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COVID-19 Resources for Local Health Departments (March 23-27)
March 23, 2020 CDC Updates: Keeping Children Healthy While Schools are Closed HHS Updates: New Guidelines on Priority Testing (See...
Mar 31, 2020 | Kim Rodgers
Tools & Resources, Webinar, Emergency Response, Maternal, Child, & Adolescent Health
Webinar Recording: Developing a Healthcare Coalition Pediatric Surge Annex
On February 26, ASPR TRACIE hosted Developing a Healthcare Coalition Pediatric Surge Annex. This webinar featured national experts...
Mar 11, 2020 | Kim Rodgers
Wildfire Resources for Local Health Departments
Over 40 wildfires threaten the public’s safety and health across California, Washington, Oregon, Idaho, Montana and throughout...
Oct 11, 2017 | Katie Dwyer
National Preparedness Month Spotlight: Vulnerable Populations
As local health departments (LHDs) take part in National Preparedness Month activities with their communities, it’s important to...
Sep 26, 2017
Summit Podcast Series: Lessons Learned from the Attempted Times Square Bombing
In the second year of the Preparedness Summit Podcast series, take a deeper dive into the subject of preparedness with some of the...
May 13, 2016 | Mary Hodges
Tools & Resources, Webinar, COVID-19, Maternal, Child, & Adolescent HealthRecap: [NACCHO Webinar] Protecting Children’s Environmental Health During COVID-19: Supporting Child Care ProgramsDuring NACCHO's webinar, “Protecting Children’s Environmental Health During COVID-19: Supporting Child Care Programs,” held on April 28, 2021, we heard from three environmental health experts. May 05, 2021 | Angana Roy |
Tools & Resources, Infectious DiseaseCOVID-19 Resources for Local Health Departments (March 23-27)March 23, 2020 CDC Updates: Keeping Children Healthy While Schools are Closed HHS Updates: New Guidelines on Priority Testing (See attachment) DHS Update: Joint Statement on US-Canada Joint Initiative: Temporary Restriction of Travelers Crossing the US-Canada Land Border for Non-Essential Purposes Fact Sheet: DHS Measures on the Border to Limit the Further Spread of Coronavirus […] Mar 31, 2020 | Kim Rodgers |
Tools & Resources, Webinar, Emergency Response, Maternal, Child, & Adolescent HealthWebinar Recording: Developing a Healthcare Coalition Pediatric Surge AnnexOn February 26, ASPR TRACIE hosted Developing a Healthcare Coalition Pediatric Surge Annex. This webinar featured national experts discussing guidance, resources, and lessons learned to help healthcare coalitions (HCCs) develop a pediatric surge annex. Access the recording, presentation, Pediatric Surge Tabletop Exercise Resource Kit, and annex template today; reach out if you have questions or... Mar 11, 2020 | Kim Rodgers |
Wildfire Resources for Local Health DepartmentsOver 40 wildfires threaten the public’s safety and health across California, Washington, Oregon, Idaho, Montana and throughout the western United States. At least 15 people have died in California as a result of the fires in Sonoma, Napa, and Mendocino counties. Wildfire smoke also poses a health risk to communities who are not directly impacted […] Oct 11, 2017 | Katie Dwyer |
National Preparedness Month Spotlight: Vulnerable PopulationsAs local health departments (LHDs) take part in National Preparedness Month activities with their communities, it’s important to include people who require additional assistance in the event of a natural disaster or emergency in those conversations. In support of LHD efforts to address the needs of their entire communities, NACCHO and its partners have developed […] Sep 26, 2017 |
Summit Podcast Series: Lessons Learned from the Attempted Times Square BombingIn the second year of the Preparedness Summit Podcast series, take a deeper dive into the subject of preparedness with some of the most fascinating Summit speakers. Michael Frogel, Co-Principal Investigator for the New York City Pediatric Disaster Coalition shares his experience planning for a pediatric mass casualty event after the failed bombing attempt on […] May 13, 2016 | Mary Hodges |
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