America’s PrepareAthon! Helps Build Resilient Communities

By Gwen Camp, director of individual and community preparedness for the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA)  Despite the...

Apr 28, 2015 | Guest Author

  • National Infant Immunization Week Highlights the Importance of Vaccination for a...

    National Infant Immunization Week, April 18-25, is an annual observance to highlight the importance of protecting infants from...

    Apr 22, 2015 | Admin

  • Project Public Health Ready: A Tool for Improving Statewide Preparedness

    A hurricane is fast approaching your region. How will evacuation and sheltering procedures work when your neighbors are all affected,...

    Jan 22, 2015 | Rachel Schulman

  • Consideration of the Intersection of Local Public Health Emergency Preparedness...

    Nov 06, 2014 | Guest Author

  • Innovation across the MRC Network Helps Local Communities be More Prepared for...

    By Alyson Jordan, MPA, Communications Specialist, and Stacy Stanford, MSPH, Senior Program Analyst, Public Health Preparedness, NACCHO...

    Oct 21, 2014 | Stacy Stanford

  • NACCHO Launches “MRC Connect” – the First Social Media Application for the Medical...

    NACCHO, in partnership with the Division of the Civilian Volunteer Medical Reserve Corps and Rallyware, a technology startup, have...

    Oct 16, 2014 | Admin

  • Climate Change and Human Health: Impacts, Vulnerability, and Public Health

    Human health is directly affected by natural disasters such as hurricanes, earthquakes, flooding, and heat; it is also indirectly...

    Oct 07, 2014 | Chris Mills

  • Accessible Video Resource for POD Settings: Q and A with the Northeast Texas Health...

    The Northeast Texas Public Health District (NTPHD) has experienced its share of disasters. After Hurricane Katrina, NTPHD preparedness...

    Sep 26, 2014 | Guest Author

  • Encouraging Pet Preparedness: Lessons from a NACCHO MRC Challenge Award Winner

    In the wake of Hurricane Katrina in 2005, many evacuees were forced to leave their pets behind because no provisions had been made to...

    Sep 23, 2014 | Admin

  • America’s PrepareAthon! Helps Build Resilient Communities

    By Gwen Camp, director of individual and community preparedness for the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA)  Despite the heartbreaking stories of recent disasters, research shows nearly 60 percent of Americans have not participated in a preparedness drill or exercise at their workplace, school, or home in the past year. Local leaders in public health preparedness […]

    Apr 28, 2015 | Guest Author

    National Infant Immunization Week Highlights the Importance of Vaccination for a Resilient Community

    National Infant Immunization Week, April 18-25, is an annual observance to highlight the importance of protecting infants from vaccine-preventable diseases and celebrate the achievements of immunization programs and their partners in promoting healthy and resilient communities. Hundreds of communities across the United States have joined together to celebrate the critical role vaccination plays...

    Apr 22, 2015 | Admin

    Project Public Health Ready: A Tool for Improving Statewide Preparedness

    A hurricane is fast approaching your region. How will evacuation and sheltering procedures work when your neighbors are all affected, too? The local health department reports a suspected case of Ebola. Who at the state level should be notified first? Quick, effective responses to public health emergencies require planning, coordination, and practice among and between […]

    Jan 22, 2015 | Rachel Schulman

    Consideration of the Intersection of Local Public Health Emergency Preparedness Planning and the Affordable Care Act

    Nov 06, 2014 | Guest Author

    Innovation across the MRC Network Helps Local Communities be More Prepared for Emerging Threats

    By Alyson Jordan, MPA, Communications Specialist, and Stacy Stanford, MSPH, Senior Program Analyst, Public Health Preparedness, NACCHO NACCHO launched “MRC Connect,” the first social media platform for the Medical Reserve Corps (MRC), on October 16, presenting a new way for the MRC network to connect with others, share what is happening in nearly 1,000 U.S. […]

    Oct 21, 2014 | Stacy Stanford

    NACCHO Launches “MRC Connect” – the First Social Media Application for the Medical Reserve Corps

    NACCHO, in partnership with the Division of the Civilian Volunteer Medical Reserve Corps and Rallyware, a technology startup, have launched “MRC Connect,” the first social media application for the MRC network. MRC Connect enhances and simplifies information sharing about public health preparedness and emergency response best practices among the nation’s 1,000 MRC unit coordinators. The […]

    Oct 16, 2014 | Admin

    Climate Change and Human Health: Impacts, Vulnerability, and Public Health

    Human health is directly affected by natural disasters such as hurricanes, earthquakes, flooding, and heat; it is also indirectly affected through increased transmission and geographic expansion of diseases spread by insects, compromised air, water, and food quality. For example, bacterial counts in the water surrounding coastal communities tend to spike dramatically following heavy rainfall. Not...

    Oct 07, 2014 | Chris Mills

    Accessible Video Resource for POD Settings: Q and A with the Northeast Texas Health District

    The Northeast Texas Public Health District (NTPHD) has experienced its share of disasters. After Hurricane Katrina, NTPHD preparedness staff noticed that educational resources were not available to members of the deaf community. In response, they created a series of informational preparedness videos to be used in Point of Dispensing (POD) settings. The information in the videos […]

    Sep 26, 2014 | Guest Author

    Encouraging Pet Preparedness: Lessons from a NACCHO MRC Challenge Award Winner

    In the wake of Hurricane Katrina in 2005, many evacuees were forced to leave their pets behind because no provisions had been made to evacuate pets with their families. Other pet owners chose to stay in their homes so they did not have to leave their family pet behind. It was estimated that as many […]

    Sep 23, 2014 | Admin

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