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Improving Preparedness for Community-Dwelling Older Adult Populations
For some community-dwelling older adults, attempting to prepare for an emergency or disaster can come with barriers. For example,...
Sep 16, 2014 | Nicole Dunifon
The Implications for Public Health when “Weird Weather” becomes the New Normal
Sep 16, 2014 | Guest Author
Preparedness Policy Advisory Group September Report
The Preparedness Policy Advisory Group (PPAG) held its monthly call on September 10 during National Preparedness Month. The workgroup...
Sep 12, 2014 | Katie Dwyer
Public Health Preparedness in the 21st Century: Local Health Departments’ Role in...
September is National Preparedness Month. Visit NACCHO’s Preparedness Brief blog for more local public health preparedness news,...
Sep 11, 2014 | NacchoVoice
The Medical Reserve Corps Helps Local Health Departments Fill a Critical Need
On this National Day of Service and Remembrance, NACCHO recognizes the important work of the Medical Reserve Corps (MRC), a national...
Sep 11, 2014 | Guest Author
NACCHO’s Health and Disability Program Supports Local Health Department Inclusion...
People with disabilities are disproportionately affected by obstacles to their health when compared to the general population. Among...
Sep 09, 2014 | Katie Regan
Resources Available for National Food Safety Month 2014
September marks the 20th anniversary of National Food Safety Month (NFSM), which this year celebrates the “Top 20 Tips” shared during...
Sep 03, 2014 | Katie Regan
Fred the Preparedness Dog Teaches Family and Pet Preparedness
In honor of National Preparedness Month, the Kansas Department of Health and Environment has launched www.fredthepreparednessdog.org,...
Sep 03, 2014 | Admin
MRC Project August Report
NACCHO’s fifth and final year of the cooperative agreement with the Division of the Civilian Volunteer Medical Reserve Corps...
Sep 02, 2014 | Admin
Improving Preparedness for Community-Dwelling Older Adult PopulationsFor some community-dwelling older adults, attempting to prepare for an emergency or disaster can come with barriers. For example, characteristics of older adults such as impaired mobility, weakened sensory awareness, multiple chronic diseases, and social and economic limitations can put them at greater risk of illness or death during an emergency. The events from Hurricane […] Sep 16, 2014 | Nicole Dunifon |
The Implications for Public Health when “Weird Weather” becomes the New NormalSep 16, 2014 | Guest Author |
Preparedness Policy Advisory Group September ReportThe Preparedness Policy Advisory Group (PPAG) held its monthly call on September 10 during National Preparedness Month. The workgroup welcomed new members Alison Brehmer from the State of Alaska Department of Health and Social Services, and Meghan Stepanek from the Baltimore City Health Department. NACCHO’s Chief of Government and Public Affairs briefed the PPAG on updates […] Sep 12, 2014 | Katie Dwyer |
Public Health Preparedness in the 21st Century: Local Health Departments’ Role in Global Health SecuritySeptember is National Preparedness Month. Visit NACCHO’s Preparedness Brief blog for more local public health preparedness news, tools, and resources. By Laura Biesiadecki, Director of Strategic Partnerships, Outreach, and Education, Preparedness, NACCHO “Our vision is a world safe and secure from global health threats posed by infectious diseases—where we can prevent or mitigate the impact of... Sep 11, 2014 | NacchoVoice |
The Medical Reserve Corps Helps Local Health Departments Fill a Critical NeedOn this National Day of Service and Remembrance, NACCHO recognizes the important work of the Medical Reserve Corps (MRC), a national network of volunteers trained to respond to disasters and emergencies and support the health of their communities. The need for the MRC became apparent after 9/11 when thousands of medical and public health professionals, […] Sep 11, 2014 | Guest Author |
NACCHO’s Health and Disability Program Supports Local Health Department Inclusion EffortsPeople with disabilities are disproportionately affected by obstacles to their health when compared to the general population. Among other health status inequities, they are more likely to be obese, and smoke, and less likely to be included in emergency preparedness planning. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) is currently highlighting the need for […] Sep 09, 2014 | Katie Regan |
Resources Available for National Food Safety Month 2014September marks the 20th anniversary of National Food Safety Month (NFSM), which this year celebrates the “Top 20 Tips” shared during the past two decades. NFSM is an initiative by the National Restaurant Association designed to heighten the importance of food safety education. Each week will highlight a different food safety issue—such as cleaning and […] Sep 03, 2014 | Katie Regan |
Fred the Preparedness Dog Teaches Family and Pet PreparednessIn honor of National Preparedness Month, the Kansas Department of Health and Environment has launched www.fredthepreparednessdog.org, a new website with tips for family and pet preparedness featuring their mascot Fred. A two-year-old German Shepherd and community outreach personality, Fred frequents schools, fairs, and other state-wide events to engage children ages 5-12 in preparedness efforts.... Sep 03, 2014 | Admin |
MRC Project August ReportNACCHO’s fifth and final year of the cooperative agreement with the Division of the Civilian Volunteer Medical Reserve Corps (DCVMRC) began on August 1. NACCHO staff have been writing the annual report to summarize the work completed in PY4 and have been outlining the deliverables for PY5. NACCHO’s MRC team presented the plan for PY5 […] Sep 02, 2014 | Admin |
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