (7/19/22)
- Joint Letter to Congress Requesting at Least $40 Million for the Advanced Molecular Detection (AMD) Program at CDC (12/6/21)
- Joint Letter to Congress Supporting the Public Health Infrastructure Saves Lives Act (PHISLA) (S.674) (6/22/21)
- Joint Letter to Congress Requesting Increased Funding to the Infectious Diseases and the Opioid Epidemic Program CDC, and Urges Lifting the Ban on the Use of Federal Funding for Syringes (5/21/21)
- Joint Letter to Congress Requesting $60 Million for the Advanced Molecular Detection (AMD) Program at CDC (4/28/21)
- Letter to Senate Rural Working Group Providing Input About Rural Infrastructure Needs (4/19/21)
- Joint Letter to Congress Requesting the Continuation of Paid Sick Leave During Pandemic (2/22/2021)
- Letter to Congress Supporting the Nomination of Rachel Levine, MD to be Assistant Secretary of Health for the Department of Health and Human Services (2/21/21)
- Letter to Congress Urging Long-Term Investment in Public Health Infrastructure and Workforce (2/12/2021)
- Letter to Congress Lauding The Public Health Provisions in Latest Coronavirus Relief Package (2/11/21)
- Letter to Senate Homeland Security and Government Affairs Committee Regarding the Hearing “Early Outpatient Treatment: An Essential Part of a COVID-19 Solution, Part II (12/8/20)
- Letter to Congress Requesting Increased Resources and Funding for Local Health Departments to Stem COVID-19 (12/8/20)
- Joint Letter to Congress Requesting an Extension of the Families First Coronavirus Act (FFCA) Paid Sick Leave Provision (12/4/20)
- Joint Letter to CDC with Recommendations to Ensure Equitable Access to COVID-19 Vaccines (10/22/20)
- Joint Letter to CDC Outlining Concerns and Recommendations For a Successful COVID-19 Vaccine Rollout (10/15/20)
- Letter to Congress Requesting Set-Aside Dollars for Local Health Departments and Public Health Infrastructure in the Next Coronavirus Relief Package (10/1/20)
- Letter to HHS Commenting on the Sexually Transmitted Infections National Strategic Plan for the United States (2021 - 2025) (10/1/20)
- Letter to the House Subcommittee on the Coronavirus Crisis Requesting Investments in Local Health Departments and Infrastructure (10/1/20)
- Comments on Preliminary Framework for Equitable Allocation of COVID-19 Vaccine (9/4/20)
- Joint Letter to COVID-19 Task Force Regarding Change in Testing Guidance (9/3/20)
- NACCHO-BCHC Letter Regarding CDC Guidance for COVID-19 Testing (8/27/20)
- Letter to Congress Urging Congress to Pass NACCHO Priorities in the Next COVID-19 Relief Package (7/23/20)
- Joint Letter Urging Congress to Reject Trump Administration's Plan to Terminate the US Relationship with the World Health Organization (7/17/20)
- Joint Request for Funding for Contact Tracing Workforce (4/30/20)
- Joint Statement to Federal, State and Local Governments to Prioritize Safety in COVID-19 Policies (4/30/20)
- Joint Letter to Congress Requesting Action to Offer Equitable Access to Testing and Treatment for COVID-19 (4/23/20)
- Letter to Congress from NACCHO Past Presidents Requesting Additional Local Resources to Combat COVID-19 (4/22/20)
- Letter to Congress Urging an Expansion of Workforce for Contact Tracing (4/16/20)
- Joint Letter to the Administration and Congress with Recommendations on How to Treat the Aging Population Amid COVID-19 Crisis (3/27/20)
- Joint Letter to Congress Requesting a High-Level Review of COVID-19 Response (3/30/20)
- Letter to Congress and the Administration Requesting Passage of Paid Sick Leave for Those Affected by COVID-19 (3/13/20)
- Joint Letter to Congress Requesting Support for Vector-Borne Disease Efforts at CDC (3/6/20)
- Letter to Congress Urging Rapid Support to Strengthen the Public Health Response to COVID-19 (3/4/20)
2019 Archived Infectious Disease and Epidemiology Letters to Congress and the Administration
2018 Archived Infectious Disease and Epidemiology Letters to Congress and the Administration
2017 Archived Infectious Disease and Epidemiology Letters to Congress
2017 Archived Infectious Disease and Epidemiology Letters to the Administration
2016 Archived Infectious Disease and Epidemiology Letters to Congress and the Administration
Policy Statements
- Child Abuse and Neglect Prevention
- Prevention of Firearm-Related Injury and Death
- Graduated Driver Licensing
- Injury and Violence Prevention
- Medical and Recreational Cannabis and Cannabinoids
- Motor Vehicle Safety Belts
- Older Adult Fall Prevention
- Suicide Prevention
- Traumatic Brain Injury
- Universal Motorcycle Helmet Laws
- Youth Violence Prevention
- Intimate Partner Violence Prevention
Letters to Congress and the Administration
