On November 12, 2020, NACCHO hosted a webinar Vaccine Administration Planning: Drive-thru Clinics and Other Innovative Ideas. We had an informative presentation from our partners from Boulder County Public Health, Ottawa County Department of Public Health, and Loudoun County Health Department on lessons learned, best practices, and experiences with drive-thru clinics.
The webinar recording and presentation slides are now available.
Additional materials to support the presentation include:
- Boulder County’s Full IAP and Employee Registration Form
- COVID-19 Vaccination Program Interim Playbook for Jurisdiction Operations
- COVID-19 Jurisdiction Summaries
- Immunization Action Coalition (IAC) Mass Vaccination Resources: IAC’s website features a searchable list of resources for a variety of venues, including curbside, drive-through, and walk-through clinics; mobile medical vans; pharmacies; and schools. The database contains guidance documents, toolkits, publications, and other helpful resources that can be adapted to your community or individual healthcare setting. Additionally, on October 15, IAC hosted Mass Vaccination Clinics: Challenges and Best Practices webinar in which presenters described their successes and challenges in conducting mass vaccination clinics.
- CDC’s Guidance for Planning Vaccination Clinics Held at Satellite, Temporary, or Off-Site Locations