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Results for 'Andy Roszak'
Alameda County Drug Take-Back Program Upheld
In 2012, Alameda County, CA, enacted a local ordinance requiring the pharmaceutical industry to provide funding to support the...
May 28, 2015 | Andy Roszak
Become A Licensed Amateur Radio Operator at the 2015 Preparedness Summit
Incidents over the past year have once again demonstrated that developing a robust and reliable system for communicating during a...
Dec 10, 2014 | Andy Roszak
Public Health Amateur Radio Club Established
As incidents over the past several years have demonstrated, developing a robust and reliable system for communicating during a...
Dec 04, 2014 | Andy Roszak
NACCHO Staff Support D.C. Department of Health and the Concert for Valor
On Veterans day, Tuesday, November 11, 2014, NACCHO staff members volunteered with the D.C. Department of Health to provide support...
Nov 14, 2014 | Andy Roszak
Changelab Solutions Announces Healthy Food Retail Strategies Webinar Series
This fall Changelab Solutions will be offering a webinar series on strategies for creating healthier stores in your community. The...
Sep 29, 2014 | Andy Roszak
El Paso Legal Training
Thank you again for joining us for Chaos in the Streets, Order in the Courts – a workshop focusing on public health law for...
Sep 03, 2014 | Andy Roszak
Chikungunya: What Local Health Departments Need to Know
Over the last several months, NACCHO has been assessing the potential implications of chikungunya (pronounced “chik-en-gun-ya”) for...
Aug 08, 2014 | Andy Roszak
NACCHO and CDC Release New Radiation Legal Preparedness Report
On July 10, CDC’s Public Health Law Program published Public Health Preparedness: Examination of Legal Language Authorizing...
Jul 10, 2014 | Andy Roszak
National Library of Medicine Announces Funding Opportunity
FUNDING INFORMATION SESSION – May 8 at 1:30 pm ET: Disaster Health Info Outreach & Collaboration Project 2014 The National...
Apr 29, 2014 | Andy Roszak
Alameda County Drug Take-Back Program UpheldIn 2012, Alameda County, CA, enacted a local ordinance requiring the pharmaceutical industry to provide funding to support the County’s medication take-back efforts. Drug take back programs allow individuals to dispose of unused medications in a central, secure location. The programs seek to keep unwanted, expired, or unneeded drugs from being introduced into our nation’s […] May 28, 2015 | Andy Roszak |
Become A Licensed Amateur Radio Operator at the 2015 Preparedness SummitIncidents over the past year have once again demonstrated that developing a robust and reliable system for communicating during a disaster continues to be a challenging task. Landlines tend to be one of the first victims of natural and man-made disasters, with cell phone networks generally close behind. During times of disaster, many organizations are turning […] Dec 10, 2014 | Andy Roszak |
Public Health Amateur Radio Club EstablishedAs incidents over the past several years have demonstrated, developing a robust and reliable system for communicating during a disaster continues to be a challenging task. Land-lines tend to be one of the first victims of natural and man-made disasters, with cell phone networks generally close behind. During times of disaster, many public health […] Dec 04, 2014 | Andy Roszak |
NACCHO Staff Support D.C. Department of Health and the Concert for ValorOn Veterans day, Tuesday, November 11, 2014, NACCHO staff members volunteered with the D.C. Department of Health to provide support for the Concert for Valor on the National Mall. The event, featuring performances from Bruce Springsteen, Rihanna, Eminem, Metallica, Carrie Underwood, Dave Grohl, the Black Keys, and Jessie J, Zac Brown Band, was expected to draw 800,000 […] Nov 14, 2014 | Andy Roszak |
Changelab Solutions Announces Healthy Food Retail Strategies Webinar SeriesThis fall Changelab Solutions will be offering a webinar series on strategies for creating healthier stores in your community. The webinars will look at tools to increase food access in rural areas and increase distribution of healthy foods to small stores, as well as best practices for making sustainable change through policy making. Changelab Solutions […] Sep 29, 2014 | Andy Roszak |
El Paso Legal TrainingThank you again for joining us for Chaos in the Streets, Order in the Courts – a workshop focusing on public health law for emergency preparedness. As promised, here are a list of resources that we discussed at the training. PowerPoint Used at Training TX Emergency Management Authorities Appendix A compilation of volunteer / MRC […] Sep 03, 2014 | Andy Roszak |
Chikungunya: What Local Health Departments Need to KnowOver the last several months, NACCHO has been assessing the potential implications of chikungunya (pronounced “chik-en-gun-ya”) for local health departments. Earlier this week on August 6, public health officials in Harris County, Texas confirmed that a mosquito had tested positive for the virus. Year-to-date, Harris County has tested over 450,000 mosquitoes; however, this week was […] Aug 08, 2014 | Andy Roszak |
NACCHO and CDC Release New Radiation Legal Preparedness ReportOn July 10, CDC’s Public Health Law Program published Public Health Preparedness: Examination of Legal Language Authorizing Responses to Radiological Incidents, an assessment of state and local laws that authorize restriction of movement and decontamination of people during a radiological event. The assessment is the result of a partnership between CDC’s Public Health Law Program, […] Jul 10, 2014 | Andy Roszak |
National Library of Medicine Announces Funding OpportunityFUNDING INFORMATION SESSION – May 8 at 1:30 pm ET: Disaster Health Info Outreach & Collaboration Project 2014 The National Library of Medicine (NLM) is offering a funding opportunity for small projects to improve access to disaster medicine and public health information for health care professionals, first responders and others that play a role in […] Apr 29, 2014 | Andy Roszak |

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