Digest (February 1, 2023)

Feb 01, 2023

HIV, STI, Viral Hepatitis, and Harm Reduction Digest

February 1, 2023

NACCHO News and Announcements

Instruction Design Consultant RFP

Applications must be submitted electronically by 5:00 p.m. Eastern Standard Time on Friday February 24, 2023 NACCHO will award up to $150,000 to an instructional design consultant or consultant group to support its HSH and Harm Reduction team in the development and design of instructional tools to enhance replication and scale-up of identified best practices amongst NACCHO members and our various partners and funders. The consultant will work with NACCHO staff to:

  1. Review reports, evaluation findings, presentations, trainings, and other materials developed during project implementation across a range of technical health areas within the HSH and Harm Reduction portfolio
  2. Conceptualize and propose instructional tools with which to disseminate key information, skills, and knowledge gained such that LHDs and other local health department partners may independently replicate identified best and promising practices
  3. Design and produce agreed upon instructional tools (such as reports, toolkits, trainings) ready for dissemination.

The consultant(s) may work with other consultants or firms to complete the work. However, NACCHO will only contract with and provide funds to the selected consultant(s).

NACCHO’s HIV, STI, Viral Hepatitis, and Harm Reduction (HSHH) Team is Hiring!

The HSHH Team is seeking four new additions! We are looking for two Senior Program Analysts, a Program Analyst, and a Senior Program Assistant to join us. All positions are hybrid remote-in office, but candidates must be based in the DC/Maryland/Virginia area and are required to come to the DC office at least once a week.

Senior Program Analyst¸ HIV: We are seeking a motivated person with experience in managing Ryan White programs at the state or local level to fill this new position. The position will be leading our program portfolio focusing on care and treatment for persons living with HIV. Experienced persons from priority populations most impacted by HIV are strongly encouraged to apply. The successful candidate will also have experience in syndemic and equity approaches to program design, implementation, evaluation, and community engagement.

Senior Program Analyst¸ STI: We are seeking a motivated person with experience working to address sexually transmitted infections at the state or local level to fill this position. The position will be leading our program portfolio focusing on syphilis and congenital syphilis. The successful candidate will also have experience in syndemic and equity approaches to program design, implementation, evaluation, and community engagement and a strong understanding of approaches to virtual learning communities and technical assistance provision.

Program Analyst¸ HIV: We are seeking a motivated person with experience in project management and organization and experience with HIV. An understanding of how local health departments are engaged in efforts to address HIV is also appreciated.

Senior Program Assistant, HSHH/MCAH: We are seeking a motivated person with experience in project coordination, administration, communications, invoices, and contracts. An understanding of how local health departments function is also appreciated.

Strengthening Local Public Health among Afghan Refugee, Immigrant, and Migrant (RIM) Communities RFA

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Applications must be submitted by February 10, 2023, at 11:59 PM ET to [email protected] and selections will occur on or around February 24, 2023. All necessary information regarding the project and application process is outlined in the Request for Applications (RFA) attached below.

The National Association of County and City Health Officials (NACCHO) is excited to announce a new funding opportunity. This funding opportunity will build capacity of local health departments (LHDs) to effectively collaborate with Afghan refugee, immigrant, and migrant communities and community-based organizations for improved Afghan community public health.

This opportunity aims to build and sustain Afghan community engagement and community health planning structures, support Afghan community health assessment processes, focusing on community needs for sustainable approaches to address priority public health needs, including vaccine hesitancy, and health education, and support development of referral and linkage systems to Afghan friendly community health education, and health and social services.

This project also seeks to build capacity of LHDs to effectively collaborate with Afghan refugee, immigrant, and migrant communities and community-based organizations for improved Afghan community public health.