- Joint Letter to Congressional Labor-HHS Appropriations Leaders Advocating for Strong Investment in the Comprehensive Suicide Prevention Program (CSP) Under the CDC Injury Center in FY25 (10/29/24)
- Joint Letter to Congressional Appropriators Requesting Funds for Gun Violence Prevention Research in FY25 (6/3/24)
- Joint Letter to Senate Appropriators Requesting Increased Funding for Community and Youth Violence Prevention and Dedicated Funding for Community Violence Intervention at the CDC in FY25 (4/30/24)
- Joint Letter to House Appropriators Requesting Increased Funding for Community and Youth Violence Prevention and Dedicated Funding for Community Violence Intervention at the CDC in FY25 (4/30/24)
- Joint Letter Urging the Senate Health, Education, Labor, and Pensions (HELP) and House Education and Workforce Committees to Support the WORK to Save Lives Act (12/6/23)
- Joint Letter to Congressional Appropriators Requesting Funds for Gun Violence Prevention Research in FY24 (4/19/23)
- Joint Letter to House Appropriators Requesting for $268 million for CDC's Division of Violence Prevention in FY24 (3/24/23)
- Comment Letter to FDA on the Safety and Effectiveness of Over-the-Counter Naloxone Drug Products (1/17/23)
- Joint Letter to Congress Requesting $60 Million for Public Health Research into Firearm Morbidity and Mortality (4/28/22)
- Joint Letter to Congress Requesting $250 Million for a New Community Violence Initiative at CDC in FY2023 (4/25/22)
- Letter to Secretary Becerra and ONDCP Director Gupta Supporting Implementation of Evidence-based Harm Reduction Programs (4/13/22)
- Letter to Senator Baldwin Commenting on Barriers to Access of Naloxone (1/6/22)
- Joint Letter to Congress Requesting Increased Funding to the Infectious Diseases and the Opioid Epidemic Program CDC, and Urges Lifting the Ban on the Use of Federal Funding for Syringes (5/21/21)
- Joint Letter to Congress Requesting $50 Million for Gun Violence Research at CDC (3/30/20)
- Letter to Congress Outlining the Local Health Department Response to the Opioid Epidemic (1/13/20)
2019 Archived Injury and Violence Prevention Letters to Congress and the Administration
2018 Archived Injury and Violence Prevention Letters to Congress and the Administration
2017 Archived Injury and Violence Prevention Letters to Congress
2017 Archived Injury and Violence Prevention Letters to the Administration
2016 Archived Injury and Violence Prevention Letters to Congress and the Administration
Policy Statements
- Access to School-Based Data
- Children's Environmental Health
- Children's Health Insurance Program
- Childhood Lead Exposure
- Children's Environmental Health
- Comprehensive Adolescent Health
- Graduated Driver Licensing
- Healthy Fatherhood and Male Involvement
- Nurse Home Visiting Programs
- School and Child Care Immunization Requirements
- Sexual Health Education
- Women's Health
- Youth Violence Prevention
Letters to Congress and the Administration
- Joint Letter to Congressional Leadership Urging the Passage of the Bipartisan Preventing Maternal Deaths Reauthorization Act of 2023 (10/31/24)
- Joint Letter to Congressional Appropriations Leaders Expressing Opposition to the Proposed Cuts to the Title V Maternal and Child Health (MCH) Services Block Grant, Especially the Portion Related to Special Projects of Regional and National Significance (SPRANS), in FY25 (9/24/24)
- Joint Letter to Congressional Appropriators Requesting $100 million for CDC's Surveillance for Emerging Threats to Mothers and Babies (SET-NET) in FY25 (4/29/24)
- Joint Letter to House and Senate Appropriators Requesting $7.75 billion in WIC budget authority for fiscal year 2025 and commitment to the scientific integrity of WIC’s food packages (4/19/24)
- Joint Letter to Congressional Appropriators Requesting $100 million for CDC's Surveillance for Emerging Threats to Mothers and Babies (SET-NET) in FY24 (3/23/23)
- Joint Letter Urging Congress to Strengthen WIC Services (11/4/22)
- Joint Letter to OMB Requesting an Allocation of $512 Million for Title X Family Planning Program in FY2023 President's Budget (9/3/21)
- Joint Letter to Congress Requesting Reauthorization of Child Nutrition Programs (7/1/21)
- Joint Letter to Congress Requesting Increased Funding for the Title X Family Planning Program in FY2022 (5/18/21)
- Letter to the Administration Providing Comment to the Notice of Proposed Rulemaking "Ensuring Access to Equitable, Affordable, Client-Centered, Quality Family Planning Services (5/17/21)
- Joint Letter to Congress Requesting an Increase in Investments for the Special Supplemental Nutrition Program for Women, Infants and Children (WIC) (5/17/21)
- Joint Letter to Congress Requesting Support for Child Nutrition Programs in an Upcoming Infrastructure Package (4/9/21)
