NACCHO’s Immunization team has developed the School-Located Vaccination Clinic (SLVC) toolkit. This toolkit includes a variety of materials that are relevant and useful to those planning to facilitate a SLVC. The toolkit includes sample implementation guides, vaccination laws and policies related to school settings, and educational materials that feature best practices and strategies for successful implementation and promotion of vaccination uptake within the community.
The SLVC toolkit was adapted from NACCHO’s School-Located Influenza Vaccination (SLIV) toolkit, this version of the toolkit was tailored specifically to influenza vaccines. The toolkit now incorporates resources for all routine immunizations, lessons learned from the COVID-19 pandemic, and the input of local health departments (LHD) with the goal of creating a resource that will assist school administrators and public health practitioners take steps to further safeguard communities.
With the resources included in this toolkit, LHDs are able facilitate a successful school-located vaccination clinic in partnership with the schools in their jurisdiction. This toolkit acknowledges the value of schools in communities and their status as trusted messengers. Schools serve as a point of authority in community by bringing together audiences of parents, guardians, teachers, counselors, and administration who have a shared interest in the wellbeing of children.
The toolkit is also ideal for local health departments to provide as a resource to school administrators, nurses, and the greater school community. It serves as a point of reference for school administrators as they learn about the concept of SLVCs and the importance of access to and uptake of vaccinations among school-aged children and their families.
To simplify the toolkit, resources are organized into the following categories:
Planning – Includes tools, information, and checklists necessary to plan a school-located vaccination clinic including best practices, how to staff, fund, and supply.
Relationships & Communications – Information, letters, and other communications necessary to build important relationships with those connected to school-located immunization clinics, including school staff, parents, and other potential partners.
Educational Materials – Factsheets, FAQs, and information statements that may be used to educate parents, school groups, students, or other partners.
Implementation – Includes information necessary for the day of implementation of school-located vaccination clinics.
Evaluation – Includes information needed for steps to take after the completion of school-located vaccination clinics.
In anticipation of the upcoming school year, NACCHO is eager to learn about your experiences and interest in facilitating a SLVC. Our team is interested in learning what resources have been most beneficial to your community, including any successes you’ve had using this toolkit or facilitating a SLVC. We would greatly appreciate the opportunity to showcase your work on our platforms!
Please do not hesitate to reach out to [email protected] if you have questions or suggestions for additional resources to be included.