Disease Intervention Specialists (DIS) are the backbone of sexually transmitted infection (STI) prevention and control. DIS stop the spread of STIs by identifying infection and assigning treatment. DIS Recognition Day is observed on Friday, October 6, 2023, and to celebrate the work that DIS do around the country, NACCHO would like to highlight several DIS and their contributions to the public health field.
Our second spotlight is Kaitlin Cafferky from Orange County Department of Health. NACCHO asked Cafferky a few questions regarding her life as a DIS. You can find her answers below.
Your favorite thing about being a DIS is…
“In my role I can make a positive impact on the sexual health in my community! Improving sexual health also means continuing to educate myself on best practices and new science, which makes my inner nerd very happy.”
Local Health Departments need DIS because…
“DIS are highly skilled in motivational interviewing and data collection. These skills can be leveraged during any communicable disease outbreak and are not just applicable to STIs. DIS are an integral part of Local Health Departments in decreasing disease transmission within the communities they serve.”
A day in the life of a DIS looks like…
“No two days look the same, and that is part of what makes me so passionate about my work! One day I am in a local jail, the next I am helping facilitate a clinic. The role of DIS is equal parts demanding and rewarding.”
Follow along with us as we continue to highlight the DIS that keep local health departments running smoothly. Thank you to all of the DIS for the indispensable work you do each and every day!