- Joint Letter to Congress Requesting $100 Million for the Surveillance for Emerging threats to Mothers and Babies Network (SET-NET) at CDC (4/8/21)
- Joint Letter to Congress Requesting $750 Million for the Title V Maternal, and Child Health (MCH) Services Block Grant in FY2022 (3/24/21)
- Joint Statement Urging COVID-19 Vaccine be Available to Pregnant Individuals (2/3/21)
- Joint Letter to Congress Supporting the Passage of the Bipartisan "Maternal Health Quality Improvement Act" (H.R. 4995) (12/8/10)
- Joint Letter to Congress Urging Support for the "Pandemic Child Hunger Prevention Act" (H.R. 7887) (8/24/20)
- Joint Letter to Congress Requesting COVID-19 Emergency Legislation Include an Extension of USDA Waiver Authority for WIC Services (7/31/20)
- Joint Letter to Congress Requesting Extension of Medicaid Coverage for Pregnant Patients to a Full Year Postpartum (7/23/20)
- Letter Responding to CMS Request for Information Regarding Maternal and Infant Health Care in Rural Communities (5/31/20)
- Joint Letter to Congress Requesting Support for the Title X Program Rule (5/22/20)
- Joint Letter to Congress Requesting $100 million for CDC's Surveillance for Emerging Threats to Moms and Babies (5/7/20)
- Joint Letter to USDA Requesting Waivers to Ensure Access to Meals During COVID-19 (3/25/20)
- Joint Letter to Congress Requesting Increased Funding for the Maternal and Child Health Services Block Grant (3/10/20)
- Joint Letter to Congress Requesting Funding for the Title X Family Planning Program (2/28/20)
- Letter to Congress on Addressing the US Maternal Mortality Crisis (1/27/20)
2019 Archived Maternal and Child Health Letters to Congress and the Administration
2018 Archived Maternal and Child Health Letters to Congress and the Administration
2017 Archived Maternal and Child Health Letters to Congress
2017 Archived Maternal and Child Health Letters to the Administration
2016 Archived Maternal and Child Health Letters to Congress and the Administration
Policy Statements
Letters to Congress and the Administration
- Joint Letter to Congressional Appropriations Leaders Requesting the Necessary Resources for Tobacco Related Issues in the FY25 Appropriations Bill (1/30/25)
- Joint Letter to Senate Appropriators Requesting Funding for CDC's Office of Smoking and Health in FY25 (3/25/24)
- Joint Coalition Statement on Menthol Rule (3/21/24)
- Joint Letter to Appropriators on FY24 Tobacco Related Appropriations Issues (1/9/24)
- Joint Letter to Senate Appropriators Requesting to Increase Funding for CDC's Office of Smoking and Health in FY24 (3/16/23)
- Joint Letter to House Appropriators Requesting to Increase Funding for CDC's Office of Smoking and Health in FY24 (3/16/23)
- Joint Letter to Appropriators Requesting Strong Funding for CDC's Office of Smoking and Health in FY23 (11/17/22)
- NACCHO Comment Letter Supporting FDA Proposed Rule to Ban Menthol Cigarettes (8/2/22)
- NACCHO Comment Letter Supporting FDA Proposed Rule to Ban Flavored Cigars (8/2/22)
- Coalition Letter Supporting FDA Proposed Rule to Ban Menthol Cigarettes (8/2/22)
- Coalition Letter Supporting FDA Proposed Rule to Ban Flavored Cigars (8/2/22)
- Joint Letter to Congress Opposing Efforts to Weaken FDA Authority Over Tobacco Products in FY2023 (6/14/22)
- Joint Letter to FDA Commenting on the Need for Action on Menthol Cigarettes and Other Flavored Tobacco Products (4/22/22)
- Joint Letter to Congress Requesting Increased Funding for the CDC's Office of Smoking and Health in FY2023 (4/18/22)
- Joint Letter to the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) Requesting Provisions that Expand Efforts to Reduce Tobacco Use (11/10/21)
- Joint Letter to Congress Opposing Efforts to Weaken FDA Authority Over Tobacco Products (6/30/21)
- Joint Letter to Congress Requesting Increased Funding for CDC's Office on Smoking and Health (OSH) (12/2/20)
- Joint Letter to FDA Urging the Prohibition of Menthol as Characterizing Flavor in Cigarettes (11/9/20)
- Joint Letter to Congress Opposing Any Efforts to Weaken FDA Authority Over Cigars or Any Other Tobacco Products (7/7/20)
- Joint Letter to FDA Requesting Public Disclosure of New Tobacco Products For Which Pre-market Applications Have Been Filed (4/23/20)
- Letter to the CDC Commenting on "Achieving Health Equity in the Advancement of Tobacco Control Practices to Prevent Initiation of Tobacco Use among Youth and Young Adults" (3/20/20)
- Joint Letter to Congress Requesting Increases to CDC Office on Smoking and Health in FY2021 (3/9/20)
- Joint Letter to Congress Expressing Support for the Reversing the Youth Vaping Epidemic Act (H.R. 2339) (2/4/20)
2019 Archived Tobacco Letters to Congress and the Administration
