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WebWISER 4.5 Released
In January 2014, the National Library of Medicine announced that WebWISER 4.5 is now available. This new release integrates Chemical...
Jan 22, 2014 | Andy Roszak
The Hazmat Spill in West Virginia: What It Means for Local Public and Environmental...
A week after Freedom Industries leaked approximately 7,500 gallons of 4-methylcyclohexane methanol (MCHM) from a storage facility...
Jan 14, 2014 | Justin Snair
Healthcare and Public Health Critical Infrastructure Sector: December 17-31, 2013...
The Department of Homeland Security (DHS) provides an Open Source Infrastructure Report which is collected each business day as a...
Jan 10, 2014 | Justin Snair
CDC to Provide Guidance for State and Local Health Departments Through the Model...
Each year, there are over 300 million visits to swimming venues. In the United States, there is no federal regulatory authority...
Jan 07, 2014 | Andy Roszak
The Local Role in Improving Chemical Facility Safety and Security: January Chemical...
Several hundred thousand facilities in communities throughout the United States use, manufacture, store, transport, or deliver...
Jan 06, 2014 | Justin Snair
Preparedness Policy Advisory Group November Report
The Preparedness Policy Advisory Group (PPAG) held its monthly conference call on Nov. 13. The group hosted John Hick and Linda Scott...
Dec 02, 2013 | Naomi Rennard
NACCHO Staff Present Keynote Session at Southeast Michigan Cities Readiness...
NACCHO staff Andrew Roszak and Sarah Yates were invited to speak at the second annual Southeast Michigan Cities Readiness Initiative...
Nov 21, 2013 | Andy Roszak
American Academy of Pediatrics Releases Preparedness Resource Kit
The American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP), in partnership with CDC, recently released the “Pediatric Preparedness Resource Kit,...
Nov 15, 2013 | Admin
Medical Reserve Corps Units Help Their Communities Get Ready during National...
Today is Get Ready Day, which reminds Americans to prepare themselves, their families, and their communities for all disasters and...
Sep 17, 2013 | Admin
WebWISER 4.5 ReleasedIn January 2014, the National Library of Medicine announced that WebWISER 4.5 is now available. This new release integrates Chemical Hazards Emergency Medical Management (CHEMM) content and updates the Emergency Response Guidebook (ERG) content from 2012. WISER is a system designed to assist emergency responders in hazardous material incidents by providing a wide range of information on hazardous... Jan 22, 2014 | Andy Roszak |
The Hazmat Spill in West Virginia: What It Means for Local Public and Environmental HealthA week after Freedom Industries leaked approximately 7,500 gallons of 4-methylcyclohexane methanol (MCHM) from a storage facility along the Elk River near Charleston, West Virginia, questions have emerged over whether state and federal regulations were adequate enough to prevent the spill. Reports[i] indicate that the facility has not been subject to a federal inspection in over 20 years […] Jan 14, 2014 | Justin Snair |
Healthcare and Public Health Critical Infrastructure Sector: December 17-31, 2013 Open Source Issue ReportThe Department of Homeland Security (DHS) provides an Open Source Infrastructure Report which is collected each business day as a summary of open source published information concerning significant critical infrastructure issues. The following is a digest of DHS reports related to the Healthcare and Public Health Sector for December 17th-31st, 2013. December 31, WUSA 9 […] Jan 10, 2014 | Justin Snair |
CDC to Provide Guidance for State and Local Health Departments Through the Model Aquatic Health CodeEach year, there are over 300 million visits to swimming venues. In the United States, there is no federal regulatory authority responsible for disinfected aquatic facilities (e.g. swimming pools, water parks, etc.); all pool codes are developed, reviewed, and approved by state and/or local public health officials. As a result, there are no uniform, national […] Jan 07, 2014 | Andy Roszak |
The Local Role in Improving Chemical Facility Safety and Security: January Chemical Safety Listening SessionsSeveral hundred thousand facilities in communities throughout the United States use, manufacture, store, transport, or deliver chemicals in some manner, encompassing everything from petroleum refineries to pharmaceutical manufacturers to hardware stores. Due to its size and characteristics, the Chemical Sector may be an attractive target for attack or be at risk of incidents caused by […] Jan 06, 2014 | Justin Snair |
Preparedness Policy Advisory Group November ReportThe Preparedness Policy Advisory Group (PPAG) held its monthly conference call on Nov. 13. The group hosted John Hick and Linda Scott from the Institute of Medicine’s Crisis Standards of Care Committee, who discussed the recent release of the second of two reports about the Crisis Standards of Care. The report includes a toolkit for […] Dec 02, 2013 | Naomi Rennard |
NACCHO Staff Present Keynote Session at Southeast Michigan Cities Readiness Initiative & Strategic National Stockpile WorkshopNACCHO staff Andrew Roszak and Sarah Yates were invited to speak at the second annual Southeast Michigan Cities Readiness Initiative (CRI) & Strategic National Stockpile (SNS) Workshop on Tuesday, November 12, 2013. The full-day workshop provided Michigan public health emergency planners with information and tools related to all-hazards planning, legal considerations, international border... Nov 21, 2013 | Andy Roszak |
American Academy of Pediatrics Releases Preparedness Resource KitThe American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP), in partnership with CDC, recently released the “Pediatric Preparedness Resource Kit, Inspired by the H1N1 Pandemic: Strengthening Pediatric and Public Health Partnerships.” This kit promotes collaborative discussions and decision-making among pediatric and public health leaders about pediatric all-hazards preparedness planning. It also aims to increase... Nov 15, 2013 | Admin |
Medical Reserve Corps Units Help Their Communities Get Ready during National Preparedness MonthToday is Get Ready Day, which reminds Americans to prepare themselves, their families, and their communities for all disasters and hazards, including pandemic flu, infectious disease, natural disasters, and other emergencies. While it is important to take the time today to prepare for a disaster or emergency, Americans should be prepared all year for any unforeseen event. Sep 17, 2013 | Admin |

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