NACCHO will issue contracts of up to $140,000 to up to five sites Under Tier One that have existing collaborations between LHDs and RIM serving community-based organizations, including Afghan- refugee serving community- based organization(s) developed to address emerging infectious disease, including COVID-19, and up to $200,000 per site to up to four LHDs under Tier Two to implement activities to support jurisdictions with large or growing populations of Afghan refugees.

HIV, STI, and Hepatitis Resources and News

Prevalence of Substance Use among Congenital Syphilis Cases Blog

On January 20th, 2023, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) published new analysis on substance use among persons with syphilis during pregnancy. Read more about what this means for syphilis prevention and control here.

Viral Hepatitis Updates from the HHS Office of Infectious Disease and HIV/AIDS Policy

With only seven years to go until we reach our elimination goal in 2030, our team looks back at 2022 and highlights 5 accomplishments in case you missed it.

1. Viral Hepatitis Federal Implementation Plan for the United States, 2021-2025

The Viral Hepatitis Federal Implementation Plan, published in May 2022, summarizes the policies, research, and activities that federal partners intend to put into practice through 2025 to meet the goals of the Viral Hepatitis National Strategic Plan for the United States: A Roadmap to Elimination 2021-2025.

2. Federal Implementation of the Updated Hepatitis B Vaccination Recommendations Webinar

In May 2022, a panel of federal leadership, including representatives from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS), Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA), Indian Health Services (IHS), Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA), and the United States Department of Veteran Affairs (VA), convened to discuss how agencies planned to implement the Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices’ updated hepatitis B vaccination recommendations and collaborative efforts to increase hepatitis B vaccination uptake in the United States. Click here to learn more about the new vaccination recommendations.

3. Hepatitis C Medicaid Affinity Group Final Report

Although the Hepatitis C Medicaid Affinity Group ended in 2021, the evaluation was published in 2022. The evaluation includes successes, challenges, and recommendations for implementation of state and federal strategies in hepatitis C screening, linkage to care, and treatment.

4. Partner Meeting for Addressing Reimbursement in Viral Hepatitis Integration of Prevention and Care Services Initiative

In July 2022, as part of the Addressing Reimbursement in Viral Hepatitis Integration of Prevention and Care Services Initiative, OIDP held a partner meeting with federal and non-federal experts engaged in hepatitis work to discuss successful payment and reimbursement models for integrated viral hepatitis services.

5. U.S. Public Health Service Commissioned Corps Changes Medical Standards to Accept Future Applicants

On December 1st, 2022, the U.S. Public Health Service Commissioned Corps announced that it is updating its medical standards to accept future applicants living with chronic hepatitis B and HIV. Prior to this change, chronic hepatitis B and HIV medically disqualified applicants from acceptance into the Commissioned Corps.

Call for Proposals for Planning Grants- Global Learning for Health Equity Network

Have you thought about looking outside U.S. borders for innovative solutions to health equity challenges in your community? The University of Maryland’s Global Learning for Health Equity (GL4HE) Network has recently launched their call for planning grants proposal to help you find the resources to do so. These planning grants are intended to help community-based organizations and health equity advocates learn about creative approaches, initiatives, or policies from countries around the world that can inform their efforts to advance health equity in the U.S.

For more information and the application link, please check out GL4HE’s proposal website. Applications are due by February 8, 2023!

Northwest Portland Area Indian Health Board Syphilis Campaign

Across Indian Country, syphilis and congenital syphilis cases are increasing at an alarming rate.

To create awareness and encourage people to get tested and treated, The Great Plains Tribal Leaders Health Board (GPTLHB) and The Northwest Portland Area Indian Health Board (NPAIHB) created a national campaign to stop congenital syphilis: www.stopsyphilis.org.

Use the link above to order print materials or download digital materials for free!

Let’s Stop HIV Together Campaign from the CDC Division of HIV Prevention

National Black HIV/AIDS Awareness Day (NBHAAD) is observed annually on February 7. On this day, we acknowledge the progress made in HIV prevention and care among Black or African American (hereafter referred to as Black) people while recognizing the work still needed to address the impact of HIV on these communities. To help you prepare for NBHAAD, the Let’s Stop HIV Together (Together) campaign is pleased to share its National Black HIV/AIDS Awareness Day toolkit.