2018 Archived Tobacco Letters to Congress and the Administration
2017 Archived Tobacco Letters to Congress
2017 Archived Tobacco Letters to the Administration
2016 Archived Tobacco Letters to Congress and the Administration
Policy Statements
- Ambient Air Quality
- Asthma Prevention
- Brownfields
- Chemical Policy Reform
- Childhood Lead Poisoning
- Children's Environmental Public Health
- Climate Change
- Concentrated Animal Feeding Operations
- Enteric Disease Testing
- Environmental Health and Public Health Practice
- Environmental Justice
- Environmental Public Health Tracking
- Health Impact Assessment (HIA)
- Health in All Policies (HiAP)
- Healthy Community Design
- Healthy International Trade
- Hydraulic Fracturing
- Indoor Air Quality
- Mosquito Control
- Pollution Prevention
- Recreational Water Safety
- Sustainable Water Use
- Transportation and Health
- Vector Borne Disease
- Water Quality
Letters to Congress and the Administration
- Joint Letter to Congress Requesting Increased Funding for CDC's National Center for Environmental Health in FY25 (4/15/24)
- Joint Letter to Congress Requesting $100 million for CDC's Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry in FY25 (4/15/24)
- Letter to EPA Re: National Primary Drinking Water Regulations: Proposed Lead and Copper Rule Improvements (1/26/24)
- Joint letter to Congress In Opposition to H.R. 1, Lowering Energy Costs Act (3/27/23)
- Joint Letter to Appropriation Leaders Requesting $5 million for HHS's Office of Climate Change and Health in FY24 (3/17/23)
- Joint Letter to Appropriation Leaders Requesting $110 million for CDC's Climate and Health Program in FY24 (3/17/23)
- Joint Letter to Congress on the Health Impacts of Air and Climate Pollution (3/6/23)
- Joint Letter to Appropriation Leaders Requesting $311 million for CDC's National Center for Environmental Health in FY23 (12/8/22)
- Joint Letter to EPA Urging Cleaner Car Standards that Transition to Zero-Emission Vehicles (8/4/22)
- Joint Letter to Congress Requesting $100 Million for the CDC's Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry in FY2023 (5/17/22)
- Joint Letter to Congress Requesting Funding for Vector-Borne Disease Programs in FY2023 (4/25/22)
- Joint Letter to Congress Requesting Increased Funding for CDC's National Center for Environmental Health in FY2023 (5/9/22)
- Joint Letter to Congress Requesting $110 Million for CDC's Climate and Health Program in FY2023 (4/8/22)
- Letter to EPA Commenting on the Experimental Use Permit for Vector-Borne Disease Prevention (10/1/21)
- Joint Letter to the President Urging Increased Pollution Standards for Buses and Trucks to Achieve Zero Emissions by 2040 (5/12/21)
- Joint Letter to the President Urging a Transition to Zero-Emission Vehicles (5/3/21)
- Joint Letter to Congress Requesting $93 Million for the CDC's Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry in FY2022 (4/2/21)
- Joint Letter to Congress Requesting Increased Funding for the CDC's National Center for Environmental Health in FY2022 (4/2/21)
- Joint Letter to Congress Requesting $50 Million for CDC's Climate and Health Program in FY2022 (3/22/21)
- Joint Declaration on Climate Change and Health (1/26/21)
- Joint Letter to the EPA Commenting on the Review of the Ozone National Ambient Air Quality Standards (10/1/20)
- Joint Letter to EPA Requesting an Extension on the Comment Period Deadline for the Proposal "Retain the Ozone National Ambient Air Quality Standards" (8/26/20)
- Joint Comment Letter Opposing EPA's Proposed Rulemaking to the "Strengthening Transparency in Regulatory Science" (5/18/20)
- Joint Letter to Congress Requesting an Increase to the CDC's Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry in FY2021 (5/5/20)
- Joint Statement Opposing Final Mercury and Air Toxics Rule (4/16/20)
- Joint Letter to Congress Requesting Increased Funding to CDC's Climate and Health Program (3/9/20)
- Joint Letter to Congress Requesting Support for Vector-Borne Disease Efforts at CDC (3/6/20)
- Comment Letter to EPA Regarding Proposed Regulatory Revisions to the National Primary Drinking Water Regulation for Lead and Copper (2/12/20)
- Letter to Congress Highlighting the Health Risks of Climate Change (2/4/20)
2019 Environmental Policy Letters to Congress and the Administration
2018 Environmental Policy Letters to Congress and the Administration
2017 Archived Environmental Policy Letters to Congress
2017 Archived Environmental Policy Letters to the Administration
2016 Archived Environmental Policy Letters to Congress and the Administration
Policy Statements
Letters to Congress and the Administration
- Joint Letter to Congress Opposing School Meal Riders in FY2022 Appropriations (11/15/21)
