It has become clear that a “one size fits all” approach to vaccination messaging is limited in effectiveness at this point in the pandemic. Long-time partners to NACCHO, Johns Hopkins University has funding for five local community health departments to work with them to develop localized, tailored messaging for their communities or even segments of a community. This is an offer of technical assistance, not a financial assistance grant.
Here’s an example of what you would have to add to your LHD COVID-19 Vaccine Confidence toolbox. It is in production (not final) tailored for an African American adult who has concerns about serious side effects of COVID vaccination. The messages people get and the sources for those messages are all tailored to the person through an algorithm based on how they answer some initial questions.
The final product: Website that tailors messaging to a local community. It will have three parts:
The website can be shared in doctor offices, through public health, school districts, community organizations, etc. |
Technical Support you will receive: |
A senior community and stakeholder engagement specialist who knows the vaccination issues and is prepared to support you and your community:
The Johns Hopkins University team will record your local leaders and community members, develop animation to address topics of interest, and produce a LetsTalkCovidVaccine website that is from your community and addresses the needs of your community.
When does it start, finish, and how much work is required? We know time is crucial and want this as a resource in the community as soon as possible. In total, about 15-25 hours of work over about two months. Those selected will have their first organizing meeting in late December or early January and hope to have finished videos for your LHD in March. |
What is needed from you: |
Express your interest by December 15! There are only five spots. Use this form to fill out your name, LHD, and target community for tailored messaging. Johns Hopkins University will select and notify the five LHDs by December 23. Next: Identify a senior staff person and potentially a local NGO representative (church leader, agricultural commission, local politician, community organizer, etc.) to partner on this effort.
Additionally, think strategically about how you might share the website within your community and embed it in places that people already gather – virtually or in person. |
If you have questions about this effort, please contact:
Dr. Daniel Salmon ([email protected]), Director of the Institute for Vaccine Safety, or Janesse Brewer ([email protected]), Co-Director of Stakeholder and Community Engagement for the Institute of Vaccine safety.