PHAB Accreditation Engagement
Some LHDs seek accreditation to demonstrate that they are providing, either alone or in partnership, the public health services necessary to keep their communities healthy and safe. Accreditation is typically granted by the Public Health Accreditation Board (PHAB). The following chart displays levels of engagement with PHAB accreditation in 2019. Use the filters to display further breakdowns by select LHD demographic characteristics. Use the “Compare Results by” drop-down to display the difference between the region of the country, degree of urbanization, and population size served.

Type of governance
Level of authority at which the LHD is governed (local, state, or both)
Size of population served
Number of people who reside within the LHD’s jurisdiction
Degree of urbanization
Urban or rural classification based on the majority of people served in the LHD
Census region
Geographic region of the U.S. based on the US Census Bureau classification
Number of LHD employees
Number of Individuals employed by LHD
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