Health and Disability

NACCHO’s Health and Disability Program is supported by the National Center on Birth Defects and Developmental Disabilities at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). The program provides local health departments with the tools and resources needed to successfully include people with disabilities in all local health department activities.


NACCHO’s Health and Disability program initiatives are supported by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) Division of Human and Developmental and Disability

Addressing the Needs of People with Disabilities in Local Preparedness, Mitigation, and Recovery

This project ensures the inclusion of people with disabilities in local health departments preparedness and response efforts by embedding disability specialists, who serve as subject matter experts, in public health emergency preparedness planning and response programs. Disability specialists work to assess, plan, implement, and evaluate disability inclusion efforts within these agencies. Additionally, this project aims to increase partnerships between local health departments and local disability organizations and allow local health departments to update local emergency response plans to better serve the needs of people with disabilities during outbreaks, pandemics, and other national emergencies.

Strengthening Disability Inclusion Efforts within Local Health Departments

This demonstration site project enhances local health department (LHD) capacity to meet the needs of people with disabilities within health department programs, policies, and services. LHD’s collaborate with at least one disability service organization to better understand the health needs of the disability community within their jurisdiction. This project aims to strengthen LHD capacity in the following areas:

  • Increasing LHD staff training opportunities to understand the needs of people with disabilities;
  • Expanding collaboration between LHDs and disability organizations;
  • Enhance health equity strategies by including disability perspectives;
  • Increasing accessibility and accommodations policies and procedures within LHDs.

Partnering with Centers for Independent Living (CILs) To Support The Health of People With Disabilities

NACCHO partnered with the CDC Foundation to encourage collaboration between Centers for Independent Living (CILs) and local health departments (LHDs) to increase COVID-19 vaccine access for people with disabilities. CILs occupy a unique space within local, state, and national aging and disability networks. Designed and operated by persons with disabilities, CILs provide persons with disabilities tools and resources to make decisions about their lives and participate fully in society.

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    Health & Disability 101

    Get foundational knowledge about people with disabilities, the health disparities they face, and steps to include them in their programs and services.


    Health & Disability 101


    Disability Partnerships Training

    Learn how to leverage partnerships with disability organizations to ensure programs meet the needs of people with disabilities.


    Disability Partnerships Training

    Health and Disability 101 Training for Health Department Employees

    This activity provides foundational knowledge about people with disabilities, the health disparities that they experience, and how local health department staff can include people with disabilities in their public health programs and services.

    Leveraging Partnerships with Disability Organizations

    The purpose of this training is to provide strategies to local health departments to leverage partnerships with local disability organizations to ensure programs within local public health meet the needs of people with disabilities.

    Title Description
    Including People with Disabilities in Emergency Preparedness Efforts Learn five key recommendations that health departments should consider when planning to accommodate and address the needs of people with disabilities in emergencies or disasters.
    What Local Health Departments Should Know about the Population of People with Disabilities This fact sheet helps to clarify who people with disabilities are from a public health perspective and provides health-related information to local health departments about the members of this population.
    Including People with Disabilities in Physical Activity, Nutrition, and Smoking Programs Offered by Local Health Departments This fact sheet emphasizes the importance of including people with disabilities in all local health department programs, products, outreach, and service.
    Including People with Disabilities in Reproductive Health Programs and Services This fact sheet educates and raises awareness about the importance of including men and women with disabilities in existing reproductive health programs and services offered by local health departments.
    Title Description
    Partnership Guide for CILs and SLHDs Explore how to form effective and reciprocal partnerships with CILs to support the health and wellbeing of people with disabilities.
    NACCHO Empowers Local Health Departments to Include People with Disabilities in All Activities This publication provides examples of ways NACCHO supports local health departments to increase inclusivity and accessibility for people with disabilities in their programs, policies, and services.
    Follow-up National Assessment of the Practices, Awareness, and Inclusion of People with Disabilities in Local Health Departments' Public Health Practices In 2014, NACCHO conducted the first known assessment to examine the nationwide inclusion of people with disabilities in LHD programs and activities using a stratified random sampling technique. This follow-up assessment’s purpose was to compare LHD inclusion practices to the baseline.
    Directory of Community-Based Organizations Serving People with Disabilities NACCHO selected the organizations nationally recognized disability organizations, had local chapters nationwide, and provided services to persons with various types of disabilities. While this directory is not exhaustive, it illustrates how LHDs can collaborate with community-based disability organizations.
    Strategies for Successfully Including People with Disabilities in Health Department Programs, Plans, and Services This guide highlights specific strategies and tools to help both local and state health departments include people with disabilities in public health programming and planning efforts.
    MAPP Resource Guide for Disability Inclusion The guide gives health departments the tools and resources to actively engage people with disabilities and the agencies that serve them in the MAPP process, particularly for inclusion efforts to support community health assessments and development of community health improvement plans.
    Capacity-Building Toolkit for Including Aging & Disability Networks in Emergency Planning This resource was developed to guide aging and disability networks in increasing their ability to plan for and respond to public health emergencies and disasters.
    Disability Language Guidance This blog provides guidance on the importance of recognizing that people with disability may choose to self-identify in several different ways.
    National Assessment of the Knowledge, Awareness, and Inclusion of People with Disabilities in Local Health Departments' Public Health Practices This quantitative assessment aimed to explore and better understand how LHDs are including people with disabilities in their programs, products, and services.

