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Framing the Dialogue on Race to Address Health Equity
Local health departments have a shared understanding that the conditions in which people are born, grow, live, work, and age impact...
Apr 28, 2016 | Andrea Grenadier
CDC Guidance for Implementing Certain Components of Syringe Services Programs
Following the release of HHS’ Implementation Guidance, the CDC released guidance for directly funded programs interested in or...
Apr 28, 2016 | Alyssa Kitlas
Fast Food Consumption Linked to New Health Concerns
We already know that fast food contributes to obesity rates, but a new study by the George Washington University has identified even...
Apr 25, 2016 | Katie Regan
155 Countries to Sign Paris Agreement Today in Honor of Earth Day
Today, to celebrate Earth Day, 155 countries will sign the Paris Agreement on Climate Change at the United Nations headquarters in New...
Apr 22, 2016 | Katie Regan
FDA Releases Updated Information about the Implementation of the Retail Food Program...
The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) released an updated informational document about the Voluntary National Retail Food Regulatory...
Apr 21, 2016 | Amy Chang
Talking about, Testing for, and Treating STDs: The Important Role of Disease...
The theme for STD Awareness Month 2016 is Talk. Test. Treat. Disease Intervention Specialists (DIS) play an important role in local...
Apr 20, 2016 | Alyssa Kitlas
Black Lives Matter: What’s PrEP Got to Do with It?
The Black AIDS Institute has released their 2016 State of AIDS in Black America report: Black Lives Matter: What’s PrEP Got to...
Apr 20, 2016 | Nyana Quashie
New Phase of Know More Hepatitis Campaign
Know More Hepatitis is a campaign to encourage people born from 1945-1965 to get tested for Hepatitis C. The CDC’s Division of...
Apr 20, 2016 | Nyana Quashie
National HIV PrEP Summit (NHPS)
On Dec 3-4, NMAC will host their National HIV PrEP Summit (NHPS) in San Francisco. The event is a great opportunity to learn about...
Apr 20, 2016 | Nyana Quashie
Framing the Dialogue on Race to Address Health EquityLocal health departments have a shared understanding that the conditions in which people are born, grow, live, work, and age impact their health. But often, the root causes of these social determinants of health are not addressed in all programs or policies. In an effort to bring about action toward a “stronger, more healthful, and […] Apr 28, 2016 | Andrea Grenadier |
CDC Guidance for Implementing Certain Components of Syringe Services ProgramsFollowing the release of HHS’ Implementation Guidance, the CDC released guidance for directly funded programs interested in or expanding existing syringe services programs (SSPs) for persons who inject drugs. The CDC guidance details which SSP activities can be supported with CDC funds, which relevant CDC cooperative agreements can be used to support SSPs, and the process […] Apr 28, 2016 | Alyssa Kitlas |
Fast Food Consumption Linked to New Health ConcernsWe already know that fast food contributes to obesity rates, but a new study by the George Washington University has identified even more reasons why it’s harmful to our health. The study links fast-food consumption to the presence of phthalates, potentially harmful chemicals commonly used in soap and makeup that have been linked to a […] Apr 25, 2016 | Katie Regan |
155 Countries to Sign Paris Agreement Today in Honor of Earth DayToday, to celebrate Earth Day, 155 countries will sign the Paris Agreement on Climate Change at the United Nations headquarters in New York. This signing cements the agreement 196 countries made in December 2015 to work to limit the overall temperature rise to below 2 degrees Celsius. The Paris Agreement becomes effective 30 days after […] Apr 22, 2016 | Katie Regan |
FDA Releases Updated Information about the Implementation of the Retail Food Program StandardsThe Food and Drug Administration (FDA) released an updated informational document about the Voluntary National Retail Food Regulatory Program Standards. This document includes answers to common questions about implementation of the Retail Program Standards. The Clearinghouse Work Group developed the answers in response to questions from state, local, tribal, and territorial retail food regulatory... Apr 21, 2016 | Amy Chang |
Talking about, Testing for, and Treating STDs: The Important Role of Disease Intervention SpecialistsThe theme for STD Awareness Month 2016 is Talk. Test. Treat. Disease Intervention Specialists (DIS) play an important role in local health department HIV/STD programs and work to improve the sexual health of their community by talking to them about STD prevention, testing in the field, and linking the clients in need to care. For […] Apr 20, 2016 | Alyssa Kitlas |
Black Lives Matter: What’s PrEP Got to Do with It?The Black AIDS Institute has released their 2016 State of AIDS in Black America report: Black Lives Matter: What’s PrEP Got to Do with It? In addition to examining how familiar Black communities are in understanding and utilizing PrEP, the report also makes recommendations on how the community maximize the benefits of PrEP and other biomedical […] Apr 20, 2016 | Nyana Quashie |
New Phase of Know More Hepatitis CampaignKnow More Hepatitis is a campaign to encourage people born from 1945-1965 to get tested for Hepatitis C. The CDC’s Division of Viral Hepatitis recently released their next phase of the campaign featuring two new video PSAs and four posters. There are also additional materials to help with local educational efforts, including radio PSAs, infographics, […] Apr 20, 2016 | Nyana Quashie |
National HIV PrEP Summit (NHPS)On Dec 3-4, NMAC will host their National HIV PrEP Summit (NHPS) in San Francisco. The event is a great opportunity to learn about Pre-Exposure Prophylaxis (PrEP), and other biomedical HIV prevention interventions. This event will serve as a space for health departments, community based organizations, and other HIV leaders to discuss ways to discuss how […] Apr 20, 2016 | Nyana Quashie |

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