Public Health Transformation
Welcome to NACCHO's Public Health Transformation page. Here, you will find all of our best resources on transforming your LHD into a more effective organization.
If you have any questions or concerns, please email us at [email protected].
New Tools and Leading Strategies for Effective Health Care-Public Health Collaboration
Moving meaningfully towards healthy communities means that health care providers, public health agencies, and community-based organizations need to effectively coordinate their efforts together. Yet how can these efforts go beyond basic assessment to active collaboration? What are those key ingredients to begin successful cross-sector community health efforts? As part of a joint effort between the Center for State, Tribal, Local, and Territorial Support (CSTLTS) at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), American Hospital Association (AHA), and the National Association of County and City Health Officials (NACCHO), the Partnership for Public Health project provides a suite of tools and resources that showcase leading strategies for active collaboration across the field. Learn more by clicking here.
A recent assessment of local health departments around the country helped to inform a roadmap and toolkit to help local health departments tackle population health in their communities. Information from those interviews fell into four themes: Building a Culture of Population Health, Leading the Movement, Tapping into External Resources, and Developing Staff Capacity. Click here for the Report’s executive Summary and here for the toolkit.
The following one-pagers provide suggestions and resources for building capacity within the health department to address population health.
The following one-pagers provide suggestions and resources for maintaining partnerships and utilizing external community resources.
"On December 7, 2017 the Round-table on Population Health Improvement held a 1-day, public workshop in Oakland, California to address the use of tax policies to channel resources and shape economic incentives affecting population health. The workshop began with a “tax policy 101” overview. Other presentations and discussion ranged from design of tax policies to advance a range of health and economic goals, to practical conditions that affect the use of tax policy in particular contexts. On April 30th, 2018, a webinar on commodity tax policy and how it can help shape community conditions for health and health equity served as a follow-up to the December 2017 workshop
You can view the workshop agenda and materials, including a video, here. A proceedings in brief has been published here, and a full-length proceedings is forthcoming.
Attached, you'll find a listing of partners and funders for the Public Health Transformation program.