Choose Safe Places

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Welcome to the Choose Safe Places for Early Care and Education (CSPECE) Resource Center. This webpage is designed to share resources and documents that support CSPECE activities and collaboration among state and local health departments.

Choose Safe Places for Early Care and Education (CSPECE) is a program supported by the Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry (ATSDR) in which states implement activities to ensure that early care and education facilities are safe and healthy environments for children to grow, learn, and thrive.

Title Description Source Resource Type
New Hampshire Case Study Case study on collaboration between New Hampshire’s Choose Safe Places program and local health officials Children’s Environmental Health Network Case Study
Massachusetts Environmental Justice Case Study Case study on Massachusetts’ work to address environmental justice in its CSP work Children’s Environmental Health Network Case Study
Strategies for CSP Sustainability- Local Audience A Factsheet for Local Agencies To Engage in Choose Safe Places Activities Engaged in Keeping Communities Safe Center for Public Health Innovation at CI International Factsheet
Strategies for CSP Sustainability- State Audience How State Programs Can Engage Local Partners Center for Public Health Innovation at CI International Factsheet
Customizable Strategies for CSP Sustainability- Local Audience Customizable version of factsheet for local audiences to make specific to your CSP program Center for Public Health Innovation at CI International Powerpoint
Choose Safe Places + Health Equity Factsheet on building capacity to incorporate healthy equity and environmental justice into CSP activities NACCHO Factsheet
Choose Safe Places + Health in All Policies Factsheet on HiAP strategies and CSP NACCHO Factsheet
Choose Safe Places + Local Health Department Collaboration Factsheet on strategies to support collaborating with local health departments NACCHO Factsheet
Choose Safe Places Infographic An overview of the Choose Safe Places Program 2017 - 2021 Infographic
The Role of Local Health Departments in Promoting Children's Environmental Health at Early Care and Education Centers Report from 2018 on the role of local health departments in CSP NACCHO Report
Title Description Source Resource Type
Choose Safe Places for Early Care and Education Website CDC’s website detailing Choose Safe Places CDC ATSDR Website
Selected State Program Strategies for Integrating Safe Siting Considerations into the Child Care Licensing Process The paper describes two ways in which states have advanced safe siting practices and principles: through child care licensing regulations and related policies, and through voluntary programs initiatives that can be implemented in coordination with the state’s child care Environmental Law Institute Paper
Eco-Healthy Child Care(r)'s Safe Siting Fact Sheet Factsheet on safe siting Eco-Healthy Child Care® Fact sheet
Eco-Healthy Child Care(r)'s Safe Siting FAQ FAQ on safe siting Eco-Healthy Child Care® FAQ
Eco-Healthy Child Care® Safe Siting FAQ in Spanish FAQ on safe siting in Spanish Eco-Healthy Child Care® FAQ
Recap [NACCHO Webinar] Protecting Children's Environmental Health During Covid-19: Supporting Child Care Programs NACCHO blog recapping a webinar that featured environmental health experts on how to support child care programs during COVID-19 NACCHO Blog Post & Webinar Recording
Early Care and Education, Environmental Health, and COVID-19 Resource Library Curated resources on COVID-19 and Early Care and Education NACCHO Resource Library

Choose Safe Places is a collaboration between NACCHO, the Children’s Environmental Health Network, the Environmental Law Institute and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and the Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry. If you have any questions about these resources, you can contact the NACCHO Health in All Policies team.

Public Health Law & Policy

Geoffrey Mwaungulu, Jr.

Director for Public Health Law and Policy

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