Ensuring Inclusivity: Addressing the Needs of People with Disabilities in Local Preparedness, Mitigation, and Recovery

The National Association of County and City Health Officials (NACCHO) supported local health departments across the country to ensure the inclusion of people with disabilities in public health emergency preparedness and response efforts by embedding disability specialists in preparedness planning and response programs

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Addressing the Needs of People with Disabilities Infographic

This infographic summarizes the outcomes of the Local Preparedness Project for People with Disabilities.

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Addressing the Needs of People with Disabilities Infographic

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Stories from the Field

Find examples of how disability specialists have advanced disability inclusion in emergency planning and response efforts.

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Stories from the Field

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  • Community Health Emergency Response Health & Disability

Addressing the Needs of People with Disabilities in...

Addressing the needs of people with disabilities in local preparedness...

Jul 19, 2024 | Uyen Tran

Addressing the Needs of People with Disabilities in...

Disability and Preparedness Specialist Program Blog

The blog evaluates the impact of the Disability and Preparedness Specialist Program, which was implemented by ASTHO and NACCHO to embed specialists in health agencies. The program increased the capacity to support individuals with disabilities in emergency preparedness, strengthened partnerships, and sustained inclusive practices in many agencies. The evaluation emphasizes the importance of ongoing support to maintain these efforts. Despite the program's end, its positive impacts continue in the participating jurisdictions.

Title Description
ASPR: Addressing the Access and Functional Needs of At-Risk Individuals The webpage provides information on at-risk individuals with access and functional needs (AFN) who may face challenges accessing or receiving medical care during emergencies.
CMIST Framework: Communications; Maintaining Health; Independence; Support and Safety; and Transportation Explore the CMIST Framework which helps ensure the needs of at-risk individuals with access and functional needs (AFN) are met during emergencies, focusing on Communications, Maintaining Health, Independence, Support and Safety, and Transportation.
Functional Needs Planning Toolkit The Functional Needs Planning Toolkit helps emergency planners and responders address the needs of individuals with access and functional needs (AFN) during emergencies.
Disaster Preparedness Guide for Caregivers This guide provides information on disaster preparedness and identify the needs of your care recipient and how they might change during a disaster.
Distaster Preparedness: For Seniors by Seniors The Red Cross has developed a guideline aimed at senior community members to enhance disaster preparedness and readiness for emergencies.
Disaster Planning for People Experiencing Homelessness The document provides guidance on disaster planning specifically tailored for people experiencing homelessness.
ADA Checklist for Emergency Shelters This toolkit offers guidance on shelter accessibility for individuals with disabilities under the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA).
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Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System (BRFSS) This dataset is a national system used to collect data on health-related risk behaviors, chronic health conditions, and the use of preventive services, which helps inform public health actions and policies.
HHS emPOWER Map 3.0 This tool helps public health officials, emergency managers, healthcare providers, and community members identify and support at-risk, electricity-dependent Medicare populations in their areas.
FEMA Resilience Analysis & Planning Tool (RAPT) This tool designed by FEMA assists communities in assessing their resilience to various hazards, vulnerabilities, and consequences understand their risks and prioritize resilience-building actions.
Title Description
Prepared4ALL: Whole Community Inclusive Emergency Planning This training, created by AUCD’s National Center on Disability in Public Health, provides resources on emergency preparedness specifically tailored for inclusivity and accessibility.
FEMA S-368.A: Including People with Disabilities in Disaster Operations This FEMA training focuses on increasing awareness and understanding of the need for full inclusion of disaster survivors and FEMA staff who are people with disabilities.
Disability Training for Emergency Planners: Serving People with Disabilities This training created by Ohio State University Nisonger Center provides best practices to ensure the safety of people with disabilities and Emergency Planners.


Jennifer Li

Senior Advisor, Programs

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Community Health Program

Sara Lyons

Senior Program Analyst, Health and Disability

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Community Health Program

Uyen Tran

Program Analyst, Health & Disability

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