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Medical Countermeasures (MCM) Workgroup December Report
The Medical Countermeasures (MCM) Workgroup held their monthly meeting on December 9th. The MCM Workgroup provided an update on the...
Dec 31, 2013 | Lisa Brown
Risk Communications and Information Sharing November Report
Chair: Meredith Li-Vollmer; Staff: Frances Bevington and Sara Rubin The Risk Communications and Information Sharing workgroup held its...
Dec 04, 2013 | Frances Bevington
Incident Management Workgroup November Report
The Incident Management Workgroup postponed its November call until Dec. 9 to avoid conflicts with the Thanksgiving holiday. Work is...
Dec 04, 2013 | Rachel Schulman
Preparedness Policy Advisory Group November Report
The Preparedness Policy Advisory Group (PPAG) held its monthly conference call on Nov. 13. The group hosted John Hick and Linda Scott...
Dec 02, 2013 | Naomi Rennard
Surge Management Workgroup November Report
The Surge Management work group convened via conference call the third week of November. The group continued the conversation around...
Nov 27, 2013 | Stacy Stanford
Preparedness Policy Advisory Group (PPAG) October Report
Chair: Chris Hoff; Staff: Samantha Morgan and Naomi Rennard The PPAG held its monthly call on Oct. 9. The group had a discussion about...
Nov 11, 2013 | Samantha Morgan
Preparedness Planning, Outcomes, and Measurement (PPOM) Workgroup October Report
Chairs: Steve Huleatt & Steve Englender; Staff: Resham Patel and Naomi Rennard The PPOM held its monthly call on Oct. 22. The...
Nov 11, 2013 | Resham Patel
Medical Reserve Corps (MRC) Workgroup October Report October Report
Chair: Bobbi Alcock; Staff: Tahlia Gousse The MRC Workgroup convened via conference call Oct. 21. The workgroup reviewed its resource...
Nov 11, 2013 | Tahlia Gousse
Medical Countermeasures Workgroup October Report
Chair: Melissa Marquis; Staff: Lisa Brown The Medical Countermeasures Workgroup held their monthly meeting on Oct. 15. Garrett...
Nov 11, 2013 | Lisa Brown
Medical Countermeasures (MCM) Workgroup December ReportThe Medical Countermeasures (MCM) Workgroup held their monthly meeting on December 9th. The MCM Workgroup provided an update on the MCM Plus Readiness Review. All eight capabilities have been drafted for the tool. The next step is for the MCM Workgroup to participate in a comprehensive, holistic review the entire tool, which will take place […] Dec 31, 2013 | Lisa Brown |
Risk Communications and Information Sharing November ReportChair: Meredith Li-Vollmer; Staff: Frances Bevington and Sara Rubin The Risk Communications and Information Sharing workgroup held its monthly conference call on Thursday, November 7, 2013. Prior to the call, the group had gathered risk communications resources for possible inclusion in a NACCHO toolkit. The group discussed the resources that were collected and identified a […] Dec 04, 2013 | Frances Bevington |
Incident Management Workgroup November ReportThe Incident Management Workgroup postponed its November call until Dec. 9 to avoid conflicts with the Thanksgiving holiday. Work is ongoing with various projects, including the public health strike teams concept and the public health resource guide. Workgroup members received notification that their abstract for a 90-minute learning session was accepted for the 2014 Preparedness […] Dec 04, 2013 | Rachel Schulman |
Preparedness Policy Advisory Group November ReportThe Preparedness Policy Advisory Group (PPAG) held its monthly conference call on Nov. 13. The group hosted John Hick and Linda Scott from the Institute of Medicine’s Crisis Standards of Care Committee, who discussed the recent release of the second of two reports about the Crisis Standards of Care. The report includes a toolkit for […] Dec 02, 2013 | Naomi Rennard |
Surge Management Workgroup November ReportThe Surge Management work group convened via conference call the third week of November. The group continued the conversation around the topics of the public health role in hospital coalitions and electronic medical records in light of information sharing during disasters. The discussions led to several common themes. First, there is a real benefit for […] Nov 27, 2013 | Stacy Stanford |
Preparedness Policy Advisory Group (PPAG) October ReportChair: Chris Hoff; Staff: Samantha Morgan and Naomi Rennard The PPAG held its monthly call on Oct. 9. The group had a discussion about the Anthrax Vaccine Adsorbed Post-Exposure Prioritization Guidance. The group also heard an informational update on the Public Health Accreditation Board (PHAB) and how PHAB will be looking into cross-walking the preparedness […] Nov 11, 2013 | Samantha Morgan |
Preparedness Planning, Outcomes, and Measurement (PPOM) Workgroup October ReportChairs: Steve Huleatt & Steve Englender; Staff: Resham Patel and Naomi Rennard The PPOM held its monthly call on Oct. 22. The group discussed local preparedness planning and Project Public Health Ready (PPHR), including how PPHR can be used as an essential tool for local health departments working in preparedness. The group discussed common approaches […] Nov 11, 2013 | Resham Patel |
Medical Reserve Corps (MRC) Workgroup October Report October ReportChair: Bobbi Alcock; Staff: Tahlia Gousse The MRC Workgroup convened via conference call Oct. 21. The workgroup reviewed its resource inventory it began developing last year for the Factors For Success, a unit assessment tool developed by the DCVMRC for MRC unit leaders. In the coming months the workgroup will be recommending resources for the […] Nov 11, 2013 | Tahlia Gousse |
Medical Countermeasures Workgroup October ReportChair: Melissa Marquis; Staff: Lisa Brown The Medical Countermeasures Workgroup held their monthly meeting on Oct. 15. Garrett Simonsen was appointed as the new Vice Chair. The members discussed the 2014 Preparedness Summit Point of Dispensing Demonstration. Discussions revolved around logistics, staffing, registration, triage, and evaluation. Members received a document discussing the important... Nov 11, 2013 | Lisa Brown |

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