- Joint Letter to OMB Requesting Approval for the Voluntary Sodium Reduction Goals: Target Mean and Upper Bound Concentrations for Sodium in Commercially Processed, Packaged, and Prepared Foods: Guidance for Industry (9/30/21)
2019 Archived Food Safety Letters to Congress and the Administration
2018 Archived Food Safety Letters to Congress and the Administration
2017 Archived Food Safety Letters to Congress
2016 Archived Food Safety Letters to Congress and the Administration
Policy Statements
- Health and Disability
- Health Equity and Social Justice
- Immigrant Health
- LGBTQ+ Health
- Mass Incarceration and Structural Racism
- Police Violence and Racism
- Stigma, Discrimination, and Criminalization Against Persons with Infectious Diseases
- Women's Health
Letters to Congress and the Administration
- Public Comment on Methods and Leading Practices for Advancing Public Participation and Community Engagement with the Federal Government (7/8/24)
- Joint Letter to Appropriation Leaders Requesting Increased Funding for CDC's REACH Program and Good Health and Wellness in Indian Country (GHWIC) in FY25 (5/14/24)
- Joint Letter to Congressional Appropriators to Provide at Least $102.5 million for CDC's REACH Program and Good Health and Wellness in Indian Country (GHWIC) in FY24 (4/24/23)
- Regulatory Comment to CMS on Social Determinants of Health Diagnosis Codes in Hospital Inpatient Prospective Payment Systems Proposed Rule (6/17/22)
- Joint Letter to Congress Requesting Increased Funding for CDC's Racial and Ethnic Approaches to Community Health (REACH) Program and the Good Health and Wellness in Indian Country (GHWIC) in FY2023 (5/26/22)
- Joint Letter to Congress Requesting $153 Million in FY2023 for CDC's Social Determinants of Health Program (5/26/22)
- Joint Letter to Congress Requesting Increased funding for CDC's Racial and Ethnic Approaches to Community Health (REACH) Program and the Good Health and Wellness in Indian Country (GHWIC) (4/5/21)
- Joint Letter to HHS and CDC Requesting a Significant Portion of Funding from the American Rescue Plan Reach Vulnerable Populations to Ensure Health Equity (3/24/21)
- Joint Letter Supporting Establishment of Grant Program to Address Social Determinants of Health (5/18/20)
2019 Archived Health Equity and Social Justice Letters to Congress and the Administration
2018 Archived Healthy Equity and Social Justice Letters to Congress and the Administration
2017 Archived Health Equity and Social Justice Letters to Congress
2016 Archived Health Equity and Social Justice Letters to Congress and the Administration
Policy Statements
- Biosurveillance
- Local Public Health Informatics
- Standards-Based Data Exchange Between Public Health and Healthcare
- Internet-Based Tools and Mobile Technology
Letters to Congress and the Administration
- Joint Letter to Congressional Appropriators Requesting $340 million for CDC's Data Modernization Initiative in FY25 (4/30/24)
- Dear Colleague Letter on CDC Data Modernization and Funding for CDC’s Center for Forecasting and
- Outbreak Analytics (5/14/24)
- Response to Senate HELP Ranking Member Cassidy's Request for Information on CDC Reform (10/20/23)
- Joint Letter Requesting Congressional Leaders to Preserve Funding for CDC's Data Modernization Initiative and Center for Forecasting and Outbreak Analytics in Budget Agreement (5/22/23)
- Joint Letter to Congressional Appropriators Urging for $340 million for CDC's Data Modernization Initiative (3/24/23)
- Joint Letter to Congressional Appropriators Requesting $250 million for CDC’s Data Modernization Initiative (11/21/22)
- Joint Letter to HHS Secretary Becerra Urging Public Health Departments be Included in Cybersecurity Efforts (11/15/22)
- Regulatory Comment to CMS on Data From Reporting Requirements in Hospital Inpatient Prospective Payment Systems Proposed Rule (6/17/22)
- Joint Letter to Congress Requesting $250 Million for Data Modernization Initiative and $50 Million for Center for Forecasting and Outbreak Analytics at CDC in FY2023 (4/27/22)
- Joint Letter to Congress Requesting at Least $150 Million for CDC's Data Modernization Initiative (12/8/21)
- Joint Letter to Congress Requesting Inclusion of $500 Million for Data Modernization Initiative at CDC in BBBA (9/21/21)
- Joint Letter to Congress Requesting at Least $250 Million for Data Modernization Initiative at CDC for FY2022 (4/27/21)
- Joint Letter to Congress Requesting at Least $500 Million for Data Modernization Initiative at CDC (1/28/21)
- Joint Letter to Biden Transition Team Introducing the Data: Elemental to Health Campaign to Modernize the Nations Public Health Data Infrastructure (11/30/20)
