CDC Finds that Diagnostic Tests Challenge Foodborne Illness Tracking

In the April 15, 2016 issue of the CDC’s Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report, the report states that diagnostic tests used to...

May 02, 2016 | Amy Chang

  • New U.S. Report Advances Knowledge on Health Impacts of Climate Change

    The Impacts of Climate Change on Human Health in the United States: A Scientific Assessment, a new report by the Obama Administration,...

    Apr 10, 2016 | Katie Regan

  • Balancing Transparency and Integrity: How We Changed Public Notification of...

    The second half of 2015 felt like all foodborne illness, all the time. In the summer, we dealt with a statewide salmonella outbreak...

    Apr 07, 2016 | Guest Author

  • CDC Celebrates PulseNet’s 20th Anniversary

    PulseNet, a national network of public health laboratories, prevents an estimated 270,000 cases of food poisoning and saves half a...

    Mar 19, 2016 | Katie Regan

  • CORE Network Provides Information on Recent Foodborne Illness Outbreaks

    The Food and Drug Administration’s (FDA’s) Coordinated Outbreak Response and Evaluation (CORE) Network was created to manage not...

    Mar 07, 2016 | Amy Chang

  • NACCHO Food Safety Leader’s List

    Join the NACCHO Food Safety Leader’s List! As NACCHO Food Safety Leaders, you have the opportunity to provide input on...

    Mar 02, 2016 | Amy Chang

  • CDC Prevention Status Reports

    The CDC’s latest Prevention Status Reports (PSRs) highlight the status of state-level policies and practices to prevent or...

    Mar 01, 2016 | Amy Chang

  • Provide Input on Training Website for Environmental Assessments during Foodborne...

    The Colorado School of Public Health is compiling a list of trainings and resources to include on a new training website for...

    Feb 16, 2016 | Amy Chang

  • At Your Service: CDC’s Integrated Food Safety Centers of Excellence Provide Guidance...

    By Elizabeth Pace, Public Health Advisor, Integrated Food Safety Centers of Excellence, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention If...

    Jan 27, 2016 | Katie Regan

  • CDC Finds that Diagnostic Tests Challenge Foodborne Illness Tracking

    In the April 15, 2016 issue of the CDC’s Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report, the report states that diagnostic tests used to identify foodborne illnesses faster could soon pose challenges to finding outbreaks and monitoring progress toward preventing foodborne disease. Culture-independent diagnostic tests (CIDTs) help doctors diagnose infections quicker than traditional culture methods,...

    May 02, 2016 | Amy Chang

    New U.S. Report Advances Knowledge on Health Impacts of Climate Change

    The Impacts of Climate Change on Human Health in the United States: A Scientific Assessment, a new report by the Obama Administration, significantly advances what we know about the impacts of climate change on public health, and the confidence with which we know it. The report, jointly conducted by eight different U.S. federal agencies over […]

    Apr 10, 2016 | Katie Regan

    Balancing Transparency and Integrity: How We Changed Public Notification of Potential Outbreaks

    The second half of 2015 felt like all foodborne illness, all the time. In the summer, we dealt with a statewide salmonella outbreak resulting from contamination at a supplier of whole hogs who sold to small food establishments in our county, as well as to individuals for backyard pig roasts.

    Apr 07, 2016 | Guest Author

    CDC Celebrates PulseNet’s 20th Anniversary

    PulseNet, a national network of public health laboratories, prevents an estimated 270,000 cases of food poisoning and saves half a billion dollars every year, according to a study released in the American Journal of Preventive Medicine today. In comparison, the network costs public health agencies about $7 million a year to run. Launched in 1996, […]

    Mar 19, 2016 | Katie Regan

    CORE Network Provides Information on Recent Foodborne Illness Outbreaks

    The Food and Drug Administration’s (FDA’s) Coordinated Outbreak Response and Evaluation (CORE) Network was created to manage not just outbreak response, but surveillance and post-response activities related to incidents involving multiple illnesses linked to FDA-regulated human and animal food and cosmetic products. Get up-to-date information on on-going and recent multistate outbreaks here.

    Mar 07, 2016 | Amy Chang

    NACCHO Food Safety Leader’s List

    Join the NACCHO Food Safety Leader’s List! As NACCHO Food Safety Leaders, you have the opportunity to provide input on NACCHO’s food safety positions and advocacy efforts that help to shape policy at local health departments across the nation. You will also receive pertinent updates on food safety news, outbreaks, policy updates, events, and calls […]

    Mar 02, 2016 | Amy Chang

    CDC Prevention Status Reports

    The CDC’s latest Prevention Status Reports (PSRs) highlight the status of state-level policies and practices to prevent or reduce problems affecting public health. The PSRs cover 10 public health topics—including food safety—and rate states on their implementation of recommended policies and practices. The reports include a new measure on state adoption of selected provisions in the...

    Mar 01, 2016 | Amy Chang

    Provide Input on Training Website for Environmental Assessments during Foodborne Illness Outbreaks

    The Colorado School of Public Health is compiling a list of trainings and resources to include on a new training website for conducting environmental assessments during foodborne illness outbreaks. The website goal is to increase the quality of environmental assessments by organizing and vetting existing training and resources. Target users include environmental health practitioners in state,...

    Feb 16, 2016 | Amy Chang

    At Your Service: CDC’s Integrated Food Safety Centers of Excellence Provide Guidance and Resources for Local and State Health Departments

    By Elizabeth Pace, Public Health Advisor, Integrated Food Safety Centers of Excellence, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention If your New Year’s resolution is to improve your health department’s foodborne illness investigations, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s (CDC’s) Integrated Food Safety Centers of Excellence (CoEs) can help. The CoEs were established under the […]

    Jan 27, 2016 | Katie Regan

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