    Community Health

    Los Angeles County Strengthening Disability Inclusion

    The Center for Health Equity (CHE) contracted Lavant Consulting, Incorporated (LCI) to lead a strategic planning process for disability inclusion.

    Community Health

    Los Angeles County Strengthening Disability Inclusion

    I Stock 1690935364

    Community Health

    Jefferson County Strengthening Disability Inclusion

    The focus of our 2024 Award Action Plan was to create an all-staff training with a partner consultant on disability to raise internal staff awareness.

    Community Health

    Jefferson County Strengthening Disability Inclusion

    Community Health

    dba RiverStone Health Strengthening Disability Inclusion

    Developing a comprehensive approach to disability inclusion in organizations' policies and procedures, communications, accessibility, and programs.

    Community Health

    dba RiverStone Health Strengthening Disability Inclusion

    Community Health

    Public Health Sauk County and Environmental Accommodations

    Public Health Sauk County is working to strengthen their disability-inclusion efforts by developing and implementing an action plan in the community.

    Community Health

    Public Health Sauk County and Environmental Accommodations

    Community Health

    Long Beach HHS Strengthening Disability Inclusion

    Developing an action plan to support disability inclusion within emergency management.

    Community Health

    Long Beach HHS Strengthening Disability Inclusion

    Community Health

    Kent County Inclusive Emergency Preparedness

    Kent County Health Department demonstrates inclusion of people with disabilities in emergency response planning and development.

    Community Health

    Kent County Inclusive Emergency Preparedness

    Community Health

    Success Story: Inclusive Public Health Practice

    A success story of Louisiana Office of Public Health including people with disabilities in public health practice.

    Community Health

    Success Story: Inclusive Public Health Practice

    Community Health

    DHD #10 Strengthening Disability Inclusion

    Developing strong partnerships with the Disability Networks serving our jurisdiction and to provide technical assistance and training inclusion.

    Community Health

    DHD #10 Strengthening Disability Inclusion

    Community Health

    Huron County Strengthening Disability Inclusion

    Huron County Public Health creates action plan to increase inclusion efforts through all programs and services offered.

    Community Health

    Huron County Strengthening Disability Inclusion

    Community Health

    Siouxland District Health Strengthening Disability Inclusion

    SDHD implements inclusive policy, system, or environmental changes within their own services.

    Community Health

    Siouxland District Health Strengthening Disability Inclusion

    Community Health

    Northwest Michigan and Disability Inclusion MAPP Project

    Northwest Michigan Health Department and MiThrive Steering Committee increases disability inclusion in the MAPP Process.

    Community Health

    Northwest Michigan and Disability Inclusion MAPP Project

    Community Health

    Richland Public Health Disability Inclusion MAPP Project

    Mansfield, Ohio health department incorporates MAPP into community health assessment and community health improvement plan.

    Community Health

    Richland Public Health Disability Inclusion MAPP Project

    Community Health

    Champaign-Urbana District and Disability Inclusion MAPP

    CUPHD used MAPP to assess the health status of the community, identified needs, and created a comprehensive disability inclusion plan.

    Community Health

    Champaign-Urbana District and Disability Inclusion MAPP

    Community Health

    Inclusive Gardening in The Sunflower State

    Find out how a Lawrence-Douglas County Public Health community garden project increased access to free, healthy foods for low-income families.

    Community Health

    Inclusive Gardening in The Sunflower State


    The Health and Disability program maintains a diverse workgroup that provides leadership and guidance to NACCHO, local health departments (LHDs), and partner organizations regarding the design, development, and evaluation of programs and policies that incorporate social participation and promotion of health of people with disabilities, as individuals, as a community, and as a population.

    The workgroup meets on a quarterly basis via 1-hour Zoom conference calls. Appointment is for a two-year term with an option for reappointment to a second two- year term. Applications open annually in April. Learn more about NACCHO’s Workgroup.


    NACCHO’s Health and Disability Bulletin is a monthly e-newsletter highlighting resources, NACCHO news, events, and opportunities related to disability and inclusion, access, functional needs, and healthy living across the lifespan.

    1. Log in to MyNACCHO (or create a free account).
    2. Go to “My Subscriptions.”
    3. Check the box next to "Health Disability Newsletter" (and any other e-newsletters you wish you receive).
    4. Click “Save” at the bottom of the page.

    View our current policy statement developed by the Health and Disability team and workgroup members that demonstrate NACCHO's commitment to health and disability at the local level on the NACCHO policies page.


    Jennifer Li

    Senior Advisor, Programs

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    Community Health Program

    Sara Lyons

    Senior Program Analyst, Health and Disability

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    Community Health Program

    Uyen Tran

    Program Analyst, Health & Disability

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