- Joint Letter to Congress Requesting $450 million for Data Modernization in the Next COVID-19 Relief Bill (7/22/20)
- Joint Letter to Congress Requesting an Additional $450 million for Data Modernization Funding (4/3/20)
- Joint Letter to Congress Requesting $950 million for Data Modernization Funding to Respond to COVID-19 (3/20/20)
2019 Archived Health Information Technology Letters to Congress and the Administration
2017 Archived Health Information Technology Letters to the Administration
2016 Archived Health Information Technology Letters to Congress and the Administration
Policy Statements
- Clinical Services
- Integration of Services and Supports for Community Health
- Medicaid
- United States Health System for 21st Century
Letters to Congress and the Administration
2019 Archived Public Health Transformation Letters to Congress and the Administration
2017 Archived Public Health Transformation Letters to the Administration
2016 Archived Public Health Transformation Letters to Congress and the Administration
Policy Statements
- Community Health Needs Assessment
- Community Health Strategist
- Evidence-Based Public Health
- Foundational Public Health Services
- Integration of Services and Supports for Community Health
- Mobilizing for Action Through Planning and Partnerships (MAPP)
- Voluntary Accreditation of Local Health Departments
2017 Archived Quality Improvement Letters to Congress
2017 Archived Quality Improvement Letters to the Administration
2016 Archived Quality Improvement Letters to Congress and the Administration
Policy Statements
- Community Health Strategist
- Public Health Certification
- Public Health Ethics
- Public Health Nurses
- Preparedness Workforce Development and Training
- Workforce Development
Letters to Congress and the Administration
- Joint Letter to L-HHS Senate Appropriations Leaders Requesting Funding for the Public Health Workforce Loan Repayment Program in FY25 (5/14/24)
- Dear Colleague Letter to L-HHS House Appropriations Leaders Requesting Funding for the Public Health Workforce Loan Repayment Program in FY25 (5/1/24)
- Joint Letter to CDC on the Effects of the $400M Rescission to Disease Intervention Specialists (DIS) Funds and Request for FY23 Unspent End-of-Year Funds to be used to Restore DIS Rescission (7/11/23)
- Joint Letter to L-HHS Senate Appropriation Leaders Requesting $100 million for the Public Health Workforce Loan Repayment Program in FY24 (4/13/23)
- Joint Letter to L-HHS House Appropriation Leaders Requesting $100 million for the Public Health Workforce Loan Repayment Program in FY24 (3/24/23)
- Letter to L-HHS House Appropriation Leaders Requesting the Public Health Workforce Loan Repayment Program be Fully Funded in FY24 (3/24/23)
- Response to Senate HELP Committee Workforce Request for Information (3/20/23)
- Joint Letter to HHS, HRSA, OMB Requesting Loan Repayment Program Funding in FY24 President's Budget (1/27/23)
- Letter to Senate Rural Working Group Providing Input About Rural Infrastructure Needs (4/19/21)
- Letter to HELP Committee Commenting on Public Health Workforce Development (4/9/21)
- NACCHO-BCHC Recommendations for Public Health Workforce Needs (3/17/2021)
- Letter to Congress Urging Long-Term Investment in Public Health Infrastructure and Workforce (2/12/2021)
- Letters to the House and Senate Urging Passage of Public Health Workforce Loan Repayment Bills (6/26/20)
- Joint Letter to Sens. Booker (D-NJ) and Smith (D-MN) for Introducing "Strengthening the Public Health Workforce Act" (5/26/20)
- Joint Letter to Congress Lauding the Inclusion of the Public Health Workforce Loan Repayment Program in HEROES Bill (5/14/20)
2018 Archived Workforce Development Letters to Congress
2017 Archived Workforce Development Letters to Congress
2017 Archived Workforce Development Letters to the Administration
Policy Statements
Policy Statements
- Anthrax Vaccine Response
- Biosurveillance
- Cybersecurity
- Healthcare Coalition Structure
- Local Health Department Preparedness
- Local Radiation Preparedness
- Medical Reserve Corps
- Medical Countermeasures
- Pandemic Influenza Antivirals
- Pharmacy Partnerships for Emergency Response
- Preparedness Workforce Development and Training
- Public Health Emergency Rapid Response Fund
- Risk Communications Capacity
- Social Media for Risk Communications
Letters to Congress and the Administration
- Public Comment on Hospital Preparedness Program Funding Formula (12/20/2024)
- Response to House Request for Information on Cures 2.0 (8/2/2024)
- Comment Letter to the Food and Drug Administration on the Proposed Rule Phasing Out its General Enforcement Discretion Approach to Laboratory Developed Tests (LDTs) (12/4/23)
