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Risk Communication and Information Sharing Workgroup Feburary Report
The Risk Communication and Information Sharing Workgroup held its February call on Tuesday, February 3, 2015 at 1 PM Eastern Time....
Mar 09, 2015 | Frances Bevington
Medical Reserve Corps (MRC) Workgroup February Update
The Medical Reserve Corps (MRC) workgroup convened via conference call on February 23, 2015. For the past two months, the workgroup...
Mar 09, 2015 | Tahlia Gousse
The Preparedness Planning, Outcomes, and Measures (PPOM) Workgroup – February Report
The Preparedness Planning, Outcomes, and Measures (PPOM) workgroup held its monthly call on February 24, 2015. During the call,...
Feb 27, 2015 | Nicole Dunifon
Surge Management Workgroup January Report
The Surge Management Workgroup held its January call on the 26th. After introductions, members held a discussion related to the topics...
Feb 24, 2015 | Geoffrey Mwaungulu, Jr.
Risk Communication and Information Sharing Workgroup January Report
The Risk Communication and Information Sharing Workgroup held its January call on Tuesday, January 6, 2015 at 1 PM Eastern Time....
Feb 18, 2015 | Frances Bevington
The Preparedness Planning, Outcomes, and Measures (PPOM) Workgroup – January Report
The Preparedness Planning, Outcomes, and Measures workgroup held its monthly call on January 27. Ann Goodman Hoover, Deputy Director...
Feb 06, 2015 | Nicole Dunifon
Preparedness Policy Advisory Group January Report
The Preparedness Policy Advisory Group (PPAG) held its monthly call on January 14. NACCHO’s Chief of Government Affairs kicked...
Jan 26, 2015 | Katie Dwyer
Medical Reserve Corps Workgroup- December Update
The Medical Reserve Corps (MRC) workgroup convened via conference call on December 15. With many of the MRC workgroup members coming...
Jan 09, 2015 | Tahlia Gousse
Preparedness Policy Advisory Group December 2014 Report
After taking the month of November off, the Preparedness Policy Advisory Group (PPAG) reconvened its monthly calls on December 10. The...
Jan 06, 2015 | Katie Dwyer
Risk Communication and Information Sharing Workgroup Feburary ReportThe Risk Communication and Information Sharing Workgroup held its February call on Tuesday, February 3, 2015 at 1 PM Eastern Time. Nine workgroup members participated in the call. The group discussed recommendations from a NACCHO Policy Scholar regarding risk communication capacity at local health departments to include in a policy statement about the importance of having dedicated […] Mar 09, 2015 | Frances Bevington |
Medical Reserve Corps (MRC) Workgroup February UpdateThe Medical Reserve Corps (MRC) workgroup convened via conference call on February 23, 2015. For the past two months, the workgroup has been working diligently to shape the MRC mentorship program. Descriptions and applications for both mentors and mentees have been drafted, and the workgroup is currently working with NACCHO to identify selection criteria and […] Mar 09, 2015 | Tahlia Gousse |
The Preparedness Planning, Outcomes, and Measures (PPOM) Workgroup – February ReportThe Preparedness Planning, Outcomes, and Measures (PPOM) workgroup held its monthly call on February 24, 2015. During the call, presenters from Ohio and California discussed how their local health department responded to a measles outbreak. Julie Miller, Health Commissioner at the Knox County Health Department, provided an overview of how the local health department worked […] Feb 27, 2015 | Nicole Dunifon |
Surge Management Workgroup January ReportThe Surge Management Workgroup held its January call on the 26th. After introductions, members held a discussion related to the topics that workgroup members are interested in for future conversation. Following this discussion, Carina Elsenboss and Michelle Askenazi provided summaries on the Institute of Medicine Regional Disaster Response Coordination to Support Health Outcomes workshop, which... Feb 24, 2015 | Geoffrey Mwaungulu, Jr. |
Risk Communication and Information Sharing Workgroup January ReportThe Risk Communication and Information Sharing Workgroup held its January call on Tuesday, January 6, 2015 at 1 PM Eastern Time. Thirteen workgroup members participated in the call. The group discussed research findings from a NACCHO Policy Scholar regarding risk communication capacity at local health departments to help inform a policy statement about the importance […] Feb 18, 2015 | Frances Bevington |
The Preparedness Planning, Outcomes, and Measures (PPOM) Workgroup – January ReportThe Preparedness Planning, Outcomes, and Measures workgroup held its monthly call on January 27. Ann Goodman Hoover, Deputy Director of the National Health Security Preparedness Index (NHSPI) Program Management Office at the University of Kentucky, gave an informational update on the evolution of the NHSPI. The presentation gave an overview of the 2014 Index, highlighted […] Feb 06, 2015 | Nicole Dunifon |
Preparedness Policy Advisory Group January ReportThe Preparedness Policy Advisory Group (PPAG) held its monthly call on January 14. NACCHO’s Chief of Government Affairs kicked off the meeting with an update on the FY2015 spending bill passed by Congress in December and supplemental Ebola funding. The PPAG also reviewed and provided feedback on an updated smallpox medical countermeasures policy statement. In […] Jan 26, 2015 | Katie Dwyer |
Medical Reserve Corps Workgroup- December UpdateThe Medical Reserve Corps (MRC) workgroup convened via conference call on December 15. With many of the MRC workgroup members coming back from an engaging MRC Core Competencies workshop the week before, much of the discussion on the call was a hot-wash and action planning for the MRC workgroup’s next steps as they related to […] Jan 09, 2015 | Tahlia Gousse |
Preparedness Policy Advisory Group December 2014 ReportAfter taking the month of November off, the Preparedness Policy Advisory Group (PPAG) reconvened its monthly calls on December 10. The work group began by welcoming a new PPAG member, Erin Coker, from the Mobile County Health Department to represent Alabama. The December call included updates and discussion on Ebola, including NACCHO’s response efforts, implementation […] Jan 06, 2015 | Katie Dwyer |

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