This resource includes new, ready-to-use social media posts and graphics in both English and Spanish, as well as an Instagram carousel. These posts can be shared leading up to and on NBHAAD. Use this toolkit to share messages about HIV stigma, testing, prevention, and treatment, along with the hashtags #NBHAAD and #StopHIVTogther.

Together offers more than 100 campaign materials for Black audiences, including downloadable posters, videos, and palm cards. These materials can be found on the Together Search All Resources” page. Topics include PrEP, stigma, being undetectable, and more. Use the search box or filters to find the resources that work best for your communities.

New CDC HIV Prevention Resource: Social Media Toolkit for Gay and Bisexual Men

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Are you looking for HIV prevention social media content tailored for gay and bisexual men? The Together campaign has you covered! This new toolkit offers ready-to-go tailored messaging for gay and bisexual men. Additionally, the Together social media toolkit collection includes content on a range of topics and for various audiences, including graphics, videos, and more for Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter.

CDC Viral Hepatitis Program: Supplemental Funding Opportunity

Eligible Applicants are: Organizations that were previously awarded funding under Integrated Viral Hepatitis Surveillance and Prevention Funding for Health Departments (CDC-RFA-PS21-2103).

The primary goals of this Supplemental NOFO are to: 1) increase the early detection and interruption of hepatitis C outbreaks and transmission clusters; and 2) increase hepatitis B and hepatitis C diagnosis and treatment by providing routine testing and linkage to prevention and treatment in high-impact settings.

This Supplemental NOFO includes two components and applicants may apply for one or both of the following components:

  • Component 1: Integrating Genomic and Epidemiologic Surveillance for Outbreak Detection and Response. The purpose of this project is to work with health departments to develop an integrated epidemiological and molecular surveillance system for HCV infection to identify HCV transmission clusters and outbreaks for public health action.
  • Component 2: Increasing Access to Hepatitis C and/or Hepatitis B Testing and Linkage to Care in High-Impact Settings. The purpose of this project is to work with partners to conduct testing and linkage to care for hepatitis B virus (HBV) and/or HCV infection in high-impact settings (e.g., syringe services programs or SSPs, substance use disorder treatment centers, correctional facilities, emergency departments, and sexually transmitted infections clinics).

More information will be available once the NOFO is published. Please direct questions to [email protected].

Supporting Replication (SURE) of Housing Interventions RFP

Reminder: RFP is available to Ryan White Homeless Assistance Program (RWHAP) providers for a HRSA Special Programs of National Significance (SPNS) project titled Supporting Replication (SURE) of Housing Interventions. It includes funding for up to 10 implementation sites that will implement and adapt housing-related one intervention strategy for one of the three priority populations of people with HIV experiencing unstable housing.

The RFP was originally released on December 15, 2022. Additional resources are now available to applicants including:

Current RWHAP providers are eligible to apply. Applications are due no later than 11:59pm ET on February 15, 2023. Please contact [email protected] with any questions.

Upcoming Opportunities

The National Council for Mental Wellbeing Building Community Capacity through Community Behavioral Health Organizations RFA

Attached you will find the National Council for Mental Wellbeing’s Building Community Capacity through Community Behavioral Health Organizations RFA. Applications are due February 3 for up to $100,000 per program to support evidence-based and comprehensive overdose prevention programming. Up to 25 organizations will be awarded up to 12 months of funding starting March 2023.

Eligible applicants include community behavioral health organizations (CBHOs), harm reduction organizations, and other community-based organizations and/or coalitions in the U.S. that provide services within a city, county, or multiple geographic locations with a total population of 400,000 people or more. Applicants must use the 2020 - 2021 U.S. Census city or county data to confirm population for the geographic area to be served. Applicants should have the experience and infrastructure necessary to begin active implementation within five months of the start of the project period.