- Joint Letter to Congressional Leaders on the Reauthorization of the Pandemic and All-Hazards Preparedness Act (PAHPA) (11/14/23)
- Response to Senate Request for Information the Reauthorization of the Pandemic and All-Hazards Preparedness Act (PAHPA) 3/29/23)
- Response to House Request for Information on the Reauthorization of the Pandemic and All-Hazards Preparedness Act (PAHPA) (3/13/23)
- Comment Letter to the Office of the Assistant Secretary for Preparedness and Response on the 2023-2026 National Health Security Strategy (3/11/22)
- Comment Letter to Senate HELP Commenting on the Discussion Draft of the Prepare for and Respond to Existing Viruses, Emerging New Threats, and Pandemics Act (PREVENT Pandemics Act) (2/4/22)
- Comment Letter to Healthy Future Task Force Security Subcommittee Providing Information on Pandemic Preparedness, Public Health, and Supply Chains (1/31/22)
- Letter to Congress Supporting the Nomination of Rachel Levine, MD to be Assistant Secretary of Health for the Department of Health and Human Services (2/21/21)
- Letter to Congress Lauding The Public Health Provisions in Latest Coronavirus Relief Package (2/11/21)
- Letter to Senate Homeland Security and Government Affairs Committee Regarding the Hearing “Early Outpatient Treatment: An Essential Part of a COVID-19 Solution, Part II (12/8/20)
- Recommendations for Biden-Harris Administration and 117th Congress (11/16/20)
- Letter to Congress Requesting Set-Aside Dollars for Local Health Departments and Public Health Infrastructure in the Next Coronavirus Relief Package (10/1/20)
- Letter to HHS Commenting on the Sexually Transmitted Infections National Strategic Plan for the United States (2021 - 2025) (10/1/20)
- Letter to the House Subcommittee on the Coronavirus Crisis Requesting Investments in Local Health Departments and Infrastructure (10/1/20)
- Comments on Preliminary Framework for Equitable Allocation of COVID-19 Vaccine (9/4/20)
- Joint Letter to COVID-19 Task Force Regarding Change in Testing Guidance (9/3/20)
- NACCHO-BCHC Letter Regarding CDC Guidance for COVID-19 Testing (8/27/20)
- Joint Letter to HHS Thanking Secretary Azar for the Renewal of the Public Health Emergency Declaration (7/30/20)
- Letter to Congress Urging Congress to Pass NACCHO Priorities in the Next COVID-19 Relief Package (7/23/20)
- Joint Letter to HHS Requesting Extension of Public Health Emergency Declaration for COVID-19 (7/10/20)
- Letter to Sen. Lamar Alexander (R-TN) Providing Comment on the White Paper Preparing for the Next Pandemic (6/26/20)
- Joint Letter to HHS Urging Extension of the Current Public Health Emergency Declaration (6/23/20)
- Joint Letter to Congress Strongly Supporting "Cures 2.0" Concept Paper (6/11/20)
- NACCHO White Paper Regarding the Strategic National Stockpile (6/1/20)
- Letter Requesting Hazard Pay for LHD Employees (5/1/20)
- Joint Request for Funding for Contact Tracing Workforce (4/30/20)
- Joint Letter to Congress Requesting Action to Offer Equitable Access to Testing and Treatment for COVID-19 (4/23/20)
- Letter to Congress from NACCHO Past Presidents Requesting Additional Local Resources to Combat COVID-19 (4/22/20)
- Letter to Congress Urging an Expansion of Workforce for Contact Tracing (4/16/20)
- Letter to Congress Requesting an Increase in Workforce and CDC Funding in Phase 4 of Emergency Supplemental Packages (4/6/20)
- Joint Letter to Congress Urging Increases in Public Health Emergency Preparedness and Hospital Preparedness Programs (3/24/20)
- Joint Letter to Congress Supporting CDC Coordination with ASPR Regarding Strategic National Stockpile (3/20/20)
- Letter to Congress and the Administration Requesting Passage of Paid Sick Leave for Those Affected by COVID-19 (3/13/20)
- Letter to Congress Urging Rapid Support to Strengthen the Public Health Response to COVID-19 (3/4/20)
- Letter to Congress Requesting Emergency COVID-19 Funding (2/28/20)
- Joint Letter to Congress Leadership and Appropriators Requesting Emergency COVID-19 Funding (2/24/20)
- Joint Letter to the Administration Requesting Emergency COVID-19 Funding (2/24/20) | Supplementary Information for Request
2019 Archived Preparedness Letters to Congress and the Administration
2018 Archived Preparedness Letters to Congress and the Administration
2017 Archived Preparedness Letters to Congress
2016 Archived Preparedness Letters to Congress and the Administration
Policy Statements
Letters to Congress and the Administration
- Conference Letter to Members of the House of Representatives Requesting the Strongest Possible Investment in Federal Public Health Programs in FY25 (9/9/24)
- Joint Letter to Congressional Leaders Expressing Support for Public Health Programs in Anomalies Request (9/6/24)
