NACCHO’s 2019 Profile Study Interactive Report
The Profile study was first conducted in 1989 to develop a comprehensive and accurate description of local health department (LHD) infrastructure and practice. The most recent iteration was conducted in 2019 with 2,459 LHDs nationwide, receiving a 61% response rate. Profile data are essential to painting a picture of the realities on the ground for LHDs and are used by many people and organizations.
This interactive report is the first time NACCHO has presented Profile data in a customizable format, and it provides a digital perspective on this cornerstone research. The following pages display key findings from the 2019 Profile study as interactive and filterable visualizations. Any user can view data related to selectable demographic filters, while LHD representatives who provided data to the Profile study can log-on and dynamically compare their own submitted responses benchmarked against peer groups (e.g., all LHDs categorized as locally governed).
This extra level of customization and fidelity enhances the versatility of Profile data used by policymakers at the local, state, and federal levels and their understanding of how LHDs improve and protect the health of local communities. The additional filters and views also help highlight the challenges faced by LHDs within different contexts and localities, such as small, medium, and large jurisdictions.
We encourage you to explore and experiment with various views. You can filter results to align with specific policy investigations, explore internal LHD benchmarking, or compare differences nationwide. As always, NACCHO staff continue to use Profile data to develop programs and resources that meet the needs of LHDs and to advocate effectively on their behalf.
For more information on the methodology and comprehensive results, view our PDF report.