Please contact J’Neal Woods at [email protected] with any questions.

National Black HIV/AIDS Awareness Day CDC Webinar

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Want to make an impact and change history? Join us for the “Together ... we can make HIV Black History” webinar hosted by My Brother’s Keeper and the Together team.

Event Details:

Date: Tuesday, February 7, 2023

Time: 12 p.m. (PST)/ 3 p.m. (EST)


  • Dr. Robyn Neblett Fanfair, Division of HIV Prevention, CDC
  • Dr. Stephaun Wallace, Vaccine Infectious Disease Division, University of Washington
  • Lesha McKinley-Beach, National HIV Prevention Consultant

Additional speakers will be added closer to the event.

Sign up for the webinar today!

Register Now- Live with Leadership to Commemorate National Black HIV/AIDS Awareness Day

The Office of Infectious Disease and HIV/AIDS Policy (OIDP) will host a one-year follow-up: Live with Leadership: A Conversation Commemorating National Black HIV/AIDS Awareness Day on Tuesday, February 7 from 2:30–3:00 pm (ET).

Register nowExit Disclaimer for this important conversation featuring:

  • Harold Phillips, Director, The White House Office of National AIDS Policy
  • Kaye Hayes, Deputy Assistant Secretary for Infectious Disease; Director of OIDP; and Executive Director of the Presidential Advisory Council on HIV/AIDS (PACHA)
  • Timothy Harrison, Deputy Director for Strategic Initiatives and Senior Policy Advisor, OIDP
  • Ashley Cason, I am a Work of ART” Creative Partner

This webinar will be a specific follow up on last year’s conversation focusing on HIV in Black/African American communities and provide an update on implementing the Ending the HIV Epidemic in the U.S. initiative and the National HIV/AIDS Strategy (2022–2025) (NHAS). The session will also highlight the recent “I am a Work of ART” campaign, which highlights a group of people with HIV, who share personal stories about getting into care and using antiretroviral therapy (ART) to achieve viral suppression.

National Black HIV/AIDS Awareness Day (NBHAAD) is observed annually on February 7. Governed by the Strategic Leadership Council, NBHAAD began in 1999 as a national response to the growing HIV and AIDS epidemic in African American communities. It has developed into an initiative with four key focus areas encouraging African Americans to:

  • Get Educated about HIV.
  • Get Involved in community prevention efforts.
  • Get Tested to know their HIV status.
  • Get Treated to receive the care needed to live with HIV.

Black/African American communities are disproportionately affected by HIV compared to other racial/ethnic groups, according to CDC data. For example, in 2019, Blacks/African Americans represented 13% of the U.S. population, but 40% of people with HIV. Adult and adolescent transgender people composed 2% (669) of new HIV diagnoses in the United States and dependent areas in 2019. Most of those new HIV diagnoses were among Black/African American people. The NHAS, released on World AIDS Day 2021, designates African American gay, bisexual, other men who have sex with men, African American women, and transgender women among the priority populations disproportionately impacted by HIV. It provides a framework for reducing HIV-related disparities and health inequities in these and other communities.

Association of Public Health Laboratories (APHL) ID Lab Con: Conference Opportunity

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ID Lab Con is a new infectious disease conference that APHL will hold March 13-15, 2023, in Atlanta, GA. This event will provide a forum to discuss the latest developments in the detection and characterization of infectious diseases of public health concern.

We have an exciting program!

  • Keynote Speaker: Demetre Daskalakis, MD, MPH, director, Division of HIV Prevention, CDC
  • Columbia University’s Vincent Racaniello, who will host a special episode of the “This Week in Virology” podcast
  • The Story Collider Live Show” is an inspiring evening of science storytelling.

We hope to have all perspectives within the infectious disease laboratory community represented and invite your members and partners to participate.

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