- Letter to House Appropriations Committee Leaders Urging Strong Investments in Local Health Departments in FY25 (7/9/24)
- Joint Letter to Congressional Leaders to Fully Appropriate Necessary Non-Defense Discretionary (NDD) Funds (6/25/24)
- Testimony to Senate Appropriations Subcommittee on Labor, Health and Human Services, Education and Related Agencies (5/16/24)
- Testimony to House Appropriations Subcommittee on Labor, Health and Human Services, Education and Related Agencies on NACCHO's FY25 Priorities (5/3/24)
- Joint Letter Urging House Leaders to Reject Cuts to the Prevention and Public Health Fund (2/5/24)
- Joint Letter to Congress Regarding FY24 Topline Negotiations (1/7/24)
- Joint Letter Urging Leaders from the Senate Committee on Health, Education, Labor, and Pensions to Reject Cuts to the Prevention and Public Health Fund (9/20/23)
- Joint Letter Urging Congressional Leaders to Reject Cuts to Non-Defense Programs in FY24 (5/15/23)
- Joint Letter to Congressional Appropriators to Increase Funds for the Labor Health and Human Services and Education Subcommittee in FY24 (3/31/23)
- NACCHO's Testimony to the House Appropriations Subcommittee on Labor, Health and Human Services, Education and Related Agencies on FY24 Appropriation Priorities (3/23/23)
- Joint Letter to L-HHS Appropriators Requesting $11.581 Billion for CDC's Programs in FY24 (3/22/23)
- Letter to Appropriators Requesting Strong Public Health Investments in FY23 (11/15/22)
- Joint Letter to Congress Requesting $10.45 billion for the CDC in FY23 (11/11/22)
- Joint Letter to Congressional Appropriators Supporting Emergency Funding Request for COVID-19 and Monkeypox Responses (9/22/22)
- Testimony to House Appropriations Subcommittee on Labor, Health and Human Services, Education and Related Agencies on NACCHO's FY2023 Priorities (5/26/22)
- Testimony to Senate Appropriations Subcommittee on Labor, Health and Human Services, Education and Related Agencies on NACCHO's FY2023 Priorities (5/11/22)
- Joint Letter to Congress Requesting $11 billion for the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) in FY2023 (4/1/22)
- Joint Letter to Congress Supporting the Public Health Infrastructure Saves Lives Act (PHISLA) (S.674) (6/22/21)
- Joint Letter to Congress Requesting an Increase in 302(b) Allocation in FY2022 (6/10/21)
- Letter to the House Appropriations LHHS Subcommittee Outlining NACCHO's Appropriations Requests for FY2022 (5/19/21)
- Joint Letter to Congress Requesting Increased Funding to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) for FY2022 (3/1/21)
- Letter to Congress Urging Long-Term Investment in Public Health Infrastructure and Workforce (2/12/2021)
- Joint Letter to Congress Requesting Opposing Any Effort to Reduce or Eliminate Funding to CDC Programs (11/24/20)
- Letter to Congress Supporting Public Health Priorities in FY2021 (11/24/20)
- Joint Letter to Congress Supporting Health Defense Operations Designation (6/9/20)
- Joint Letter to Congress Requesting Funding for State and Local Governments (5/20/20)
- Joint Request for Funding for Contact Tracing Workforce (4/30/20)
- Joint Letter to Congress Requesting an Increase in 302(b) Allocation for LHHS Appropriations (4/16/20)
- Letter to Congress Urging an Expansion of Workforce for Contact Tracing (4/16/20)
- Letter to Congress Requesting an Increase in Workforce and CDC Funding in Phase 4 of Emergency Supplemental Packages (4/6/20)
- Joint Letter to Congress Requesting Increased Annual Funding for CDC (4/3/20)
- Joint Letter to Congress Urging Increases in Public Health Emergency Preparedness and Hospital Preparedness Programs (3/24/20)
- Joint Letter to Congress Requesting Increased Funding for CDC's Surveillance for Emerging Threats to Mothers and Babies Program (3/24/20)
- Letter to Congress Requesting an Increase in Funding for the Centers of Disease Control and Prevention (3/9/20)
- Joint Letter to CDC Requesting Emergency Supplemental Funding for COVID-19 Rapidly Reach Local Communities (3/9/20)
- Joint Letter to Congress Requesting $8.3 Billion for CDC Programs in FY2021 (2/26/20)
- Letter to the Administration Requesting FY2020 Emergency Supplemental Funding for COVID-19 (2/24/20)
- Letter to Congress Requesting FY2020 Emergency Supplemental Funding for COVID-19 (2/24/20)
2019 Archived Public Health Funding Letters to Congress and the Administration
2018 Archived Public Health Funding Letters to Congress and the Administration
2017 Archived Public Health Funding Letters to Congress
2017 Archived Public Health Funding Letters to the Administration
2016 Archived Public Health Funding Letters to Congress and the Administration
Public Affairs
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