Budget for Costs and Fees

Costs for preparing for accreditation generally fall into three categories: the accreditation fees, staff time to support the process, and the costs of doing business (reflected in the creation of documentation, etc.). The following are resources to assist LHDs with budgeting for costs and fees for accreditation.

Public Health Infrastructure

Accreditation Support Initiative

Learn about the ASI award for local health departments preparing for PHAB accreditation.

Public Health Infrastructure

Accreditation Support Initiative

Ci  Communications  Workplace

Public Health Infrastructure

Accreditation Preparation

Find resources to help your department prepare for PHAB accreditation.

Public Health Infrastructure

Accreditation Preparation

Phab Logo

Public Health Infrastructure

PHAB: What does it cost?

Public Health Infrastructure

PHAB: What does it cost?

Public Health Infrastructure

Story from the Field - Kane County

This story from the field shows how Kane County budgeted for costs and fees.

Public Health Infrastructure

Story from the Field - Kane County

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